洪常秀、阿諾.戴普勒尚等名導則未如事前各界預料,沒有進入主競賽,被安排在「首映單元」。至於在「一種注目」部分,奧地利籍華裔導演陳熠霖的《尋找》順利入選,該片由台灣影星柯震東、林哲熹與中國演員曾美慧孜主演,拍攝地點即在台灣。作品《構築心方向 Columbus》(2017)曾來過台北電影節放映的韓裔美籍導演Kogonada也入選該單元。中國導演那嘉佐也以《街娃兒》入選。
本屆的評審團主席將是美國導演史派克.李(Spike Lee),開幕片將是李歐.卡霍的《Annette》,該片同時也是競賽片。美國影星茱蒂.佛斯特(Jodie Foster)則獲得相當於終身成就獎的榮譽金棕櫚殊榮。
李歐.卡霍 Leos Carax
《法蘭西快報 The French Dispatch》美國🇺🇸
魏斯.安德森 Wes Anderson
《聖慾 Benedetta》荷蘭🇳🇱法國🇫🇷
保羅.范赫文 Paul Verhoeven
《A Hero》伊朗🇮🇷
阿斯哈.法哈蒂 Asghar Farhadi
《Tout S'est Bien Passé》法國🇫🇷
佛杭蘇瓦.歐容 François Ozon
《Tre Piani》義大利🇮🇹法國🇫🇷
南尼.莫瑞提 Nanni Moretti
茱莉亞.迪古何諾 Julia Ducournau
《Red Rocket》美國🇺🇸
西恩.貝克 Sean Baker
《Petrov's Flu》俄羅斯🇷🇺德國🇩🇪法國🇫🇷瑞士🇨🇭
基里爾.賽勒布倫尼科夫 Kirill Serebrennikov
布魯諾.杜蒙 Bruno Dumont
賈斯汀.克佐 Justin Kurzel
阿比查邦.韋拉斯塔古 Apichatpong Weerasethakul
馬哈馬特-薩雷.哈隆 Mahamat-Saleh Haroun
《Paris 13th District》法國🇫🇷
賈克.歐迪亞 Jacques Audiard
《The restless》比利時🇧🇪
喬坎拉.佛斯 Joachim Lafosse
《La Fracture》法國🇫🇷
凱薩琳.科西妮 Catherine Corsini
《The Worst Person in the World》挪威🇳🇴瑞典🇸🇪法國🇫🇷
尤沃金.提爾 Joachim Trier
《Compartment NO.6》芬蘭🇫🇮俄羅斯🇷🇺
尤侯.郭斯曼寧 Juho Kuosmanen
《Casablanca beats》墨西哥🇲🇽法國🇫🇷
納比.爾艾尤奇 Nabil Ayouch
《Ahed’s Knee》以色列🇮🇱法國🇫🇷
那達夫.拉匹Nadav Lapid
《Drive My Car》日本🇯🇵
《Bergman Island》法國🇫🇷巴西🇧🇷德國🇩🇪墨西哥🇲🇽
米雅.韓桑-露芙 Mia Hansen-Love
《The Story of My Wife》匈牙利🇭🇺法國🇫🇷德國🇩🇪義大利🇮🇹
伊爾蒂蔻・恩伊達 Ildikó Enyedi
《Flag Day》美國🇺🇸
西恩.潘 Sean Penn
(主席)安德莉亞.阿諾德 Andrea Arnold(導演、編劇)英國🇬🇧
瑪尼亞.梅杜爾 Mounia Meddour(導演、編劇、製片)阿爾及利亞🇩🇿
艾莎.齊柏斯汀 Elsa Zylberstein(演員)法國
丹尼爾.布曼 Daniel Burman(導演、製片、編劇)阿根廷🇦🇷
麥可.安傑洛.柯維諾 Michael Angelo Covino(導演)美國🇺🇸
《The Innocents》挪威🇳🇴
艾斯基.佛格 Eskil Vogt
《After Yang》美國🇺🇸
《Commitment Hasan》土耳其🇹🇷
森米.卡潘諾古 Semih Kaplanoglu
*法迪瑪.約翰森 Valdimar Jóhannsson
《Noche De Fuego》墨西哥🇲🇽
塔蒂雅.胡艾瑣 Tatiana Huezo
《Bonne mère》法國🇫🇷
阿芙皙雅.艾薇 Hafsia Herzi
《House arrest》俄羅斯🇷🇺
小阿列克謝.蓋爾曼 Aleksey German Jr.
