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#1. Convert 1 cc to ml - Conversion of Measurement Units
How many cc in 1 ml? The answer is 1. We assume you are converting between cubic centimetre and milliliter. You can view more details on each measurement unit: ...
#2. CC to Ml - Cubic Centimeters to Milliliters Volume Conversion
0.01 cc = 0.01 ml 0.1 cc = 0.1 ml 1.1 cc = 1.1 ml 2.1 cc = 2.1 ml 3.1 cc = 3.1 ml 4.1 cc = 4.1 ml 0.02 cc = 0.02 ml 0.2 cc = 0.2 ml 1.2 cc = 1.2 ml 2.2 cc = 2.2 ml 3.2 cc = 3.2 ml 4.2 cc = 4.2 ml 0.03 cc = 0.03 ml 0.3 cc = 0.3 ml 1.3 cc = 1.3 ml 2.3 cc = 2.3 ml 3.3 cc = 3.3 ml 4.3 cc = 4.3 ml 0.04 cc = 0.04 ml 0.4 cc = 0.4 ml 1.4 cc = 1.4 ml 2.4 cc = 2.4 ml 3.4 cc = 3.4 ml 4.4 cc = 4.4 ml
#3. 1cc等于多少ml_百度知道
1cc 等于1ml。 单位换算. 1L=1000mL 1000毫升=1000立方厘米=1立方分米. 1毫升=1西西(cc). 1毫升液态水=1立方厘米液态水. 1毫升液态水在4摄氏度时的重量 ...
Also, explore tools to convert cc or milliliter to other volume units or learn more about volume ... Cc to Milliliter Conversion Table ... 1 mL = 1 cc, cm^3.
#5. How many ml are in 1 cc? - Quora
1 cc which is 1 Cubic centimetre is equal to (1/1000 ) litre . · So, there is 1 ml in 1 cc. · If you want to denote the voulme of a hollow solid then cc can be ...
#6. What's the difference between a cubic centimeter (cc) and ...
These are the same measurement; there is no difference in volume. The primary difference is that milliliters are used for fluid amounts while cubic ...
#7. 1cc等于多少ml(1cc水等于多少毫升) - 萝卜建站
CC即cubic centimeter,也就是立方厘米。1CC等于1ml。立方厘米,容量计量单位,符号为cm3或cc。1立方厘米的容量相当于一个长、宽、高 ...
#8. 100ml和100cc有甚麼分別- @ blog - 隨意窩
發問:100ml和100cc有甚麼分別? ml和cc的中文名是甚麼? ... 容積單位有共通之處, 體積為一立方厘米(1cc) 的固體(1cm x 1cm x 1cm), 化成液體的容積就是一毫升(1 ml).
#9. How many milliliters in 1 cc? - HowMany.wiki
Formula: divide the value in cc by 1 because 1 milliliter equals 1 cc. So, 1 cc = 11 = 1 milliliter.
#10. 「1cc等於幾ml」+1 CC和毫升怎樣換算? - 藥師家
1CC =一毫升2.1升等於1000毫升, ..., 100ML 唸成100毫升. (毫升是公升的千分之ㄧ.也就是1000毫升等於一公升..1毫升就是我門日常所說的1cc.
#11. 一毫升(ml)等於一立方公分(c.c.)?兩者體積單位可以直接 ...
在原始定義中,一公升(Liter)等於0.001 立方公尺(Cubic Meter),因此1ml 等於1cc。 毫升(ml)本身不是標準的國際單位制(SI)單位,但是和立方公分(c.c.)一樣都 ...
#12. How do you convert 1cc to mL? - Chemistry Q&A - Byjus
one milliliter (1 ml) is equal to one cubic centimeter (1 cc). One cc is one cubic centimetre; one ml is a millilitre or one thousandth of a litre.
#13. Convert 1 Cubic Centimeter to Milliliters - CalculateMe.com
How big is 1 cubic centimeter? What is 1 cubic centimeter in milliliters? This simple calculator will allow you to easily convert 1 cc to mL.
