Dunia... dunia... Klau blh nk belanja beribu2 ringgit utk tegangkn muka. Sapu krim bagai nk buang kedut... Kulit tegang amat diimpi2kn...
Lain plak ngan BROWNIES KEDUT ni... Dah jd fenomena... Lg berkedut, lg lawa!
Yg penting sodap, rupa tolak tepi... kannn
Hentam sajalah Labu... Jom layan resepi BROWNIES KEDUT SERIBU yg sy cuba... ^_^
Bahan A:
400g coklat compaun
150g mentega
Bahan B:
90g gula perang
90g gula castor
4 bj telur A
1 sudu teh emulco coklat/esen vanilla
Bahan C:
100g tepung selfrising
30g serbuk koko
- satukn dn ayak
1. Cairkn coklat dn mentega (bahan A) dgn cara double boil. Dh siap ketepikn.
2. Satukn telur, emulco coklat, gula perang dn gula castor (bahan B), gaul hingga rata dn sebati.
3. Satukn A dan B. Gaul hingga rata dn betul2 sebati.
4. Masukkn tepung (bahan C) sikit demi sikit. Gaul lagi... Pastikn adunan sebati dn x berketul2. Tekstur adunan agak pekat dn likat... licin dn berkilat.
5. Tuang ke dlm loyang 10 x 10 yg tlh dialas kertas minyak.
6. Bakar 160°c selama 25 - 30 mnt mengikut oven masing2... guna api ats bwh.
7. Stlh masak, tutup suis oven dn biarkn brownies kita dlm oven dgn pintu trbuka selama sekurang2nya 15 - 20 mnt.
(Sy biar je smpai dia sejuk dlm oven)
8. Dah sejuk br potong yee... ^_^
* pd yg nk guna tepung gandum, blh tmbh 1/2 sudu teh baking powder.
* secara logiknya, utk dptkn rasa brownies yg 'power' sila gunakan butter dn coklat yg berkualiti.... mmg logik la kann... Sy belasah je apa yg ada.
* ada yg bg tips utk dptkn hasil yg lbh baik, guna telur sejuk (yg br kluarkn dr peti ais)... tp bila sy try, lbh kurang je kot huhuu...
* dulang empat segi 10 x 10 mmg dh ngam2 utk saiz adunan brownies ni...klau nk guna saiz lain, silakn... pandai2 la budget saiz bg ngam.
* sila alas dulang dgn kertas minyak dgn melebihkn tepinya hingga melepasi paras ketinggian loyang. Tujuan supaya senang kita nk angkat kluar brownies kita lps masak.
* jgn trs kluarkn brownies dr oven slps siap masak. Masa ni, permukaan brownies kita licin dn berkilat. Biar dlm oven dgn pintu separuh trbuka, smpai brownies kita sejuk sikit... Permukaannya akn mula retak dn sis2 blh nmpak kedut2 mula trbentuk...
* pd sis2 yg first time mencuba brownies, jgn sedih bila ia tak naik setinggi kek span ye... Jgn buang plak sbb ingat dh bantat. Mmg kejadian brownies agak padat teksturnya berbanding kek biasa.
* bg yg x gemar akn rasa brownies yg trlampau 'rich' dgn rasa pure coklat... bila smpai ke step 4, blh gak tambah sebarang kekacang utk nk seimbangkn rasa coklat tu... gaul sebati.
Almond, pecan, walnut... apa2 je la... dlm kuantiti 50 - 70g dh cukup... (pastikn kekacang di salai dulu supaya rangup)
Agak herankan? Mcmana blh trbentuk kedut medut tu ye?
Mr google ckp sbb penggunaan coklat compaun yg byk, hampir separuh adunan guna coklat sbb tu berkedut.
Dan perlu diingatkn, disbbkn kandungan coklat yg byk... bila kita simpan dlm peti ais brownies ni akn keras sikit... So, pandai2 la budget bila nk mkn kluarkn awal2.
Disbbkn kita susah payah nk buat bg jd kedut... kita tak tabur berbagai2 toping sbgimana biasa klau buat brownies. Kita biar je permukaan dia plain utk nk show off kedut seribu tu... hehee ^__^
Brownies edisi sy ni... dh macam bendang musim kemarau je sy tgk huhuuu... Hodoh sunggoh hahaa
Sis2 cuba la cipta brownies edisi masing2 yee... Selamat mencuba..
The world... the world... if you can spend a lot of ringgit to face your face. Applying Cream is like getting rid of wrinkles... the skin is so tense...
It's different from this wrinkle brownies... it has become a phenomenon... more wrinkled, more beautiful!
The most important thing is delicious, the looks push the side... right
Just hit the pumpkin... Let's enjoy the recipe of the wrinkles brownies that I tried... ^_^
Material A:
400 g chocolate compaun
150 g of butter
Material B:
90 g of brown sugar
90 g castor sugar
4 egg bj A
1 sudu tea emulco chocolate / vanilla esen
Material C:
100 g of flour selfie
30 g of koko powder
- Satukn and ayak
How to do it:
1. Cairkn Chocolate and butter (material a) by double acceptably. Done with the are.
2. Egg Satukn, chocolate emulco, brown sugar and castor sugar (b material), Gaul to flat and mix.
3. Satukn a and b. Gaul to the flat and really mix.
4. Masukkn Flour (c material) little by little. Gaul again... make sure the mix mix and does not texture the texture of the mix is quite thick and viscous... Smooth and shiny.
5. Pour into the brass 10 x 10 that has been spilled on the oil paper.
6. Burn 160°C for 25-30 minutes according to each other's oven... use the fire below.
7. After cooking, close the oven and let our brownies in the oven with the door open for at least 15 min.
(I just let it be until he gets cold in the oven)
8. Already cold and cut it... ^_^
* to those who want to use wheat flour, you can add 1/2 teaspoon of baking powder.