《Blue Bayou》美國🇺🇸
賈斯汀.鍾 Justin Chon
《尋找 Moneyboys》奧地利🇦🇹台灣🇹🇼比利時🇧🇪法國🇫🇷
*陳熠霖 C.B. Yi
*賈西亞.基尼斯 Gessica Geneus
《Un Monde》比利時🇧🇪
*勞拉.汪戴爾 Laura Wandel
《Women Do Cry》保加利亞🇧🇬
米娜.米列娃 Mina Mileva & 凡塞拉.卡扎科娃 Vesela Kazakova
《La Civil》羅馬尼亞🇷🇴比利時🇧🇪
*緹奧朵拉.安娜.米赫伊 Teodora Ana Mihai
《Unclenching the Fists》俄羅斯🇷🇺
姬拉.高維蘭高 Kira Kovalenko
《Let Their Be Morning》以色列🇮🇱
艾朗.柯里林 Eran Kolirin
《Rehana Maryam Noor》孟加拉🇧🇩
阿卜杜拉.穆罕默德.薩阿德 Abdullah Mohammad Saad
《Great Freedom》奧地利🇦🇹
賽巴斯汀.邁瑟 Sebastian Meise
《街娃兒 Gaey’s Wa’r》中國🇨🇳
《Mes Freres Et Moi》法國🇫🇷
約翰.曼可Yohan Manco
《Onoda, 10 000 Nights in the Jungle》法國🇫🇷德國🇩🇪比利時🇧🇪義大利🇮🇹(開幕片)
亞瑟.拉哈利 Arthur Harari
柯諾.穆恩德秋 Kornel Mundruczo
阿諾.戴普勒尚 Arnaud Desplechin
安德莉亞.阿諾德 Andrea Arnold
《Love Song for Tough Guys》法國🇫🇷
山繆.班傑奇 Samuel Benchetrit
《Mothering Sunday》法國🇫🇷
伊娃・胡遜 Eva Husson
《Hold Me Tight》法國🇫🇷
馬修.亞瑪希 Mathieu Amalric
《In Front of Your Face》南韓🇰🇷
洪常秀 Hong Sang-Soo
廷.普Ting Poo & 李歐.史考特 Leo Scott
《Jane Par Charlotte》法國🇫🇷
夏綠蒂.甘斯柏 Charlotte Gainsbourg
《JFK Revisited: Through The Looking Glass》美國🇺🇸
奧利佛.史東 Oliver Stone
加斯帕.諾埃 Gaspar Noe
《Marx Can Wait》義大利🇮🇹
馬可.貝洛奇歐 Marco Bellocchio
《龍與雀斑公主 Belle》日本🇯🇵
細田守 Mamoru Hosoda
《De son vivant》法國🇫🇷
艾曼紐.貝考 Emmanuelle Bercot
《緊急迫降 Emergency Declaration》南韓🇰🇷
韓在林 Han Jae-Rim
《The Velvet Underground》美國🇺🇸
陶德.海恩斯 Todd Haynes
湯瑪士.麥卡錫 Tom McCarthy
瓦萊麗.樂梅西埃 Valérie Lemercier
《BAC Nord》法國🇫🇷
賽德里克·希門尼茲 Cédric Jimenez
《Where is Anne Frank》比利時🇧🇪法國🇫🇷荷蘭🇳🇱盧森堡🇱🇺以色列🇮🇱
阿里.福爾曼 Ari Folman
《Babi Yar. Context,》烏克蘭🇺🇦
瑟蓋.洛茲尼察 Sergei Loznitsa
*葉.葉 Yé Yé
《Black Notebooks》以色列🇮🇱
施羅米.艾爾米茲 Shlomi Elkabetz
《Mariner of the Mountains》巴西🇧🇷
凱里.阿努茲 Karim Ainouz
《The Year of the Everlasting Storm》
賈法.潘納希 Jafar Panahi伊朗🇮🇷
陳哲藝 新加坡🇸🇬
馬立克.維塔爾 Malik Vitthal美國🇺🇸
蘿拉.柏翠絲Laura Poitras美國🇺🇸
多明嘉.索朵瑪悠 Dominga Sotomayar智利🇨🇱
大衛.羅利 David Lowery美國🇺🇸
阿比查邦.韋拉斯塔古 泰國🇹🇭
《Party: New World, The Cradle of a Civilisation》希臘🇬🇷美國🇺🇸
安德魯.穆斯卡托 Andrew Muscato
《Mi iubta Mon amour》法國🇫🇷
*諾耶米.梅蘭特 Noémie Merlant
《Les Heroiques》法國🇫🇷
麥西姆.羅伊 Maxime Roy
《熱帶往事 Are You Lonesome Tonight?》中國🇨🇳
*温仕培 Wen Shipei
《時代革命 Revolution Of Our Times》香港🇭🇰
周冠威 Kiwi Chow
《Bloody Oranges》法國🇫🇷
尚-克里斯多福.莫里斯 Jean-Christophe Meurisse
拉呂兄弟 The Larrieu Brothers
奧黛麗.埃司徒格 Audrey Estrougo
考瑟.班.哈尼亞 Kaouther Ben Hania(導演、編劇)突尼西亞🇹🇳
涂娃.娜蘿特妮 Tuva Novotny(導演、編劇、編劇)瑞典🇸🇪
艾莉絲.溫諾克爾 Alice Winocour(導演、編劇)法國🇫🇷
薩摩赫.阿拉 Sameh Alaa(導演、製片、作家)埃及🇪🇬
卡洛斯.穆基羅 Carlos Muguiro(導演、編劇、策展人)西班牙🇪🇸
尼可拉斯.帕里澤 Nicolas Pariser(導演、編劇)法國🇫🇷
《North Pole》北馬其頓🇲🇰塞爾維亞🇷🇸
瑪麗亞.阿賽夫斯卡Marija Apcevska
薩米爾.卡拉霍達 Samir Karahoda
《In the Soi》丹麥🇩🇰
卡斯帕.凱德森 Casper Kjeldsen
穆罕曼德里札.梅哈尼 Mohammadreza Mayghani
《The Right Words》法國🇫🇷
艾德里安.莫塞.杜林 Adrian Moyse Dullin
《Through the Haze》葡萄牙🇵🇹
狄亞哥.薩爾加多 Diogo Salgado
卡洛斯.塞岡多 Carlos Segundo
《天下烏鴉 All The Crows In The World》香港🇭🇰
唐藝 Tang Yi
《August Sky》西班牙🇪🇸
賈思敏.泰努奇 Jasmin Tenucci
《雪雲 Absence》中國🇨🇳
鄔浪 Wu Lang
《The Crusade》法國🇫🇷
路易.卡瑞 Louis Garrel
《Above Water》尼日🇳🇪法國🇫🇷比利時🇧🇪
