恭喜 "Calla Noir" 3D列印大型燈具,獲得 「A'國際設計大賽」銅獎肯定,小編內心❤️超級無敵感動,這是我很喜歡SKY_Associative設計團隊作品,為Charng Shin Chen設計師獲獎感到開心以及參與在其中感到與有榮焉,將好設計好作品分享給朋友們‼️。
Through this year's "re-Inspired Synthesis" project collaboration, with the Wen Long Cultural Arts Foundation, sKY_Associative was able to investigate new model-to-machine modes of translation to influence the FDM manufacturing process. As a result of our design explorations this year the design works "Calla Noir", "Twirl", and "r-60" were developed. We are honored to receive the A' Design Award in the category of "3D Printed Forms and Products Design" for 2019, and want to thank our industry partners MODEX 3DP Filament and PING 3D Printer for their continued support.