#1. 【自造空間】創客101:究竟什麼是Makerspace?
Makerspace 有多種不同定義,但就本質上而言: Makerspace 是個地方,人們可以來在一起,使用並學習運用材料,同時開發創意專案。
#2. What is a Makerspace? Is it a Hackerspace or a Makerspace?
A makerspace is a collaborative work space inside a school, library or separate public/private facility for making, learning, exploring and sharing that ...
#3. 圖書館創意空間:MakerSpaces (自造者空間)
許變化之後,Makerspaces (自造者空間)的想法亦讓圖書館思考除了提供館藏資 ... “Makerspaces” 這個新創字乃從Hackerspaces 和Maker Faire 發展而來,.
A makerspace presents readily-available materials that can act as a provocation for inquiry, as well as modern technology and items to invent with. Makerspace ...
makerspace 的意思、解釋及翻譯:1. a place where people can come together to create or invent things, either using traditional…。了解更多。
#6. 臺灣的Maker Space - Maker Faire Taipei
如果您位於臺灣的MakerSpace(駭客空間)尚未被列入,請聯絡我們,我們將盡速新增。 Taipei 臺北. FutureWard 未來產房. 地址:台北市中山區中山北路三段40號(大同 ...
Makerspace & Innovation. Discover innovative ways to connect with your students to support 21st-century and STEM/STEAM skills. Technology.
#8. NTUEE Makerspace - 首頁| Facebook
Makerspace 管理規定 10617 臺北市大安區羅斯福路四段1號明達館.
#9. What Is a Makerspace? A Guide for Teachers | Rethink Together
At the heart of a makerspace is the idea that students have the opportunity and space to construct a manifestation of their understanding ...
#10. Makerspaces - Swartz Center for Entrepreneurship - Carnegie ...
Makerspaces available to startups and entrepreneurs at Carnegie Mellon University.
#11. UW Makerspace – where limits don't exist – UW–Madison
We are a community of designers and builders at UW-Madison within the College of Engineering (CoE). Our facilities include 12000 ft2 of shop and flex space ...
#12. The Big Book of Makerspace Projects: Inspiring Makers to ...
書名:The Big Book of Makerspace Projects: Inspiring Makers to Experiment, Create, and Learn,語言:英文,ISBN:9781259644252,頁數:304,作者:Graves, ...
#13. Makerspace / Home - Lake Oswego School District
What's a Makerspace? A Makerspace promotes STEM (Science Technology Engineering Math) learning by exposing our students to coding and video game creation ( ...
#14. NYU MakerSpace: Home
The NYU Tandon MakerSpace is a workspace lab created to foster collaborative design projects. Space is open to all NYU students, staff, and faculty. It ...
#15. Monash Makerspace - Engineering
The Makerspace is the active and ambitious home of our student teams initiative and a collaborative space that supports the entrepreneurial activities of our ...
#16. Makerspace - Noosa Library Service
Noosa Library Service Makerspaces are designed to provide welcoming areas for making, learning and socialising. Users can gather to create, invent, tinker, ...
#17. Albert M. Greenfield Makerspace | University of the Arts
Greenfield Makerspace is a 3,500-square-foot digital and traditional fabrication studio that brings together the entire university community and serves as a ...
#18. The Makerspace - Harvey Mudd College
The makerspace contains an array of work, meeting and storage spaces as well as offices and specialized equipment. More Details. McGregor courtyard. Sponsorship ...
#19. Makerspace - NCSU Libraries
Our Makerspace is a place to explore the emerging technologies of making, including 3D printers, 3D scanners, electronics prototyping kits, sewing machines, ...
#20. MakerSpace - Die Prototypen Werkstatt
MakerSpace ist eine öffentlich zugängliche, 1.500 qm große, hoch professionelle Hightech-Werkstatt, die Mitgliedern Zugang zu Maschinen, Werkzeugen und ...
#21. CCC&TI Library Makerspace
Current LRC Makerspace hours Monday - Thursday: 11:00 AM-5:00 PM. The Makerspace and Seed Library are part of the Caldwell Campus Learning Resource Center, ...
#22. The Makerspace | Services | HBLL - BYU Library
Overview. The Makerspace includes the following, state-of-the-art resources to help you complete your creative projects:.
#23. Makerspace | National Park College
The NPC Makerspace is a publicly accessible workshop, equipped with tools, equipment, and resources for a wide variety of projects. Visit the Makerspace to work ...