* literally, to get the taste of ' power ' brownies please use the quality butter and chocolate.... it's really logical right... I'll just beat what's available.
* there are tips for better results, for cool eggs (which just get out from the crate)... but if i try, it's less kot huhuu...
* Four-Square Tray 10 x 10 is already ready for the size of this brownies mix... if you want to use other sizes, it's okay... be careful the budget size will be suitable.
* please cover the tray with oil paper with melebihkn edge to past the height of the brass. The purpose is so easy for us to lift out our brownies after cooking.
* don't keep make brownies from the oven after cooking. At this time, the surface of our brownies is smooth and shiny. Let it be in the oven with half-Trbuka Door, until our brownies are a bit cold... the surface will start to crack and the river can see the it starting to be trbentuk...
* to the first time trying brownies, don't be sad when it doesn't increase as high as a sponge cake... don't throw it away because you think it's already bantat. The brownies are quite compact compared to regular cakes.
* for those who don't like it will taste the brownies that are be ' Rich ' with the taste of pure chocolate... when it comes to step 4, you can add any peanuts to taste the chocolate taste... Mix it up.
Almond, pecan, walnuts... whatever it is... in quantity 50-70 g is enough... (make sure the peanuts are smoked first so that it will be crispy)
Pretty wonder? How can the wrinkles be wrinkles?
Mr Google said because of the use of a lot of chocolate chocolate, almost half of the mix using chocolate that's why it's wrinkled.
And need to be diingatkn, the a lot of chocolate content... when we keep it in the fridge this brownies will be a little harder... so, the budget is good when you want to eat make
Our the is hard to make it become wrinkles... we don't sow many toping sbgimana normal if we make brownies. Let's just let the surface be plain to show off that thousand wrinkles... hehee ^__^
Brownies of my edition... it's like a dry season, I'm tgk huhuuu... Hodoh sunggoh hahaha
River try to create your own edition brownies... good luck trying..Translated
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[[ 看電視學營養 – 胡歌說女孩子要吃蔬菜皮膚才會水靈]]
#吃蔬菜 #皮膚 #抗老化 #營養
我是個古裝劇愛好者,看過的古裝劇不計其數,「大漠謠」是我很喜歡的一齣古裝劇之一,不知道為何我一直特別記得這一幕......。裡面的男主角胡歌在裡面是一個精通醫術的人,雖然在戲裡單腿殘疾,可是如此精通食療和醫術又超級溫柔真的是讓人很傾心欸😍,不過我想跟他的外表有很大的關係!SORRY,一直擺錯重點😄! 總之,女主角莘月(劉詩詩 飾)之前是在狼群中生活,是個嗜肉少女,在這一幕中,胡歌提醒嗜肉少女-女孩子要吃蔬菜看上去才會水靈✨✨!!我覺得他好專業!! 😂
皮膚老化包含內在老化(intrinsic aging) 及外在老化(extrinsic aging)。內在老化受基因影響,而外在老化是表示老化現象會受外部因素和環境,包含:紫外線照射、環境污染、吸菸、睡眠不足、營養不良) 的影響。
「預防」是對抗外在皮膚老化的首要目標,而在營養方面,對抗自由基傷害及抗老化最好的策略就是均衡營養的飲食及攝取富含抗氧化物質的食物。類胡蘿蔔素、維生素A、維生素C、維生素D、維生素E、類黃酮等營養素都被認為能促進皮膚健康和美麗。一項針對 716名日本女性的研究發現,較多的綠色、黃色蔬菜攝取與降低 Daniell wrinkling score (皺紋分級的標準) 有關 (Nagata et al., 2010)。
☀ 男生女生都要打造健康美肌🌸:
● 吃高纖食物(蔬果、全榖類等)可促進腸道蠕動、維持腸道健康菌叢、助排便並減少糞便在腸道中滯留時間,減少有害物質產生。
● 蔬果中富含維生素C,幫助肌膚膠原蛋白合成,維持皮膚彈性;還可抑制黑色素生成具美白、淡斑作用。
● 維生素E有助身體抗氧化,減少自由基及紫外線對皮膚造成的傷害。建議您適量攝取富含維生素E的食物:堅果類、植物油等。
● 水分攝取充足,白開水最理想。算算自己應該喝多少水~💧
💧成年人水份攝取量(c.c.)→ 每公斤體重30 -35 c.c.
● 均衡飲食,彩色蔬果579。選擇不同顏色的蔬果就像彩虹一樣,並且達到蔬果579 (份量詳見之前的貼文唷)。
● 其他生活習慣細節,像是:臉部清潔、卸妝卸乾淨、皮膚保濕、充足睡眠、多運動也是要特別注意唷!
● 所謂Beauty comes from the inside. (美麗來自於身體內部 /也可以說是內在心理啦),不只外在美麗,內在也要充實快樂!
📝 參考資料:
Ristow M, Zarse K, Oberbach A et al. Antioxidants prevent health-promoting effects of physical exercise in humans. (2009). Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A. 26;106(21):8665-70.
Nagata C, Nakamura K, Wada K et al. Association of dietary fat, vegetables and antioxidant micronutrients with skin ageing in Japanese women. (2010). Br J Nutr. 103(10):1493-8.
Ristow M, Schmeisser S. Extending life span by increasing oxidative stress. (2011). Free Radic Biol Med. 15; 51(2):327-36.
Schagen SK, Zampeli VA, Makrantonaki E et al. Discovering the link between nutrition and skin aging. (2012) Dermatoendocrinol. 1;4(3):298-307.
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