Pesanan keramat utk anak2 kita, bacakan..
Selalunya ketika kita dah tua dan rasa tempoh di dunia hampir ke penghujungnya, kita akan pesan kepada anak dengan pesanan-pesanan baik.
- nanti abah dah takde korang jangan gaduh-gaduh,
- harta pusaka tu bahagikanlah baik-baik ikut wasiat,
- bila raya balik jenguk rumah pusaka...
Itu pesanan stereotaip. Tapi bagi saya, pesanan itu hanya bermanfaat di alam sini (dunia). Lebih baik kita pesan sesuatu yg lebih bermakna utk kita di alam sana.
Bermakna sebab, di sana kita ni hidup lagi, cuma bertukar alam je.
Ramai yg tak perasan perkara ni. Mungkin kita fikir apabila meninggal dunia, everything disconnect. Maaf, sebenarnya ada lagi connectionnya.
Lebih baik kita pesan begini kepada anak, utk kebaikan our own future:
Nanti jangan lupa bersedekah utk abah setiap hari.
Sebab dulu abah tak sempat nak sedekah banyak kerana besarkan korang.
- jangan lupa bacakan Surah Mulk utk mak setiap malam.
Nanti ada juga peneman mak di kubur.
Doakan kebaikan utk mak-abah setiap hari
Ini yg lebih penting utk kita pesan & wasiatkan sebab, tak tentu lagi kita selamat dgn amalan sendiri.
Kalaulah amalan sedekah pahala tak cukup, boleh juga anak yg masih hidup tolong 'top-up'kan.
Dan doa, bacaan Quran & sedekah ni jangan minta mereka buat setahun sekali masa hari raya je. Ingatkan mereka, jika benar sayang mak-abah, buat setiap hari.
Sebab dulu, kita jaga anak careful everyday. Kita bagi mereka makan-minum everyday, bukan seminggu sekali.
Ingatkan anak anda. Sebab, jarang anak yg ingatkan ibu-bapa mereka yg dah meninggal. Masa meninggal je anak menangis seminggu.
Lepas tu mereka enjoy dgn harta-pusaka. Mereka fikir kita di alam sana pun selamat & gembira.
Then setahun sekali baru nak jenguk kubur baca Fatihah masa raya.
Saya kira, bukan begitu relationshipnya. Saya fikir, antara tanda anak benar-benar sayangkan ibu-bapanya,
ia berpanjangan setiap hari tak kira kita masih hidup ataupun dah kembali ke alam sana.
Ia bantu kita setiap hari dengan doa, bacaan Quran & sedekah yg ikhlas yg BERMANFAAT utk kita di alam sana.
Dan semua kesedaran ini bermula dengan kita, ibu-bapanya yg mendidik dan mengingatkan mereka.
Apa yg kita ingatkan mereka, itulah yg kita dapat.
Kematian bukan penutup segalanya. Kita masih hidup. Cuma berpindah medium (alam lain) sahaja.
Sekian, ingatan utk diri sendiri, seorang ibu yg ada anak2 dan, seorang anak yg Ibunya telah kembali ke Rahmatullah .
Setiap hari saya cuba yg terbaik utk sambungkan kasih-sayang kepada arwah Mak dgn bacaan Al-Quran, sedekah dan doa kerana percaya janji Tuhan :
"dan orang beriman yg diikuti zuriat keturunannya dlm keadaan beriman juga, Kami hubungkan (himpunkan) mereka & zuriatnya di syurga" - (Surah Thur, 21)
Semoga. Tolong sama-sama doakan ibu-bapa kita yg telah pergi,
Tuan-puan, antara sebab mengapa saya minta kita betul-betul perlu pandai kuasai bacaan Quran adalah kerana asbab SYAFAAT.
Quran ni ada syafaat di alam kubur & hari kiamat.
Syafaat bermaksud, jika kita susah nak masuk syurga, nanti Quran akan datang sebagai pembantu utk backup & topup mana yg tak cukup, di hari tiada sesiapa pun boleh bantu.
Kita perlu berfikir jauh. Invest our time & effort utk dapatkan bantuan yg bersifat longlasting ini. Mulakan sekarang, jom pesan kat anak2 kita.
#pesanankeramat #jikaakutiadalagi #likepagekami #onlinecoway
Usually when we are old and feel the period in the world is almost to the end, we will order to the children with good orders.
