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00:00 介紹椰汁紅豆糕
00:15 材料:紅豆 3兩白糖 魚膠粉半兩(半包) 椰汁1罐 淡奶1罐
05:01 放雪櫃2時候後 取出切開即可食用
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紅豆椰汁糕魚膠粉 在 let's bake love Youtube 的精選貼文
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Hope you enjoy watching the recipe, feel free to subscribe and like this video, I am on facebook and instagram as well if you would like more updates! Thanks for watching!
Facebook: http://www.facebook.com/missevabakes
Instagram: http://instagram.com/missevabakes
椰汁紅豆糕 Red Bean Coconut Pudding
份量:17厘米 x 12厘米x 3厘米
Makes 17cm x 12cm x 3cm
材料 Ingredients:
紅豆 60克 Red Beans 60g
水 155毫升+155毫升 Water 155ml+155ml
牛奶 90毫升 Milk 90ml
粟粉 45克 Cornstarch 45g
椰漿 160毫升 Coconut Milk 160ml
糖 45克 Sugar 45g
紅豆椰汁糕魚膠粉 在 張媽媽廚房Mama Cheung Youtube 的最佳解答
張媽媽【杞子桂花糕】,清甜爽滑,養顏明目,飯後甜品或派對小食!請Like我的Video和訂閱我的頻道呀! 如喜歡的話,請分享給朋友家人。謝謝。
MamaCheung's "Goji Berry Osmanthus Jelly", a refreshing dessert served in Chinese restaurants. I hope you like it. Please subscribe to my channel, give me a thumbs up and share this recipe to other foodies! Thank you.
#張媽媽 #桂花糕 #mamacheungcooks
請大家幫幫忙做不同語言的字幕, Please help translate my video into different languages:
椰汁紅豆糕做法 Coconut Red Bean Pudding Recipe: https://youtu.be/gqX3-OQ6ocg
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Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/mamacheungcooks
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材料 Ingredients (九件/9 pieces):
三十粒杞子 (浸發兩分鐘) 30 Goji berries, pre-soaked 2 minutes
一湯匙乾桂花 1tbsp Dried Osmanthus
一湯匙糖桂花 1 TBS Osmanthus sugar
三十克魚膠粉 30g Gelatine powder
五十克冰糖 50g Rock sugar
六百毫升水 600ml water
一個模子 (膠或鐵) 十四毫米 x十四毫米 x 六毫米 A plastic/metal container (14cm x 14cm x 6cm)
一些冰 Some ice for ice bath
食譜 Recipe: http://mamacheungcooks.blogspot.com/2017/04/goji-berry-osmanthus-jelly-easy-recipe.html