#14. How much is a CC in a syringe? - MVOrganizing
Is 1 cc the same as 1 ml? What's the difference between a cubic centimeter (cc) and milliliter (mL)? These are the same measurement; there is no ...
#15. How do you convert 1cc to mL? | Socratic
1⋅cm3=1⋅mL. Explanation: 1⋅cm3 = (1×10−2⋅m)3. = 1×10−6⋅m3 = 11000×11000⋅m3 . Now there are 1000⋅L⋅m−3 and 1000⋅mL⋅L−1 .
#16. 1 CC to mL - Convert 1 Cubic Centimeters to Milliliters - Online ...
1 CC to mL conversion calculator convert 1 cubic centimeters to milliliters and vice versa. To calculate how many milliliters in 1 cubic centimeters, ...
#17. How Many Cc In A Ml Syringe - HowToDiscuss
In other words, one ml (1 ml) equals one cubic centimeter (1 cc). It's a thirty milliliter syringe. It may be called a 0.3ml syringe or a 0.3ml ...
#18. 1cc的水等於多少ml?怎麼換算吖 - 迪克知識網
而bai1立方厘米=1毫升。 所以,1cc=1ml。 而cc在美國多du用,而ml則為國際標準zhi的度量衡,從大 ...
#19. EasyTouch® U-100, 28G - 1cc/mL - 1/2" (12.7mm) - Amazon ...
Buy EasyTouch® U-100, 28G - 1cc/mL - 1/2" (12.7mm) on Amazon.com ✓ FREE SHIPPING on qualified orders.
#20. Is a CC and a mL the same? - SidmartinBio
These are the same measurement; there is no difference in volume. The primary difference is that milliliters are used for ...
#21. 【詢問】公克,cc,ml如何換算呢? - BabyHome親子討論區
假如:75g的水是多少ccㄚ?2.cc和ml是一樣的嗎?是不是100cc=100ml呢? ... 容量單位cc=ml ,. 若要和重量換算就得知道比重,對於水來說1g=1cc=1ml.
#22. 1 Cc To Ml Recipes - TfRecipes
1 Cc To Ml Recipes with ingredients,nutritions,instructions and related recipes.
#23. How do you show that 1 ml = 1 cc? Why is it true? - Fun Trivia
Unfortunately, 1ml does not equal 1cc. There is a difference when you go to 5 decimal places. The metric system has it roots in Paris in ...
#24. 單支包裝1cc/ml 小動物餵食針筒_ 沒有針| 蝦皮購物
1支(1cc/ml)獨立滅菌包裝液體餵食使用 使用後用清水洗淨晾乾,可重複使用⚠️建議一週換一支,使用確保飲食衛生10支一組另有賣場優惠更多喔https://reurl.cc/AqG9EK ...
#25. Syringes - How Much Medication Is Needed? | Arizona Exotics
In other words, one milliliter (1 ml) is equal to one cubic centimeter (1 cc). There are different kinds of syringes that may be used. If your pet needs only a ...
#26. Converting Units - Mandell's Clinical Pharmacy
Simply put, 1cc=1ml, 2cc=2ml, 3cc = 3ml, etc. How to Convert CC to mL. Now that you know they're the same ...
#27. 毫升(ml)、立方公分(c.c.)如何換算? - 黃大偉理財研究室
毫升(milliliter,簡稱ml)是容量計量單位,也等於立方公分(cubic ... 單位,也等於立方公分(cubic centimeter,簡稱c.c.),即1毫升(ml) = 1 c.c. ...
#28. 1cc等于多少ml(1cc水等于多少mL) - 综合问答- 找趴活创业网
1cc 的水相当于(1)ml;1cc=1cubiccentimeter(cmcubed,立方分米,立方公分);=1milliliter(千分之一公升/0.001liter/一毫升)=一毫升。
#29. How Many ML Are in 1 Cc?
How Many ML Are in 1 Cc? ... There is 1 milliliter in 1 cubic centimeter. There is a 1:1 ratio between the two units of measurement, so they can be used ...
#30. 1cc等於多少ml
1cc 等於多少ml. 發布時間:2021-03-05 15:01:28. 1、1cc等於多少毫升? 1cc≈1ml cc(米制copy體積單位) cubiccentimeter立方厘米(復合單位,國際上對厘米有嚴格 ...