For example:
- later abah no one don't be rowdy,
- the treasure is better to follow the will,
- When Raya comes back to visit the heirloom house...
That's the order of stereotype. But for me, the order is only useful in the nature here (world). It's better for us to order something more meaningful for us in the world.
It means because, there we are still alive, just changing nature.
A lot of people don't notice this. Maybe we think when we die, everything is disconnect. Sorry, actually there is more connectionnya.
It's better for us to order this to our children, for the good of our own future:
Don't forget to give charity for dad every day.
Because Dad didn't have time to give a lot of charity because of raising you all.
- don't forget to read Surah Mulk for mom every night.
Later there will be a companion of mother in the grave.
Pray for the goodness for parents every day
This is what is more important for us to order & given because, we are not necessarily safe with our own practices.
If only the practice of charity is not enough, it can also be a child who is still alive, please help 'Top-up' right.
And pray, Quran & charity reading don't ask them to do it once a year during Hari Raya. Remind them, if you really love your parents, do it every day.
Because we used to take care of our children every day. We feed them everyday, not once a week.
Remind your child. Because, it's rare that the child who thought their parents were dead. When the child died, the child cried a week.
After that they enjoy with the treasures. They think we are safe & happy in the world.
Then once a year, just about to visit the grave, read the fatihah during eid.
I guess, not so relationshipnya. I think, among the signs that the child really loves his parents,
It lasts every day it doesn't matter if we're still alive or back to the world.
It helps us every day with prayer, Quran reading & sincere charity that is beneficial for us in the world.
And all this awareness begins with us, his parents who educate and remind them.
What we remind them, that's what we get.
Death is not the cover of everything. We are still alive. Just moving medium (other nature) only.
So, memories for yourself, a mother who has children and, a child whose mother has returned to rahmatullah.
Every day I try the best to connect the love to my late mother with the reading of the Quran, charity and prayer for believing the promises of God:
"and the believer who followed his offspring in faith also, we connect ( gather ) them & his in heaven" - (Surah Thur, 21)
Hopefully. Please pray for our parents who have gone,
Ladies, among the reasons why I ask that we really need to master the reading of the Quran is because of the asbab of intercession.
This Quran has a blessing in the grave & the day of resurrection.
Intercession means, if we are hard to enter heaven, the Quran will come as a helper for backup & topup which is not enough, in the day no one can help.
We need to think far. Invest our time & effort to get this help help. Start now, let's order to our children.
#pesanankeramat #jikaakutiadalagi #likepagekami #onlinecowayTranslated
同時也有1部Youtube影片,追蹤數超過2,620的網紅themblan,也在其Youtube影片中提到,Subscribe for more awesome videos! ► ---------------------------- Ever since it came out for the PlayStation 2 in 2004, I alw...
almost die or died 在 謙預 Facebook 的精選貼文
【我與可惡麥克風的故事】(English writing below)
我的 Blue Yeti 麥克風只用來錄一年的有聲書就掛了,而且是死在錄音要開始時。
我先生到百勝樓的Swee Lee詢問時,也既是我們買那麥克風的店,店員說類似這樣的話:「哦,你用了差不多兩年了,也是時候了。」
於是,我花了很多個晚上來讀網路評價和觀看Youtube影片。坦白說,做後製時,我是聽得出Blue Yeti 錄音很多不足的地方。唯有搭配Voicemeeter Banana這音響軟件一起錄音,音質才會好很多。但這軟件只能使用在Windows. 我也花了很多個夜晚才搜索到這方法。
長話短說,後來我向 Sennheiser 買了個Neumann TLM102 的麥克風。今天,我購買了一台 Universal Audio Apollo Twin Duo Core。這些器材其實應該在四月時就買,但當時太忙而且舉棋不定,而最近器材的價錢都掉了幾百塊。
Sinamex員工的產品知識非常的好,人也很主動熱心。他示範了各品牌的音頻接口如 Apogee DUO, Audient and of course, Universal Audio。其實還沒踏進店裡時,我就已想買Universal Audio這品牌了。聽過店員的解說後,更慶幸沒有在網路上買Focusrite or Apogee。
據員工說,這 Universal Audio Apollo Twin 也是新加坡音樂創作者們 Dick Lee、 林俊傑、Jonathan Koh 許偉強和 Sydney Tan (2019年國慶慶典的音樂總監)。#六度分隔理論 #又與俊傑拉近一度
我有多次差一點又買回Blue Yeti,因為覺得這些科技太難懂,太麻煩了。但老娘怎麼說也是個新加坡人,怕輸怕死的血液在我身體流著,怎可能笨到同樣的錯誤犯兩次。😁
My Blue Yeti died after one year of weekly usage for audiobook recording, and it died just when our recording session was about to begin.