#24. Makerspace - Norwalk Community College
The Makerspace helps prepare students for future careers by giving them hands on experience with high tech fabrication tools including 3D printers, Laser ...
#25. Makerspace - ETH SPH - Student Project House
Our fantastic Makerspace team conducts workshops specially for makers, or to teach you specific skills. Please check in on the bookings section below from ...
#26. Library makerspace - Wikipedia
The goal of a makerspace is to allow patrons to learn through direct experimentation and from each other. ... Library makerspaces do not require specified areas; ...
#27. MakerSpace | Johnson County Library
⚠️As the MakerSpace is currently closed to the public due to construction, please check out our virtual programming on our events page, or check out our ...
#28. Makerspace - CSUM
The Cal Maritime Makerspace is a resource for making ideas a reality. By providing a range of tools, workspaces, and workshops, we strive to encourage ...
#29. 創客空間(Makerspace) - 蒲窩青少年中心
創客空間(Makerspace) ... 蒲窩具備木工、金工、電子、塑膠處理、數控機械的共享工場,青少年只需要繳付相宜的會費或月費,便可使用昂貴的機械設備及存放製作材料的空間, ...
#30. Makerspaces | Bucknell University
We supply the tools and expertise to empower novice and experienced makers in three dedicated, on-campus makerspaces: the 7th Street Studio & MakerSpace, ...
#31. The Makerspace @ Columbia
Who We Are and What We Do. The Makerspace @ Columbia is a Columbia University run workshop. We provide a wide variety of tools and for students, artists, makers ...
#32. SPL MakerSpace | Stratford Public Library
What is a makerspace? ... The idea behind makerspaces is simple: they are places where people can come together to learn about technology, crafts and other kinds ...
#33. MakerSpace – Syracuse University: SU MakerSpace Home
Programming, Textiles, and much more. MakerSpaces typically offer access to equipment like 3D-Printers, Printed Circuit Board Fabrication, Laser Cutters, and a ...
#34. Makerspace | UNLV University Libraries
The Makerspace is a multidisciplinary space dedicated to exploration supported by both emerging technology and traditional equipment. The Makerspace will ...
#35. Makerspaces at EPL | Edmonton Public Library
EPL's Makerspaces offer a wide variety of software iMac workstations to support your creative journey. These powerful machines have free and ...
#36. Makerspace | ASU Library
Making is fun, informative and dynamic – just like learning should be. It presents opportunities to be creative, to collaborate, to take risks and discover a ...
#37. 陽明創客空間NYMU-Makerspace
#38. Welcome to the Makerspace – Brock University Library
The Makerspace is a place for students, faculty, and community members to collaborate, learn, create, and explore. Walk-ins welcome or book ahead to reserve ...
#39. Victoria Makerspace
Victoria Makerspace is a member-operated shared space where people come together and collaborate while sharing tools, resources and knowledge. Members come from ...
#40. Makerspace - Health Sciences Library
Makerspace · explore new technologies, · attend workshops and receive guidance on designs and tools, · prototype ideas, · build problem-solving skills, · apply ...
#41. Makerspace - RMIT University
The City Campus Library Makerspace is a place where you can explore your creativity, design and make stuff. We give you access to a growing selection of tools ...
#42. Welcome! - The MakerSpace - Walker Library
We offer unique facilities to enable the exploration for learning experiences, collaboration, and creative expression. The MakerSpace is a ...
#43. MakerSpace | UnternehmerTUM
MakerSpace is an openly accessible high-tech workshop. Bring your innovative projects to life with access to state-of-the-art machines, tools, and software.
#44. Makerspaces | HPL - Hamilton Public Library
Calling all creators, inventors, entrepreneurs and tech-savvy people. Visit any of our collaborative Makerspaces to explore, learn and make something great ...
#45. BLDG 61: Boulder Library Makerspace
We offer a variety of free workshops, classes, and trainings in our makerspace. We have 3D printers, laser cutters, a vinyl cutter, CNC machine, ...
#46. ORL Makerspaces - Okanagan Regional Library
ORL Makerspaces is a place to find audio and video recording, 3D printing, and material cutting.
#47. Home | Makerspace
Supported by the Division of Continuing Studies, the Rutgers Makerspace is free to all Rutgers faculty, staff, and students. We offer a large variety of DIY ...
#48. Makerspace at the ECenter - University of New Hampshire
A Makerspace is a workshop outfitted with fabrication tools and equipment for users to create nearly anything they can imagine. Imagine a place filled with ...
#49. Makerspace: Home - Subject & Course Guides
One of the great benefits of makerspaces, especially in the neutral space of the campus library, is the opportunity for transdisciplinary ...