#31. How Many CCs in an Oz - Common Nursing Questions - Medely
ML to CC conversion: both cubic centimeters and milliliters measure volume, and each of them have the same volume, therefore 1 mL is equal to 1 ...
#32. Difference Between CC and ML (With Table) - Ask Any ...
The most common and preferred measurement standards for solids and liquids are CC or ML. CC and ML can be considered as the same because 1 CC is equal to 1 ...
#33. What does 1cc mean in mL? - Wikipedikia Encyclopedia ?
How many cc's are in 5mL? … One cubic centimeter (cc) is equivalent to one millimeter (mL). Therefore 5mL is the same as 5cc. otherwise What does 1CC mean? 1CC ...
#34. online units conversion • View topic - drops in 1 cc - Convert ...
1 cc = 1 cm³ (cubic centimeter) = 1 ml (1 mili liter or one one-thousandth of a liter.) . This is by definition. There are approximately 20 ...
#35. Is 1cc equal to 1 ml? - AnswersToAll
Is 1cc equal to 1 ml? What's the difference between a cubic centimeter (cc) and milliliter (mL)? These are the same measurement; there is no ...
#36. 毫升- 維基百科,自由的百科全書
毫升是容量計量單位,符號為mL(為milliliter縮寫,音/ˈmɪl·əˌli·t̬·ər/,縮寫音/ mil/),又稱公撮,相當於立方公分(cubic centimeter,簡稱cc)。
#37. What is 1cc in MG? - BoardGamesTips
What's the difference between a cubic centimeter (cc) and milliliter (mL)? These are the same measurement; there is ...
#38. 상품에 관한 지식-1cc 는 몇 ml 인가요? - 대흥포장
그러니까 가로 1 cm * 세로 1cm * 높이 1cm 즉 1 삼제곱 센티미터 (cubic centimeter= 1cc)는 1000분의 1리터가 되니까 1 ml 입니다 (밀리라는 말은 1000분의 1을 의미하죠 ...
#39. 1 cc en ml
How many cc in 1 ml? How many ml in 1 cc? Current use: Milliliters are used to measure the volume of many types of smaller containers in everyday use, ...
#40. 1cc (mL) Syringes and Needles | 1ml Syringe - Westend ...
Shop the 1ml - 1cc Selection of Syringes and Syringe with Needle. 1cc (mL) Syringes and Needles | 1ml Syringe. Sort by:.
#41. 1公克=幾cc | 健康跟著走
cc是容量的單位g是質量的單位如果你要量的是水(密度=1的物質) ... 一公克(1G)=1CC 1CC=一公克一毫克(ML)=1CC. 1cm^3 = 1mL = 1c.c. 「1g ...
#42. 1cc = how many mg | Medical Billing and Coding Forum - AAPC
Hi All, Please help me to clarify my doubt 1cc equal to how many mg? ... cubic centimeter (cc) aka milliliter (ml) is a factor of volume.
#43. 1cc等于多少ml - 发条视频 - 逸致生活
1cc 等于多少ml ... 那么今天就来和大家说说1cc相当于多少毫升?1cc等于就相当于1毫升,因为1L等于1000ML,而一千毫升就相当于一千立方厘米,也就相当于1立方分米,所以 ...
#44. Μετατροπή cc [cc] <—> milliliter [ml] - Translators Cafe
cc σε milliliter (cc—ml) μετατροπή μονάδων μέτρησης. ... 1 cc [cc] = 1 milliliter [ml]. Από: meter³, kilometer³, decimeter³, centimeter³, millimeter³, liter ...
#45. How do you convert cc to ml on a syringe? - Answers
1 ml (millileter) is defined as one cubic centimeter (1 cc) so a 3 ml mark is also a 3 cc mark and hence 1cc is equal to 1/3 of the 3 ml ...
#46. 1cc Ml的價格推薦- 2021年11月| 比價比個夠BigGo
1cc ml 價格推薦共73筆商品。包含73筆拍賣.快搜尋「1cc ml」找出哪裡買、現貨推薦與歷史價格一站比價,最低價格都在BigGo!