The Husband asked Swee Lee @ Bras Basah about it. That was where we bought the USB mic. The store staff said something like: “Oh you used for about two years. It’s about there already.”
I was like “what the duck”...
Sending the mic back to USA for repair doesn’t make financial sense. And I’m not sure I want to burn another $210 on a metal mic that is going to die before me.
So I spent nights reading online reviews and watching YouTube videos. To be honest, I hear a lot of inadequacies in the Blue Yeti recording. It only sounds better when I use it with Voicemeeter Banana, an audio application software that can only be used for Windows. Even that took me nights of Googling to find this solution.
It was exhausting. Thought I’m just a Feng Shui practitioner...why am I looking at mics and audio interfaces?
But for the sake of my Grandmaster’s audiobooks, I threw myself head first into this whole alien world of audio tech. The Husband, with a MASTERS in Information Technology, was of ZERO help. #toughbeingawomannowadays
Long story short, I bought a Neumann TLM102 from Sennheniser SG and today I purchased an Universal Audio Apollo Twin Duo Core. I was lucky because I should have bought all these in April, when my mic died but I was so busy with work and couldn’t decide what was most suitable. Then the prices went down by a couple of hundreds.
There were many mics and audio interfaces I was considering. You know how it’s like when you start reading Amazon reviews and watching YouTube videos. Macham like walking into a candy store where one piece of chocolate can cost you one week of salary, and some, your entire month of blood supply.
The Sinamex staff was very knowledgeable and helpful. He demonstrated the various audio interfaces like Apogee DUO, Audient and of course, Universal Audio. I had my eyes on UA even before I entered the store. After his explanation, I was glad I didn’t buy the Focusrite or Apogee.
According to the gentleman, the Universal Audio Apollo Twin is also used by Dick Lee, Lin Junjie, Jonathan Koh and Sydney Tan (NDP 2019 music director). #sixdegreelaw #onedegreeclosertoJJLin
I hope I can figure out how to operate this impressive machine back home. I still have to buy a Thunderbolt cable from Apple. This also works with Windows by the way.
All credit goes to Shifu, for being the generous man that lays out the moolah for both the mic and audio interface. He lets me decides what to buy because in his words, a high-level Master doesn't bother himself with all these. Only a low-level one will. Okay, fine, that's me. 😀
There were many times I almost went back to buy a Blue Yeti. It was too difficult and troublesome to figure out all these tech stuff. But hey, I’m a true blue Singaporean. The kiasu and kiasi blood run deep in my veins. How can I be so dumb to make the same mistake twice? 😁
Change can be really painful and uncomfortable, especially when it involves money, time and effort and all these 3 resources are scarce. It’s easier and socially more acceptable to say we are afraid of change, instead of saying we are too proud or too lazy to change. Because the former will win you sympathy while the latter will make you a loser to your own Destiny.
Singapore is where she is today not because of our resistance to change, but for our ready willingness to strive relentlessly, to fight, to endure the pains, etc.
As we celebrate our 54th National Day, let us not forget this spirit of bravado and the quest for new frontiers.
Happy birthday, Singapore! I am so proud to be a Singaporean and thank you for all that you have given me and my family!
almost die or died 在 Sp Saypan Facebook 的最讚貼文
ตอนนี้ PM 2.5 น่ากลัวมาก
ใครอยู่ กทม อย่าลืมใส่หน้ากากกันฝุ่น N95
คนลอนดอน 12,000 คน เสียชีวิตเพราะ “ฝุ่นควัน” ในปี 1952
ปัจจุบันคนกรุงเทพฯ และผู้อาศัยอยู่ในย่านปริมณฑล กำลังวิตกกับสถานการณ์ฝุ่นละออง PM 2.5 หลังหน่วยงานที่เกี่ยวข้องเริ่มออกมาเตือนภัยเกี่ยวกับ “ผลกระทบด้านสุขภาพ” ที่อาจได้รับจากเจ้าฝุ่นพิษเหล่านี้ ทำเอาหลายคนอาจกลัวว่าบทสรุปของมันจะเหมือนกับเหตุการณ์ที่เคยเกิดขึ้นในลอนดอนเมื่อปี 1952 หรือไม่ ?
