Examine the urban landscape through the eyes of Michael Benari in his upcoming exhibition at Leica Gallery Boston, "Reality - Deconstructed", exclusively shot with his Leica M6 using black and white film. Reality-Deconstructed surveys nature and architecture through a selection of Benari's projects, including: "Guggenheim Museum Bilbao", "Nature Abstracted" and "Holocaust Memorial Berlin". He aims to use these visual elements in ways that surprise, and at times, provoke, so as to invite the viewer into new realms.
Opening Reception: 01/18, 6PM-9PM (Must RSVP)
Artist Talk: 02/01, 5PM-7PM (Must RSVP)
On View: 01/04-02/25 at Leica Gallery Boston
Learn more: http://bit.ly/Leica_MichaelBenari