#47. How do you convert 1 cc to mL ? - Toppr
Click here to get an answer to your question ✍️ How do you convert 1 cc to mL ?
#48. What is the relationship between milliliters and cubic ...
How much is 1 cc in a syringe? How many cc is a 50 unit syringe? How many ml is 20 units? Does 1cc equal 100 units? How many mL ...
#49. Terumo Syringe 1cc/ml X 100 - Pharmacy Online
Terumo Syringe 1cc/ml X 100. SKU: 878499. See other products by Terumo. 4.0. (1). Write a review. Our Price $18.95. Our Price $18.95. Availability: In stock.
#50. cc這個單位是怎麼來的,cc是什麼單位?1cc為多少ml
cc這個單位是怎麼來的,cc是什麼單位?1cc為多少ml,1樓匿名使用者cc容積單位為稜長復1cm的正方制體所能容納的物體的體積。 1cc 1毫升10 3升cc表示立方 ...
#51. 1cc等於幾ml cc是什么單位,1cc是多少毫升_作業幫 - Duph
1cc =一毫升作業幫用戶2017-10-09 舉報cc(米制體積單位) =cubic centimeter 立方厘米(復合單位,國際上對厘米有嚴格規定:厘米等于通過巴黎子午線的四十萬分之一) 毫升[ ...
#52. 1cc是多少毫升是体积单位ml.=milli
摄氏0度标准大气压下1克水的体积。 1cc≈1ml. cc.=cubic centimeter 意思是立方厘米,是体积单位;. ml.=milliliter 意思是毫升,是容积 ...
#53. HPLC sample loop 1cc ss 7000psi ea - Sigma-Aldrich
HPLC sample loop 1cc ss 7000psi ea sample loop volume 1 mL; find Supelco-23022 MSDS, related peer-reviewed papers, technical documents, similar products ...
#54. Cubic Centimeters to Milligrams [water] - Calculator-Converter ...
1 cubic centimeter (cc, cm 3 ) = 1 ml (milliliter) = 0.0338140227 US fluid ounces (fl. oz) = 1/1000 L (Liter, the official SI unit of volume).
#55. Terumo Syringe 1cc/ml - Biochem Pharmacy
Terumo Syringe 1cc/ml. RM1.00. Availability: 15 in stock. Terumo Syringe 1cc/ml quantity. Add to cart. Add to wishlist. SKU: product-1578889252830 Category: ...
#56. EasyTouch® U-100 27g, 1cc / mL, 1/2" (12.7mm) Box of 100
Buy EasyTouch® U-100 27g, 1cc / mL, 1/2 (12.7mm) Box of 100 online at an affordable price. Ubuy is the leading international shopping platform in Taiwan ...
#57. Cubic Centimeters to Milliliters Converter (cm3 to mL)
Cubic centimeters (cm3, cc) to milliliter (mL) converter and conversion table to find out how many milliliters in cubic centimeters.
#58. How many ml in 1 cc - Conversion tables and calculators
1 cc equals 0.000000001 ml. For example, to convert 10 cc to ml, multiply 0.000000001 by 10 i.e.,. 10 cc = 0.000000001 * 10 ml = 0.00000001 ml.
#59. How Many CCs in an Ounce and Other Common Nursing ...
We really need to start with another question: how much is 1 cc? CC and ml are equivalent. So… cc to ml is 1 to 1 or 1cc = 1ml.
#60. cc和ml有什么区别cc和ml有什么不同? - 材料知识18
气体,固体等的时候用的是立方厘米.其实1ml=1cc. 1克(g)=1000毫克(mg),常用体积的单位为1升(l)=1000毫升(ml) ...
#61. 1 ml is equal to 1 cc - Antagonist Villains
So, according to this thing, 1 ml is equivalent, but not equal to 1 cc. "In 1889 the "Standard Kilogramme" was created. This was supposed to ...
#62. Is 1cc the same as 1 mL? - Easierwithpractice.com
No matter what is being measured, 1 cc always equals 1 mL. ... ML to CC conversion: both cubic centimeters and milliliters measure volume, ...
