準備啟航了!美國在台協會酈英傑處長及陳建仁副總統,今天早上在ITF 台北國際旅展上共同為美國館揭開序幕,許多引人入勝的美國觀光景點也都參於了這次的展覽。這次的活動也是為了明年整年慶祝台美友好40周年的「旅行年」預演,旨在促進台美間的雙向旅遊。三週前,我們慶祝了全球入境計畫實施一周年以及免簽證計畫六周年。許多人可能已經知道,美國海關及邊境保衛局 ( CBP ) 將在12月初來台舉行全球入境計畫的面試,我們期待另一個成功的開始!歡迎來美國館參觀並參與線上活動,您將有機會贏得台灣—美國的來回機票及許多超讚的獎品!酈英傑處長致詞稿:https://goo.gl/UWfddf 台北國際旅展:www.taipeiitf.org.tw #USTravelYear #ITF #VWP #GlobalEntry
All aboard! This morning AIT Director Brent Christensen together with Vice President Chen Chien-Jen helped open the USA Pavilion at the Taipei International travel Fair (ITF), which features exhibits by many fabulous U.S. destinations. This event also provided a preview of next year’s celebration of 40 years of U.S. - Taiwan friendship and a yearlong “Travel Year,” promoting two-way travel between the United States and Taiwan. Just three weeks ago we celebrated the 1st anniversary of the Global Entry program and the 6th anniversary of the Visa Waiver Program and, as many of you may know, a CBP team is coming in early December to conduct more Global Entry interviews. We’re off to a great start! Come and visit the USA Pavilion and participate in an online campaign to win roundtrip Taiwan-USA air tickets and many wonderful prizes! The International Travel and Trade Fair is open through Monday, don’t miss it! Read Director’s remarks here: https://goo.gl/LkvsFU ITF website: www.taipeiitf.org.tw