#50. MakerSpace - Swarthmore College
THE MAKERSPACE IS CURRENTLY OPEN IN OUR newly renovated Whittier hall location. Please be patient as some of our equipment is delayed. Hours are posted to ...
#51. MakerSpace | Stevens Institute of Technology
Eligibility and Access Stevens undergraduates, graduate students, faculty and staff, part-time and full-time, are eligible for access to the MakerSpace.
#52. Makerspaces | Pikes Peak Library District
PPLD's makerspaces offer access to tools, materials, and machines to help bring your creative vision to life. In these spaces, you'll find equipment such as ...
#53. - The MakerSpace
theMakerSpace is makers trying to change the world. new industrial revolution, 3D printing, laser cutting, engineers, architects, creatives, designers.
#54. Makerspace - University of Southern Queensland
Makerspaces are places for making and prototyping. Our Makerspace has a range of equipment from 3D printers to hand tools and hosts a number of workshops to ...
#55. Makerspace – Saint Louis Science Center
Makerspace is an interactive community-oriented space where you can create and learn skills using a variety of tools and materials.
#56. Makerspace | Idea Exchange
The Makerspace is a hands-on learning environment designed for people of all interests – so come prepared to discover and watch your passions take flight.
#57. Changes to Libraries' MakerSpace Programs starting Fall 2021
Why are the McKeldin and STEM Library Makerspaces merging? · When will the merge happen? · What equipment and technology are available now? · What ...
#58. Makerspace | Clay County, FL
Join the maker movement! If you enjoy creating crafts and personalizing your projects, come explore the equipment in the library's Makerspace. We have tools ...
#59. Classroom Makerspace DIY | Improving Student Behavior | LiM
Makerspaces provide hands-on, creative ways to encourage students to design, experiment, build and invent as they deeply engage in science, ...
#60. Makerspace @ KSL - UNC-Chapel Hill Libraries
The Makerspace @ Kenan Science Library enables UNC students, staff and faculty to explore emerging technologies and foster a creative community of makers ...
#61. Champlain College & Generator Makerspace Partnership
The simple answer is that makerspaces are experiential environments where people share tools and knowledge to make almost anything. They are spaces where people ...
#62. MakerSpace NYC | New York's Largest Community Workspace
NYC's home grown community makerspace with welding, blacksmithing, waterjet, sewing, ceramics, CNC, laser cutting and 3D printing to use and learn.
#63. DeArmond MakerSpace | UO Libraries
The DeArmond MakerSpace is a DIY space for use by University of Oregon students, staff and faculty from any department. Use of the facility by others is ...
#64. Makerspace - Nazareth College
The Makerspace is a place where you can come to explore your creativity. Whether you are just looking to keep your hands busy with crafts or you are ready ...
#65. uOttawa Richard L'Abbé Makerspace | Faculty of Engineering
Our Makerspace is part of our maker ecosystem and identity at the university of Ottawa. It allows students in design courses to use the equipment and the ...
#66. Makerspace | Innevation Center | University of Nevada, Reno
The Makerspace offers monthly classes which give you an opportunity to create fun projects while learning how to operate specific pieces of equipment. We teach ...
#67. Lawrence Lin MakerSpace | Francis College of Engineering
A Makerspace is a space designated for people to gather, create, invent and learn, have been appearing on campuses across the country as part of the “maker ...
#68. MakerSpace - University of Massachusetts Boston
The MakerSpace is a free service for anyone in the UMass Boston community to make, tinker, and learn! ... Learn more about us. Do you have an idea or project and ...
#69. Makerspace - Langara. Campus & Facilities
LANGARA MAKERSPACE. Makerspace Is Now Open to Students, Staff & Faculty from 8:30-12:00 & 1:00-4 daily. We welcome students, staff and faculty to visit and ...
#70. Makerspace Definition & Meaning - Merriam-Webster
The meaning of makerspace is a communal public workshop in which makers can work on small personal projects. How to use makerspace in a sentence.
#71. Makerspace | Center for Creative Technology | Ithaca College
Makerspaces provide hands on learning, help with critical thinking skills and even boost self-confidence. The IC Makerspace is the newest addition to the ...
#72. Discover Burien's awesome new Makerspace – 'THE BOX'
Our new Makerspace Manager, Mitchell Allen (pictured above), is hosting a soft opening where you can see the space, ask questions and learn ...
#73. Makerspace Networking Group | RAILS - Reaching Across ...