#63. 1 mL = 1 cm3 - YouTube
#64. 1 cc quanti ml sono - YouMath
1 cc quanti ml sono? Vorrei sapere a quanti ml corrisponde 1 cc di liquido e, soprattutto, vorrei capirne il motivo. Oltre al risultato,
#65. What is the difference between cc and ml on my prescription ...
One cubic centimeter (cc) is equivalent to one millimeter (mL). Therefore 5mL is the same as 5cc. Also depending on the age of your child, ...
#66. Metric Volume - Math is Fun
A Cubic Centimeter (abbreviated cc or cm 3 ) is a cube that is 1 centimeter on each side. It is the same as 1 milliliter (1 ml):. 1 cc = 1 ml.
#67. Cc to Milliliter Converter
Cc to Milliliter? To convert Cc to Milliliter: Every 1 Cc equals 1 Milliliter. For example, 100 Cc equal 100 * 1 = 100 Milliliter and so on.
#68. 1cc等于多少g 150g相当于多少ml?200ml又相当于多少g?
ml (豪升)--- 是容量的单位1 ml = 1 cc, 1000cc = 一公升只有水是1 公升= 1 公斤( 亦即1 ml = 1 g) 其他的物质,要知道它的比重,才能从重量(9)算出 ...
#69. Insulin Syringes, 1 ml 1cc, 100 units Syringe Stock Photo
Download this stock image: Insulin Syringes, 1 ml 1cc, 100 units Syringe - T1210M from Alamy's library of millions of high resolution stock photos, ...
#70. 30 cc to ml
75 cc to ml = 75 ml May 20, 2020 · 1 mL is equivalent to 1 cc - so 30 mg/mL is the ... 1 mL = 1 cc **Special Note for converting between fluid ounces and ...
#71. Is 1 cc the same as 1 ml? - iq-faq.com
In other words, one milliliter (1 ml) is equal to one cubic centimeter (1 cc). This is a three-tenths milliliter syringe.
#72. Unit Conversions for Nursing Math - George Brown College
5 mL. 1 tbsp. = 15 mL. 1 fl. oz. = 30 mL. 1 cup = 250 mL. 1 L = 1000 mL. 1 mL = 1 cc. **Special Note for converting between fluid ounces and milliliters:.
#73. [問題] ml毫升=c.c.立方公分嗎? - 看板Physics - 批踢踢實業坊
... 寫了留言道容量的單位〔ml〕〔c.c.〕這兩個意思是一樣的1ml=1毫升=1cc=1公撮=千分之一公升之後P網友回應如下說明: ○ml是英文名milliter的縮寫。
#74. 一滴水幾cc - 東洋人出版社-主站
塑膠滴管一滴 1ml滴管 1cc等於幾滴 1滴水有多少毫升 1滴等於幾cc 一滴幾ml 一滴是多少毫升滴管1cc 使得安靜注射劑1公絲1公撮總共1 筆新聞文章資訊
#75. Convert cubic centimeters to milliliters | volume or capacity ...
How many milliliters ( ml ) are in 1 cubic centimeter ( 1 cc , cm 3 )? How much of volume or capacity from cubic centimeters to milliliters, cc , cm 3 to ml ...
#76. 1 CC Berapa ML - RuangBimbel.co.id
1 cm 3 = 1000 mm 3 ; 1 dm 3 = 1 liter; 1 cc = 1 cm 3. Satuan Volume Berbasis Liter (Umum) ...
#77. 關於毫升.公克.CC的差別
毫升可用代號ml 或c.c. 表示,1毫升、2毫升、3毫升等可以分別用1ml、2ml、3ml或1c.c.、2c.c. ... (a) ml是英文名milliter的縮寫。 ... 所以1cc水銀是13.6g(1cc水1g).
#78. How many ml is a 10cc syringe? - faq-ans.com
In other words, one milliliter ( 1 ml) is equal to one cubic centimeter ( 1 cc ). This is a three-tenths milliliter ...
#79. 1 CC bằng bao nhiêu lít, ml, gam, mg, Cm3, m3? Chính xác ...
