“Online Cooking”, as the name implies, is a video website where I give advices on how to cook.
◆Salmon and rice with Ikura salmon roe
(Easy rice cooker recipe!)
Ingredient ( servings 2 )
360ml rice
3 tablespoon Ikura (salmon roe)
1 stalk mitsuba trefoil
1 tablespoon butter
proper amount of white sesame seed
40g salmon flakes
340ml dashi (Japanese broth)
2 tablespoon soysource
2 tablespoon cooking sake
1 tablespoon sesame oil
Wash and soak rice in water for 20~30 minutes.
Strain the rice.
Cut mitsuba trefoil into 2~3 cm long.
1 , In a rice cooker, combine rice, salmon flakes, dashi, soy source, cooking sake and sesame oil,Mix and set rice cooker to cook, Cook the rice using the “Mixed” or “White” setting.
2,Add mitsuba and mixed rice. Serve in big bowl or Japanese clay pot (Donabe). Sprinkle white sesame seed and put Ikura and butter on it.
Cooking tips!
Dashi (Japanese broth) is made from kombu (dried kelp) and bonito flakes.
◯燃やすおかず つくりおき(学研)│https://goo.gl/zMRoCb
◯100万人のお墨付き(主婦の友社)│https://goo.gl/oqPdze 他
《Cooking movie丨料理動画》
【#67】牛肉となすのピリ辛トマトパスタ│ Tomato source pasta with beef and eggplant
【#68】きのこ麻婆茄子│ Fried eggplant and mushroom with Chinese chili sauce
【#69】肉豆腐│ Simmered Meat and TOFU
【#70】チキン竜田 ゆず胡椒風味│ Chicken Tatsuta with yuzu chili paste
【#71】鶏肉とごぼうの黒酢炒め│ Chicken and burdock root with black vinegar source