英國 NICE Guidance 關於甲狀腺亢進的建議,稍微節錄一部分內容:
🔵 區別成人的甲狀腺毒症是甲狀腺亢進還是甲狀腺炎造成
- 驗 TSH receptor Ab 來診斷 Graves' disease
- 如果 TSH receptor Ab 陰性,考慮做甲狀腺掃描
☑ 如果有摸到甲狀腺結節,才有需要考慮甲狀腺超音波。
🔵 區別孩童和年輕人的甲狀腺毒症是甲狀腺亢進還是甲狀腺炎造成
- 驗 TSH receptor Ab 和 TPO Ab
- 如果 TSH receptor Ab 陰性,考慮做甲狀腺掃描
☑ 如果有摸到甲狀腺結節、或者檢驗甲狀腺自體免疫抗體和甲狀腺掃描之後還不能釐清甲狀腺毒症的成因,才有需要考慮甲狀腺超音波。
🔵 成人的 Graves' disease
☑ 第一線治療是放射碘,除非有機會用抗甲狀腺藥物緩解、或者擔心頸部壓迫、懷疑甲狀腺癌、懷孕或計畫懷孕、或在 4 到 6 個月內將為人父、或有活動性眼病變。
🔵 成人的毒性結節
☑ 放射碘是成人多發性毒性結節的第一線治療。
☑ 成人的多發性毒性結節,如果不適合做放射碘,用甲狀腺全切除或終生服用抗甲狀腺藥物作為第一線治療。
☑ 成人的單顆毒性結節,用放射碘或者單側甲狀腺切除作為第一線治療。如果放射碘和手術都不適合,則終生服用抗甲狀腺藥物。
🔵 孩童和年輕人的 Graves' disease 或毒性結節
☑ Graves' disease 用至少兩年或更久的抗甲狀腺藥物當作第一線治療。
☑ Graves' disease 在抗甲狀腺藥物治療後復發,考慮繼續使用抗甲狀腺藥物,或者討論放射碘或手術。
☑ 單一或多顆毒性結節,用 carbimazole 治療,且與病人和家屬討論手術和放射碘的角色。
🔵 成人、孩童和年輕人服用抗甲狀腺藥物時的監測
☑ 每六週驗 TSH、FT4、FT4 直到 TSH 在參考範圍,接著每三個月驗 TSH (如果不正常,再多驗 FT4) 直到停止甲狀腺藥物。
☑ 除非臨床上懷疑顆粒球低下或者肝功能異常,不然不要驗全血球和肝功能指數。
carbimazole 在 Linora Low Facebook 的最佳貼文
Bringing back #TrainToTransformTues. Lemme intro you @maggiewong0114 who has gone a major transformation for herself as she battled with thyroid problems. Thank you sharing babe! Do follow her and get inspired. 😘
I was diagnosed with hyperthyroid at the age of 16. In short, hyperthyroidism will produce too much of thyroid hormones (T4 & T3). This causes all of body cells to work too quickly, including my metabolism.. So I never get fat no matter how much I ate, I used to be skinny, protrude big eyes, sharp face like an 👽. Which I couldn't make any change in the appearance, I can only control by taking my carbimazole (medicine for hyperthyroidism) everyday.
Until once I suddenly experienced racing heart rate, and black out when I stood up. I was sent to the emergency, and told that I might develop thyroid storm. Was then treated with radioactive iodine, which destroys the thyroid. That's when my hypothyroid came in, so I have to take synthetic thyroid hormone for the rest of my life.
Hypothyroidism is another effect after my radioactive iodine treatment. I was told by the doctor, my weight will gradually increase due to slower metabolism. This triggered me to look after my future body weight. I told myself, I must manage my weight well before I damage my body. And hence, I search for fitness info since then.. When I am managing hypothyroidism, with a condition in which my thyroid gland doesn’t make enough thyroid hormone, regular workouts can do double duty as part of my overall treatment plan.
I started with fundamental workout like aerobic exercises, cardio and some strength training classes. And I found that I need to set a goal to achieve a physique I desired. I started to step into weight room, and this is how I begin so far until today... Although I still have to take thyroisine to control my thyroid hormones condition, coupled with weight training to build muscle mass and to keep the basal metabolism definitely add some points.
I always believe that we will discover something amazing when we gone through some difficulties, and I never expect myself to become who I am today.
carbimazole 在 用藥指導 - 國軍高雄總醫院 的相關結果
CARBIMAZOLE. 廠牌. 人人. 院內碼. ONEWM. 健保碼. AC26328100. 分類. 抗甲狀腺製劑. ATC CODE. H03BB01. 適應症. 甲狀腺機能亢進. 用法用量. ... <看更多>
carbimazole 在 甲狀腺機能亢進藥品作者:臺大醫院藥劑部莊賢業藥師專題報導 ... 的相關結果
常見的品項為carbimazole和propylthiouracil。Carbimazole基於作用時間較長,可一天服用一次增加用藥順從性外,加上較少副作用,因此常作為首選藥品;但carbimazole ... ... <看更多>
carbimazole 在 Carbimazole及Methimazole成分藥品安全資訊風險溝通表 的相關結果
Carbimazole 可控制體內兩種甲狀腺激素(thyroxine及triiodothyronine) 的合成,亦可減少甲狀腺對碘的吸收及釋放。 訊息緣由, 2019/4/17瑞士醫藥管理局發布 ... ... <看更多>