1 cc = 1 cm3 · 1m3 = 1000dm3 = 1000000cm3 · 1dm3 = 1 lít và 1 cm3 = 1 ml · Vậy: 1cc = 1ml ( cùng = cm3 ) hay 1 cc = 0.001 dm3 = 0.001 lít.
#80. 1cc 等於多少ml
On finding the relation we get as follows : 1 cc =1 mL=1000 l. so ,ml如何 ... 答: 18cc = 18立方厘米= 18mL ** 1cc = 1 立方厘米= 1 cm³= 1mL ** 大家經常會 ...
#81. 1ccって、何mlですか? - 教えて!goo
結論から言うと、1cc=1mlです。 ... 『cc』は、「キュービック・センチメートル」の略です。 センチメートルの3乗(cm^3)、いわゆる「立方センチメートル ...
#82. C C 及M L-楊桃美食網
不對不對,1西西(cc)當然等於1毫升(mL或ml), 1ml(或1CC)才是不等於1公克,密度不同嘛! 這樣講好了,1cc的水就是1公克(在4度C,一大氣壓下),優酪乳 ...
#83. Indoplas Disposable Syringe with Needle - 1cc/ml | Lazada PH
Buy Indoplas Disposable Syringe with Needle - 1cc/ml online at Lazada Philippines. Discount prices and promotional sale on all Medical Supplies.
#84. Cubic Centimetres to Millilitres Converter (cm3 to mL)
Cubic Centimeters Milliliters (ml) Cubic Centimeters to Milliliters (cm3 to ml) 1 cm3 1 ml 1 Centimeters is equal to 1 Milliliters 2 cm3 2 ml 2 Centimeters is equal to 2 Milliliters 3 cm3 3 ml 3 Centimeters is equal to 3 Milliliters
#85. 請問單位換算cc換水立方公分... | 蘋果健康咬一口
1 c.c. = 1 立方公分= 一千分之一公升= 1/1000 公升., 容量的cc = 毫升(mL) = 體積的立方公分因此cc跟立方公分其實可以當同一個單位,主要看要說明的物體是什麼, 通常 ...
#86. Solved Perform the unit conversion, using the standard - Chegg
Transcribed image text: Perform the unit conversion, using the standard conversion factor of 1 cc = 1mL. (CC = cubic centimeter, mL = milliliter).
#87. MONOJECT Softpack Insulin Syringes 1cc/ml 29g 1/2 inch
Buy MONOJECT Softpack Insulin Syringes 1 cc/ml - 29g x 1/2" 8881601358 online at Allegro Medical. Lowest Price Guaranteed! Check out our Shipping offers and ...
#88. 各品牌疫苗用1 cc/ml 注射空針供貨量吃緊通知 - 易陽實業有限公司
各位親愛的客戶. 由於國內外疫苗注射需求比平日增加千百倍以上導致各品牌1cc/ml 注射針筒附針供應緊繃。 即日起訂單皆需根據到貨量配貨銷售,服務不周 ...
#89. CC換算毫升或克 :: 容量換算cc - 泰國住宿訂房推薦
1ml其實等於1CC,但是,CC是立方公分(cubiccentimeter)的縮寫,用來計算體積。mL是毫升(mili-liter千分之一公升)的縮寫,用來計算容積。計算液體的容量,應該使用容積單位 ...
#90. Terlaris! Suntikan 1 Ml 3 Ml 5 Ml 10 Ml 20 Ml 1Cc 3Cc 5Cc ...
Terlaris! Suntikan 1 Ml 3 Ml 5 Ml 10 Ml 20 Ml 1Cc 3Cc 5Cc 10Cc 20Cc di Tokopedia ∙ Promo Pengguna Baru ∙ Cicilan 0% ∙ Kurir Instan.
#91. 1ccと1mlの違いは?同じ量なのに単位が違う謎は元々の由来 ...
単位の基準となったものが違いますが、「1cc=1㎤=1ml」ということが証明されましたね! ccは使わなくなってきた. 注射器. 現在、cc単位は使わなくなってい ...
