很多爸爸媽媽們家裡是有裝那種媽媽監視器,在外面時候可以用手機看到家裡面的狀況。我本來就在想在家裡做月子時候可以看看小孩狀況,可以給我一點安心, (我也一直很好奇我們不在時狗狗貓貓在家裡到底在幹嘛哈哈)。 但我安裝了一天候,卻發現了連不到其中一台監控。所以我重新連上的時候,看到的畫面真的讓我嚇了一跳。我看到了別人的客廳!看到了粉色的椅子,兩隻大狗狗躺在地上,墻壁上的婚紗照。我馬上反應到客服專線,但我還是覺得需要通知對方讓他們知道他們的家裡畫面是可以連的到。想了很久,沒有其他辦法就等主人回家。幾個小時後,看到了狗狗跳起來,主人回家了。我就用了廣播功能跟女生很尷尬的說,”喂?真的不好意思。。。我不想嚇到妳,但我這邊也有**的監視器,我看得到你們畫面,想好心的告知你一下因為這樣對你們很危險,我已經打給客服中心,建議妳也打過去反應。“ 看到了主人有被嚇到了愣住不回我,但很明顯的有聽到了,我就安心了然後斷線了。
Funny/scary thing that has happened to me lately. I know a lot of my friends in Taiwan, especially other parents, have installed remote cameras in their homes to watch their homes/kids/etc from their smartphones when away from the house. Well curiosity got the better of me (I've always wanted to know what my dogs and cat do while I'm out of the house lol), and I decided to install and see. The first day after installing, I discovered the camera wasn't connecting to the smartphone app, so I redid the app, only to discover that I wasn't seeing my own house, but I saw SOMEONE ELSE'S living room. I could see everything in detail from the pink breakfast chairs to the two big dogs lying in front of the door to even the wedding portrait hanging on the wall behind the sofa. This camera is a 360degree remote-controlled camera, so I could basically see everything in their common living space. I called customer service and complained, but I also felt that these people should know that their privacy could be intruded upon. I thought and thought about what options I had, but the only thing I could do was wait for the owners to get home. After a couple hours, I saw the dogs jump up and I knew the owners got home. Using the speaker option on the app, I said, "Hello? I'm really sorry to tell you this way, and I don't mean to scare you, but I have the same surveillance system, and I can see your home. I thought you should know for your own safety. I already contacted customer service, and you might want to do the same." The company told me later that the lady contacted them as well, but she doesn't live anywhere in my vicinity, so that wouldn't be the reason I got into her system. They're puzzled as well, and I haven't heard back from customer service with any more explanation :/
Just wanted to warn everyone out there with these cameras that this could happen, and make sure you change the default password on the camera! Or else, it could be your living room I see next lol. But anyways, this whole thing has kind of scared me off of using the cameras.