ย้อนกลับไปเมื่อวันที่ 5 ธันวาคม ปี 1952 ได้เกิดหมอกควันจำนวนมากปกคลุมทั่วนครลอนดอน ประเทศอังกฤษ ในตอนนั้นผู้คนต่างคิดว่ามันคือ “หมอกหรือควัน” ทั่วไป ๆ ที่เกิดอยู่บ่อยครั้ง แต่มารู้ตัวอีกทีเจ้าหมอกควันเหล่านี้ก็ได้คร่าชีวิตคนไปกว่า 12,000 คนแล้ว ซึ่งทั้งหมดก็มีผลมาจากฝีมือของมนุษย์ล้วน ๆ
นี่ก็คือเหตุการณ์ทางมลพิษที่เลวร้ายที่สุดในประวัติศาสตร์ของสหราชอาณาจักร เหตุการณ์นี้ถูกเรียกชื่อว่า “The Great Smog of London“ หรือ “หมอกซุปถั่ว” (Pea-Soupers) สาเหตุที่เรียกอย่างนั้นเพราะในหมอกเหล่านี้มีลักษณะเป็นสีดำอมเหลืองจากกำมะถันคล้ายกับสีของซุปถั่วนั้นเอง
สาเหตุหลักที่ทำให้เกิด “หมอกมรณะ” ในครั้งนี้เกิดจากน้ำมือมนุษย์ล้วน ๆ ในช่วงเดือนธันวาคมของประเทศอังกฤษจะมีอากาศหนาวเย็นจนผู้คนตามบ้านเรือนและโรงงานถ่านหินต้องมีการเผาถ่านหินมากกว่าปกติเพื่อเพิ่มความอบอุ่น เรียกได้ว่า “ยิ่งหนาวยิ่งเผา” และบวกกับมลพิษที่มาจากควันของบุหรี่และรถยนต์ดีเซล เหตุการณ์ที่ทุกคนไม่คาดฝันก็เกิดขึ้น
ย้อนกลับไปเมื่อวันที่ 4 ธันวาคม ปี 1952 เกิดปรากฏการณ์ “แอนติไซโคลน” (Anticyclone) ใจกลางลอนดอน และท่ามกลางสภาพอากาศที่ไร้ลมรวมเข้ากับควันที่มาจากปล่องไฟต่าง ๆ จึงทำให้ควันจำนวนมากเริ่มก่อตัวกันกลายเป็นหมอกพิษปกคลุมไปทั่วลอนดอน รัฐบาลอังกฤษพยายามจะแก้ไขสถานการณ์ แต่ทำยังไงเจ้า “หมอกมรณะ” เหล่านี้ก็ไม่สามารถลอยขึ้นไปสู่ชั้นบรรยากาศได้สักที
หมอกเริ่มปกคลุมไปทั่วทุกที่และอยู่เหนือพื้นดินแค่หลักเมตร การใช้ชีวิตของผู้คนเป็นไปได้ยากขึ้นเรื่อย ๆ ผู้คนเริ่มมองไม่เห็นเท้าตัวเองหรือแม้กระทั่งไฟหน้ารถคันอื่น การเดินทางผ่านระบบขนส่งสาธารณะเริ่มทำได้ยากขึ้น กิจกรรมต่าง ๆ อย่างฟุตบอลหรือคอนเสิร์ตต้องถูกระงับ เและไม่นานทัศนวิสัยในการมองของทุกคนก็กลายเป็นศูนย์พร้อมกับสภาพร่างกายที่ทรุดลง
เมื่อช่วงปี 1950s โรงงานถ่านหินในลอนดอนและบริเวณใกล้ ๆ อย่างที่ ฟูแลม, แบตเทอร์ซี, กรีนิช และแบงค์ไซด์ มีการปล่อยมลพิษทางอากาศมากกว่า 1,000 ตันต่อวัน ซึ่งมาพร้อมกับก๊าซอันตรายต่อร่างกายอย่าง ซัลเฟอร์ไดออกไซด์และกรดไฮโดรคลอริก
ในวันที่ 8 ธันวาคม 1952 สถานการณ์เริ่มเลวร้ายลงเรื่อย ๆ ท่ามกลางสภาพอากาศเป็นพิษจากซัลเฟอร์ไดออกไซด์ ทำให้ผู้คนเริ่มมีอาการหายใจสั้นและมีปัญหาด้านทางเดินหายใจ และไม่นานก็มีประชาชนเริ่มเสียชีวิตจากเหตุการณ์นี้กว่า 4,000 คนจากโรคหนองในปอด และอีก 100,000 คนป่วยหนักจากโรคทางระบบทางเดินหายใจ
เหตุการณ์มรณะในครั้งนี้ลากยาวไปเป็นเกือบสัปดาห์ และในวันที่ 10 ธันวาคม ทุกอย่างก็ค่อย ๆ กลับมาเป็นปกติหลังหมอกเริ่มจางลงและลอยขึ้นสู่ชั้นบรรยากาศ
นี่ถือเป็นเหตุการณ์ด้านมลภาวะที่คร่าชีวิตคนอังกฤษมากที่สุดในประวัติศาสตร์นับตั้งแต่วิกฤตมลพิษถ่านหินในช่วงศตวรรษที่ 13 และมีผลทำให้รัฐบาลอังกฤษต้องออกกฎหมายจัดการมลพิษทางอากาศฉบับแรกในปี 1956 หรือที่เรียกว่า Clean Air Act 1956
จะว่าไปเหตุการณ์นี้ก็เริ่มคล้ายกับสถานการณ์ในบ้านเรามากขึ้นทุกวัน ถ้ายังไม่มีนโยบายแก้ไขปัญหาที่ดี หรือวันไหนกรุงเทพฯ ดันเกิดปรากฏการณ์ แอนติไซโคลน จนหมอกพิษลอยมาให้เราดมได้ ในอนาคตลูกหลานของเราอาจจะต้องเรียนเรื่อง “The Great Smog of Bangkok“ แทนเรื่องของเมื่อปี 1952 ก็เป็นได้
