女子動画ならC CHANNEL http://www.cchan.tv
"Tiong Bahru Club Singapura is a newly opened cafe situated in the quaint old estate, Tiong Bahru. The interior is nicely decorated with old vintage items, exuding a quirky retro vibe. The high tea set which was recently introduced to the menu was truly a feast for the eyes as well as belly! The savoury and sweet pastries came nicely plated on a silver dessert tray. The savoury pastries came with two sauces, which complemented the pastries very well. Their signature Darjeeling tea that was highly recommended by the waiter, was very aromatic and had a slight bitterness that went so well with all the pastries. It was truly the highlight of the afternoon high tea experience at Tiong Bahru Club!"
price Hi Tea Set : $13.00SGD
C CHANNEL 【Singapore最新情報】風情あるレトロカフェ C CHANNEL World http://youtu.be/F_ONCniSD_w
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