華碩2015 Computex展前國際記者會搭配全新ROG認證計畫能為玩家再三確保其所熱愛的電競設備及元件與ROG產品完美搭配。所有ROG認證產品皆經ROG工程師各種嚴苛測試及驗證,確保最無與倫比的相容性。ROG團隊與多家硬體龍頭製造商攜手合作,包括:Avexir、BitFenix、BitsPower、Corsair、G.Skill、HyperX、In Win、Lian-Li、Thermalright等,聯手打造包含:機殼、記憶體、空/水冷套件等一系列專業配備,未來將有更多合作夥伴持續加入。所有ROG認證產品上都將有清楚可見的ROG Certified標誌,並於各製造商通路自行販售,此ROG認證計畫內容將依各地區而異。也就是說一台完整屬於ROG獨立電競電腦,就像Tommy在現場看到ASUS與IN WIN合作變形金剛機殼!是一台可以完全自動分開在自動組合機殼。 重點是可以在正常使用採用封密式到電競模式開放來加快散熱。當然不管裡面水冷到電源供應器,都是有專業人員幫安裝好是不是很完美? 不要忘記價錢噢,因為一定不便宜。
Before the Asus Computex international press event, the ASUS Republican of Gamers (ROG) showcased a range of gaming desktop pcs, notebooks, monitors, graphics card, and mouse. The new ROG certification program is designed to ensure new products meet the expectations of gamers. All products were tested by ROG engineers.
There were a number of collaborative projects from leading manufacturers including: Avexir, BitFenix, BitsPower, Corsair, G Skill, HyperX, In Win, Lian-Li, Thermalright, and others. Highlights included the ROG 34-inch curved G-SYNC 4k gaming monitor, ROG Poseidon Nvidia GTX 980 TI, as well as the eye-catching “transformer case” jointly made by In Win and ASUS ROG: a fully mechanized PC chassis which unfolds like the eponymous robot.
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