#92. Hoe reken je om van cc naar ml ? - GoeieVraag - Startpagina.nl
Tegenwoordig is 1 cc weer gelijk aan 1 ml. Dit volgt eigenlijk uit de definitie van de huidige liter als dm^3. Een duizendste liter (ml) is ...
#93. Conversione 1 cc in ml - Larapedia
Convertire cc in ml. 1 cc = 1 ml. Convertitore cc ml. Domande tipiche : Converti cc ml millilitri. Conversione ...
#94. 1CC Insulin Syringes - Walmart
Shop for 1CC Insulin Syringes at Walmart.com. ... D Instant Hand Ant!s3ptic w/M0isturiz3rs (61% w/w 3thyl alc0h0l) 500 mL (16oz) Puump B0ttl3 - 1/Each.
#95. mg/ml converted to cc - OnlineConversion Forums
A milliliter (ml) is the same as a cubic centimeter (cc). ... Realy doesnt make since....if it is 250mg/ml (1ml=1cc) that means if you take ...
#96. Needle 1cc 1 Cc Ml - Bukalapak
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1cc to ml 在 [問題] ml毫升=c.c.立方公分嗎? - 看板Physics - 批踢踢實業坊 的推薦與評價
※ [本文轉錄自 Chemistry 看板 #1De-9sbp ]
作者: vinjacentcob ( ) 看板: Chemistry
標題: [問題] ml毫升=c.c.立方公分嗎?
時間: Tue Apr 12 13:26:11 2011
容量的單位 〔ml〕〔c.c.〕這兩個意思是一樣的
●c.c.是英文名cubic centimetes的縮寫。在標準情況下,1毫升水的容量
and 公撮=ml嗎? 還是公撮=c.c.
之後我再估狗 目前查到的是
「一公尺等於光在真空中於 1/299,792,458 時間間隔內所行經之距離」
「一立方公尺等於每邊長為 一公尺 之正方體體積」
以下是我自己寫的 有錯請指正
1 cm(centimeter)=1/100 m(meter)
1 c.c.(cubic centimeter)=1/1000000 m^3(cubic meter)
A litre is defined as a special name for a cubic decimetre
A decimetre is a unit of length in the metric system,
equal to one tenth of a metre, the current SI base unit of length.
In simple words there are 10 cm in a decimetre.
以下是我自己寫的 有錯請指正
1 ml(milliliter)=1/1000 L(liter)
1 ml = 1/1000 L = 1/1000 dm^3 = 1/1000000 m^3 = 1 cm^3 = 1 c.c
但能否請諸位行家 修正我們的錯誤
我滿想知道正確的解釋該是如何 謝謝^^
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※ 編輯: vinjacentcob 來自: (04/12 13:28)
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如果我這樣解釋會不會比較好呢? 再請大家指正錯誤
mL與c.c. 都是unit of volume
以下原文引自Chemistry sixth edition 第9.10頁
作者為Steven S. Zumdahl 出版社為Houghton Mifflin Company
[One physical quantity that is very important in chemistry is volume, which
is not a fundamental SI unit but is derived from length. A cube that measures
1 meter (m) on each edge is represented in Fig. 1.6. This cube has a volume
of (1 m)^3=1 m^3. Recognizing that there are 10 decimeters (dm) in a meter,
the volume of this cube is (1 m)^3=(10 dm)^3=1000 dm^3. A cubic decimeter,
that is (1 dm)^3, is commonly called a liter (L), which is a unit of volume
slightly larger than a quart. As shown in Fig. 1.6, 1000 liters are contained
in a cube with a volume of 1 cubic meter. Similarly, since 1 decimeter equals
10 centimeters (cm), the liter can be divided into 1000 cubes each with a
volume of 1 cubic centimeter:
1 liter = (1 dm)^3 = (10 cm)^3 = 1000 cm^3
Also, since a cm^3=1 milliliter (mL).
1 liter = 1000 cm^3 = 1000 mL
Thus 1 liter contains 1000 cubic centimeters, or 1000 milliliters.]
如此來說 我應該能很肯定的說mL等於c.c.了吧?
※ 編輯: vinjacentcob 來自: (04/14 20:00)
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