เรื่อง : วิทวัส ปัญญาเลิศวุฒิ
อ่าน “คนลอนดอน 12,000 คน เสียชีวิตเพราะ “ฝุ่นควัน” ในปี 1952” เวอร์ชั่นเว็บไซต์ได้ที่ :
ที่มา :…/decemb…/9/newsid_4506000/4506390.stm…/the-killer-fog-that-blanketed-lon…
#ThePeople #Social #History #GreatSmogofLondon
12,000 London people died because of "smoke dust" in 1952
Currently, Bangkok people and residents in perimeter are worried about the dust situation. PM 2.5 after related agencies start warning about "health effects" that may receive from these poisonous dust. Many people may fear that its conclusion. Will it be the same as the incident in London in 1952?
Back on December 5, 1952, there was a lot of smog covered in London. At that time, people thought it was a common "smog" that happened, but they were often, but they knew that these haze killed their lives. Over 12,000 people, all of them are made by human skills.
This is the worst pollution event in UK's history. The Great Smog of London " aka " Bean Soup Fog " (Pea-Soupers) is called because in these are black. Yellow from sulphur cuddle am similar to the color of pea soup.
The main reason why " death fog " is caused by all human hands during the month of England. It will be cold that people in homes and coal factories must be more coal to increase warmth. It is called " The colder " and plus the smoke of cigarettes and diesel cars. Unexpected events happen.
Back on December 4, 1952, there was a phenomenon "Anticyclone" (Anticyclone) in the heart of London and in the wind-free weather, combined with the day from the chimney, so many smoke started to become poisonous fog. Covered all over London, the British government tried to fix the situation, but how to do these "death fog" can't go up to the atmosphere.
Fog starts to cover everywhere and above the ground. People's living is getting harder and harder. People start to see their feet or other car headlights. Traveling through public transport is getting harder. Activities like football or concerts. Must be suspended and unseen in everyone's sight becomes zero with a body condition.
In the 1950 s coal plant in London and near Fulam, Battery, Greenwich, and Banks were more than 1,000 tons of air emissions per day, which comes with harmful gases. Body like cuddle l ferdioxide and hydrochloric acid
On December 8, 1952, the situation is getting worse in the middle of the weather conditions from cuddle lfer dioxide, causing people to start having short breathing and respiratory problems. And soon, people started to die from this incident over 4,000 People from gonorrhea and 100,000 others are sick from respiratory disease.