We want to spark conversation and expand your support network no matter where you are on your Makerspace journey. Meetings: 2 larger format meetings per year ( ...
#74. MakerSpace - Texas State University Libraries
The MakerSpace is a fabrication shop where you can create almost anything. Learn how to use digital fabrication tools to create physical objects in new ways. We ...
#75. Makerspace | Museum of the Shenandoah Valley
A makerspace is a community center that engages children, families, and adults in STEAM through innovative, hands-on learning experiences.
#76. Collins Library Makerspace General Information - LibGuides ...
Makerspaces are defined by the makers who use them, but typically they provide the tools and space for individuals to explore, design, create, ...
#77. How We Define Makerspaces - Knowledge Quest
A Makerspace is a place where students explore, create, tinker, play and imagine. I love how student focused our crowd-sourced definition is. It ...
#78. Makerspace | BPL - Burlington Public Library
Central's Makerspace now offers limited services. Due to COVID-19 restrictions, access inside the equipment area is temporarily staff-only.
#79. The PUL Makerspace | Princeton University Library
The PUL Makerspace is open to all Princeton University students, faculty, and staff. We support the PUL mission to enrich teaching, learning, and research ...
#80. Starting a Makerspace? Your Beginner's Guide - Smith System
What makers need is a place to turn their ideas into actual stuff: A Makerspace, where individuals or students can gather to “create, invent, tinker, explore ...
#81. UNB Makerspace - University of New Brunswick
A Makerspace is a workshop and design studio all together in the same spot. It provides an inclusive and supportive space for Makers to share ideas and ...
#82. Makerspace Furniture - Worthington Direct
A makerspace is a physical location where people gather to share resources and knowledge, work on projects, network, and build. Makerspaces provide tools and ...
#83. MakerSpace | Saint Michael's College
The MakerSpace is collaborative and interdisciplinary in nature, and supports STEAM (Science, Technology, Engineering, Art, and Math) academic projects. Classes ...
#84. TechCentral MakerSpace - Cleveland Public Library
MakerSpace UpdateThe TechCentral MakerSpace is currently available by appointment only. Limited staff assistance available. Please contact TechCentral ...
#85. Maker Space - The Edge Community Technology Center
Business owners, nonprofits and hobbyists can make their own promotions, preserve photos, solder materials or DIY in 3D at the Maker Space.
#86. Spaces | The Innovation Imperative - University of Washington
From makerspace to incubators, UW offers spaces, resources and connections to ... UW offers a number of different makerspaces with tools and resources for ...
#87. Maker Programs & Makerspace - Illinois Mathematics and ...
The IMSA Maker and Makerspace Programs prepare youth to be future STEM innovators, inventors and designers.
#88. Library MakerSpace - University of Newcastle
Ourimbah Library MakerSpace is a unique learning space that encourages people to problem solve, learn, experiment, innovate, create, ...
#89. MakerSpace | Moorpark College
The MakerSpace is a place for you to create connections and build a community.
#90. Makerspace - Guelph Public Library
Makerspace · 3D Printing · 3D Laser Cutter · Button Maker (New!) · Computerized Embroidery Machine · Cutting Machine · Digitization Station · Robotics · Gaming Room.
#91. Makerspace Manual for K-12 Schools - Arts Integration
A makerspace is a DIY space for exploration where people can gather to create, invent and learn. It's an active making-centered area.
#92. Makerspace | J. Murrey Atkins Library
Makerspace. Area 49 Makerspace. Location: Atkins Library, 223. Today's false Hours: None Specified. Open to all current students, faculty, and staff
#93. Mountie MakerSpace - Mt. SAC
A MakerSpace is a physical location where people gather to share resources and knowledge, work on projects, share ideas, and build; like a community center ...
#94. Maker Space - Northeastern CAMD
The Makerspace advances material exploration and innovation, supported by CAD, CAM, and digital and analog fabrication tools, building a strong foundation ...
#95. MakerSpace | Western Sydney University
Makerspaces enable students, industry and the community to access rapid fabrication equipment to produce their own prototypes and design ...
#96. Home - Makerspace - Library at University of Calgary
Makerspace · Who can access the Makerspace? · 3D Printing · Cricut Vinyl Cutter · Carvey CNC Milling Machine · Raspberry Pis · Arduinos · Sewing and Embroidery ...
Makerspace 在 NTUEE Makerspace - 首頁| Facebook 的推薦與評價
Makerspace 管理規定 10617 臺北市大安區羅斯福路四段1號明達館. ... <看更多>