Music Compose by 禿頭
Music Arrange by Greedy Black Hole
Lyrics by 小智
This Coming Storm
Will it crush everything that we possess, or will it truly make us rethink it over
What should one do so there are no more enemies
Come Come Come
The storm will crush everything
Come Come Come
There's no more conflicts and wars
What should one do so there are no more enemies
When Everyone in this world holds no more grudge against each other
This world will have no wars
Twisted thoughts, Ineffective education
World chaos is not just a mistake made by the superior
Everyone is psychotic
Crimes rate keeps on rising
Natural disasters couple with accidents made by humans
What should one do so there are no more enemies
When Everyone in this world holds no more grudge against each other
This world will have no wars
This world will have no wars
This world will have no wars
We are "Greedy Black Hole", a metal band from Taiwan. We infuse lots of different elements into our music, such as melody death, metal core, screamo.....etc. We think human likes a black hole, has endless desire and destroys everything because of greed. Our music expresses not only our anger but also hope. We anger human's greed, but still hope they can be redeemed!!
If you like our music, you can just click "Song Download" on the left side. In that page, you can download our full song mp3 for free!!!!!
If you want to have a gig with us, please contact us with email!
我們是台灣的金屬團Greedy Black Hole, 我們將許多不同種的元素融合到我們的音樂當中, 例如:melody death, metal core, screamo......等等!!我們的音樂理念是希望所以人可以透過我們的音樂了解到人類的慾望就像是個黑洞一樣, 不斷的破壞我們周遭的所有事物! 藉由我們的音樂可以聽到我們對於人類貪欲的憤怒但卻仍然對這樣的世界抱持著希望
如果你喜歡我們的音樂, 只要點擊左邊Song Download, 就在裡面免費下載到完整的歌曲mp3