This event is almost a week long haul and on December 10th, everything is back to normal. After the fog starts to fade and floating into the atmosphere.
This is the pollution th most British life event since the coal pollution crisis in the 13th century, and the British government issued the first air pollution law in 1956 aka Clean Air Act. 1956
Btw, this event is getting more similar to our home situation every day. If there is no policy to solve a good problem or any day, it is an anticyclone phenomenon until the poisonous fog floats for us. Our children may have to learn about " The Great Smog of Bangkok " instead of 1952
Story: Wittaw cuddle Sapanya Peng wut
Read " 12,000 London people died because of " smoke dust " in 1952 " website version at:
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Ever since it came out for the PlayStation 2 in 2004, I always wanted to play this game, but never got around to it. It was developed by renowned developer Treasure, along with Konami and G.Rev, who made the very good horizontally-scrolling shooter called Border Down on Sega Dreamcast. Back then, all we could get about videogames were screenshots, and the screenshots we got of this game were beautiful. I just remember the big red goo-balls with eyeballs on them.
In the past year, I was slowly getting more into shooters, thanks to shows like Game Sack ( I even played through R-Type III on the SNES and made a walkthrough for it ( After playing a lot of 2D shooters with sprites, I was in the mood for something with a little more visual flair.
Gradius V is a beautiful 2.5D shoot-em-up (or shmup for short), crafted with 3D polygons, but played on a 2D plane. It never got the hype that Ikaruga did, another of Treasure's games. Ikaruga was codenamed Project RS2, as in Radiant Silvergun 2. Radiant Silvergun was a Japan-only release that almost immediately was worth over a hundred dollars even back in the late 1990s. The fact that we in the West were getting its followup on the Gamecube had IGN game-journalists frothing with demand.
Gradius V, in contrast, was the fifth numbered installment in a solid but unspectacular series of shooters dating back to the 1980s; the hype-level was not very high. This is part of the reason why I never purchased it when it was available new in stores. The other part was that I was a big Nintendo-fanboy at the time. Sadly, If it had come out for the Gamecube, I would have snatched it up immediately.
Much time has passed, and last November, I finally bought a copy off of ebay (, although there is a digital version on PSN (
The game is very challenging, but there are certain options you can change so that it is forgiving and beatable, with time, perseverance, and desire. You can change the difficulty-level, number of lives, points needed for extra lives, enable an option to spawn right where you died, and even reacquire dropped satellites (or Options, or Multiples, as this game calls them) after you die and come back. Also, for every hour of gameplay, you earn an extra Credit (continue).
Gradius V is a methodical shooter, like R-Type, in that you will have to use very precise movement through the levels and against enemies, like a doctor with a scalpel performing brain-surgery. Patience and memorization will be keys in beating this game.
I really enjoyed this game. It's a treat for the eyes, even nowadays. I played the game both on my Toshiba 14-inch CRT TV, as well as on my LCD monitor upscaled to 1440x960 via the OSSC. The music is very ambient and doesn't distract you from the game. I liked how it wasn't overly cheerful, like in the other games in the series. The controls are customizable, and so you can spread the functions out more across the controller, instead of having them all on the face of the Dual Shock 2. I put rapid-fire on R1, and used X to select my power-up, and Square to fiddle with my satellites.
Some games make you feel good about yourself after you beat them, and this is one of those games. Gradius Five gets a five... out of five.
Recording footage for this game was an adventure in itself because it was the first time I had to deal with 480i. I was setting the OSSC to scale 2X, but the resolution wasn't changing. Only after trying 4X, did I get the desired 1440x960.
The game runs in a native 720x480 resolution, which is not 4:3, but 3:2. I thought something was wrong, but I looked it up, and learned that not all games that were 480i or 480p were 640x480.
I played this real physical copy on a real Sony PlaySation 2 with an HD Retrovision cable hooked up to an OSSC, which was hooked up to a Micomsoft XCapture-1. I tried using OBS for the first time, but I didn't like the results, so I stuck with Micomsoft's VideoKeeper2 software.
The song in my new intro and outro was done by Hyper Potions, and it is called Time Trials. You can check out the full song here: