定宇摘要分享日本新任首相岸田的幾個施政方針,來源為日經亞洲Nikkei Asia和其他國際媒體、智庫…
日本自民黨新任黨魁,也是第100任內閣首相岸田文雄Fumio Kishida,對付中國將是岸田內閣的首要問題,面對中國侵略式的外交和經濟,岸田提出深沈的警告,也將在各個面向努力,確保日本的安全和利益。
Dealing with China would be a top priority in his government, Fumio Kishida, a contender to succeed Japanese Prime Minister Yoshihide Suga, told Nikkei, expressing “deep alarm” at Beijing’s aggressive behavior on the diplomatic and economic fronts.
To protect “basic values such as freedom, democracy, the rule of law and human rights, we will work with those that share the same values, such as the U.S., Europe, India and Australia, to stand against authoritarian systems,” Kishida said in an recent interview.
Economic security is high on his agenda. As Washington and Beijing compete for technological dominance, Japan, the U.S., Taiwan and South Korea are scrambling to coordinate to secure supply chains for strategically important goods such as semiconductors.
“I will protect our nation’s geopolitical interests with a focus on the economy,” he said.
On defense, Kishida emphasized the need for the capabilities to strike enemy missile bases to prevent to an imminent attack. “Even if missile defense systems block a first attack,” having capabilities to attack enemy bases could “protect people’s lives if a second or more shots are being launched,” he said.
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「basic law」的推薦目錄:
basic law 在 劉昱佑 Facebook 的最讚貼文
國際法百科全書亦將主權定義為「一個國家獨立於其他國家之外,且於法律上不受其他國家的影響,以及國家對其領土和人民的政府權力享有最高性,與排他性的管轄權」。【注釋是「Helmut Steinberger, “Sovereignty”, in Encyclopedia of Public International Law, Installment 10., (Amsterdam: North-Holland Publishing and Company, 1987), pp.397-418, at pp.403-404.」】
國際法百科全書定義主權為「一個國家獨立於其他國家之外,且於法律上不受其他國家的滲透影響,以及國家對其領土和人民的政府權力的至高性和排他性的管轄權」【注釋是「Helmut Steinberger, “Sovereignty,” in Encyclopedia of International Law, op.cit., p.404.」】
楊永明和張亞中都引用了Encyclopedia of Public International Law的內容,不過楊永明漏寫了書名中的Public一字,我們翻開這本書第404頁,可找到楊永明引文對應的原文:
State sovereignty now meant a State's general independence from and legal impermeability in relation to foreign powers, and the State's exclusive jurisdiction and supremacy of governmental powers over the State's territory and inhabitants.
這段話明明出現在百科全書第404頁,而非第403-404頁,為什麼張亞中會寫成「pp.397-418, at pp.403-404.」?
為方便區分起見,學者稱描述國家內部的主權概念為「內部主權」(或「國內主權」),而在國際法上的應用則被稱為「外部主權」(或「國家主權」)。【注釋是「See Helmut Steinberger, “Sovereignty,” in Encyclopedia of International Law, Rudolf L. Bindscdhedler et al eds. (Amsterdam: North-Holland Publishing and Company, 1987), pp.397-418, at pp.403-404.」】
我們翻開百科全書,果然分別在第403和404頁看到「external sovereignty」(外部主權)和「internal sovereignty」(內部主權)的用法,說明楊永明的注釋沒問題。奇怪的是,楊永明這段引文,也出現在張亞中《兩岸主權論》第10頁:
有些學者區別主權的概念為「內部主權」與「外部主權」,前者指的是描述國家內部的主權;後者指的是國家主權在國際法的運用。【注釋是「Helmut Steinberger, “Sovereignty”, in Encyclopedia of Public International Law, op.cit., p.404.」】
由此可見,張亞中抄錯行了!張亞中根本沒看過Encyclopedia of Public International Law這本書,他這兩個出處,都是直接抄襲楊永明。名詞解釋那段,張亞中為了掩飾抄襲痕跡,故意在楊永明翻譯的引文裡改動數字,例如他省略了「滲透」兩字,殊不知這樣一省略,嚴重扭曲原意。換句話說,如果張亞中親自翻過百科全書,根本沒道理漏掉這個字。張亞中改動完楊永明翻譯的引文後,以為大功告成,在抄注釋的時候,卻不小心抄錯行——他該抄的是頁404,卻抄成了楊永明的另一個注釋頁397-418和頁403-404。另外,「內部主權」和「外部主權」那段,張亞中本來該抄頁397-418和頁403-404,卻抄成頁404。
三、除此之外,張亞中《兩岸主權論》頁8的引文「國家在其範圍內有宣稱不受其他限制和控制的自由,則必須同樣承認其他國家在其範圍內也有相同的自由。」【注釋是「F. H. Hinsley, Sovereignty (New York: Basic Books, Inc., 1966), p.158.」】這段話和楊永明<民主主權>頁144「國家在其範圍內有宣稱不受其他限制和控制的自由,則必須同樣承認其他國家在其範圍內也具有相同的自由」只有一字之差,在張亞中自稱看過原文的情況下,他的中文翻譯和楊永明翻譯的幾乎一模一樣,只是將「具有」換成「有」,顯然構成抄襲。
四、同樣道理,張亞中《兩岸主權論》頁20的段落「國際法學界也開始強調民主制度是一項逐漸成形的國際規範,「民主統治」被強調為國家與政府合法性的構成要件之一。」【注釋是「Thomas Frank, “The Emerging Right to Democratic Governance”, American Journal of International Law, Vol.86, No.1 (Jan. 1992), pp.46-91.」】這段話,張亞中抄自楊永明<民主主權>頁147的段落「國際法學界也開始強調民主制度是一項逐漸成形的國際規範,民主統治(democratic governance)被強調為國家及政府合法性的構成要件之一。」【注釋是「Thomas Franck, “The Emerging Right to Democratic Governance,” American Journal of International Law, Vol.86, No.1 (Jan. 1992), pp.46-91.」】張亞中除了把「及」換成「與」,其他地方一字不漏照抄楊永明。
五、同樣道理,張亞中《兩岸主權論》頁20-21的段落「更有學者指出政治參與權已經成為一項普遍性原則,應該受到國際法的保障。」【注釋是「Gregory H. Fox, “The Right to Political Participation in International Law”, Yale Journal of International Law, Vol. 17(1992), pp.539-607.」】這段話,張亞中抄自楊永明<民主主權>頁147「福斯(Gregory Fox)更指出政治參與權(political participation)已經成為一項普遍性權利,而應該受到國際法的保障。」【注釋是Gregory H. Fox, “The Right to Political Participation in International Law,” Yale Journal of International Law, Vol. 17(1992), pp.539-607.」】張亞中除了把「權利」改成「原則」,其他地方幾乎照抄楊永明。
basic law 在 Facebook 的最佳貼文
Discovering the truth behind President Tsai Ing-wen’s thesis is the responsibility of intellectuals and the media. Six months ago, prosecutors sought to charge Professor Hwan C. Lin, Professor Ho De-fen, and Dr. Dennis Peng with defamation. It was the first time an acting president brought forth a lawsuit against scholars.
For two years, anyone who doubted Tsai Ing-wen’s thesis, or even questioned it, were ridiculed by the media and legally persecuted. But, aren’t government leaders in a democratic society obligated to have the authenticity of their credentials tested? Why does the opposite prevail in Taiwan? Why can a leader who has their credentials questioned forgo providing proof and can, instead, use the judicial system to suppress those that question them?
The hallmark of a dutiful scholar is how willing they are to uphold academic integrity. A desire to authenticate Tsai’s degree is a basic reaction for anyone who considers themselves part of the academic circle. However, after Tsai sought legal action against the three scholars, the public came to understand that “questioning Tsai’s degree will get you sued.” Such a precedent is an affront to academic integrity, and an insult to intellectuals everywhere.
Can Taiwan deem itself a proud democracy if its head of state is allowed to use privilege to elevate themselves their whole life, and then escape criticism when questioned? Can Taiwan say it’s the proud democracy it claims to be when judicial mechanisms are used to enact acts of academic fraud? Martial law has been abolished for decades, and yet this country still operates like a dictatorship. Today is about transitional justice in the academic realm. Transitional justice begins when we can face our mistakes. Here, justice begins when Tsai faces her own academic fraud.
Today’s press conference is about rallying the public to stand up against authoritarianism. We call on Tsai Ing-wen to do her duty as head of state and divulge the truth about her thesis. If she refuses to do so, then the other purpose of today is to reveal the evidence we have found that uncovers that truth.
It’s time the lies ended. We will hold a press conference at the Legislative Yuan tomorrow at 10:30 a.m. Eat News will broadcast the entire event live: https://www.eatnews.co.uk/video/20210909-1/
#DennisPeng #PengWengjen #HwanCLin #HoDefen #TsaiIngwen #LSEThesisGateScandal
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重新掌握英文文法框架 The basic framework of English grammar
• 3個基本單位:words 字詞 , phrases 片語, clauses 子句
• 5個結構方塊:subject 主語, verb 動詞部分, object 受詞, adverbial 副詞部分, complement 補語
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===== 讀音篇 =====
• 辨認元音 Distinguishing similarly sounding vowels
• 辨認輔音 Distinguishing similarly sounding consonants
• 辨認雙元音 Distinguishing diphthongs
• 聆聽停頓 Listening for pauses
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掌握英語發音基本 The Basics of English Pronunciation
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• 強音和弱音 Strong sounds and weak sounds
• 重音 Word stress
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basic law 在 The Origins of Hong Kong's Basic Law - YouTube 的推薦與評價
Seminar Series: Greater China Legal History Organized by: CUHK LAW Speaker: Professor Albert Chen Date: 17 April 2020 This seminar reviews ... ... <看更多>