艾伊莎.梅加 Aïssa Maïga
《Invisible Demons》印度🇮🇳
拉胡爾.賈恩 Rahul Jain
西席爾.迪昂 Cyril Dion
《無去來處 I Am So Sorry》法國🇫🇷中國
趙亮 Zhao Liang
《Bigger Than Us》法國🇫🇷
芙蘿.瓦瑟 Flore Vasseur
《La Panthère des neiges》法國🇫🇷
瑪莉.阿米蓋 Marie Amiguet
(圖為入選主競賽的《The French Dispatch》,由魏斯.安德森執導。)
同時也有44部Youtube影片,追蹤數超過239的網紅邱舒 ShuChiu,也在其Youtube影片中提到,9.24 於公廣金鐘入圍茶會演唱 🔸 中文字幕高畫質版:https://youtu.be/sur9pugrjVM 🔹英文字幕高畫質版:https://youtu.be/GyAPQEhBp7U 無垢鳥 (改編自客語童謠〈阿啾箭〉) White Drongo ( Adapted from ...
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cow song 在 Facebook 的精選貼文
《When baby outgrows us》
I still remember vividly one of our baby favourite toy when she was small is the wooden cow she is holding in the picture. Every time she grew frustrated during dining in kitchen, I will perform the "moo moo dancing show" and she will let out peals of contagious laughter, to the extent triggering our natural smile and forgo the life pressure during that magical moment.
As time goes by, she gets more toys, courtesy of our friends and some purchases thanks to the evilish yet persuasive monthly sales promotion in Lazada and Shopee. Then the wooden cow was forgotten gradually and stored in the plastic box.
Then today we saw this wooden cow and took it out for her to play, and even tried to perform a little "moo moo dancing show". She showed little interest at it, and still focused on her other toys instead.
Suddenly we realised she has grown so much. From a baby who even had a hard time to sit up straight to almost a toddler who will shift to a new corner once we did not pay attention for a mere 10 second. Her mind, characters, personality and physical had grown, while we as parents' mindset somehow still frozen in those days, thinking the dancing moo moo will amuse her.
We are fortunate for able to spend more time with her at home due to the pandemic covid-19, while unfortunately at the same time as spending time at home more means lesser job to generate more income. Nevertheless, I am grateful for what we have now - a small family, a healthy baby and live happily for now, though at times we may have to tighten the budget.
Cherish the moment. Perhaps I should learn from our baby. She has learn new skills and the dancing moo moo is no longer entertaining. Now she finds Coldplay's song "Yellow" much fascinating. Time to step up to do something different?
cow song 在 Fifi Wu 吳妃妃 Facebook 的精選貼文
團購時間:-4/21 23:59
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cow song 在 邱舒 ShuChiu Youtube 的最佳貼文
9.24 於公廣金鐘入圍茶會演唱
🔸 中文字幕高畫質版:https://youtu.be/sur9pugrjVM
無垢鳥 (改編自客語童謠〈阿啾箭〉)
White Drongo ( Adapted from a Hakka nursery rhyme "Black Drongo" )
作詞改編:徐麗雯 Sub Author : Herb Hsu
作曲改編:蔣韜 Sub Composer : Jiang Tao
演唱:邱舒 Performer : Shu Chiu
文/徐麗雯 By Herb Hsu
The lyrics are inspired by “The Vimalakirti Sutra” and the Hakka nursery rhyme “Black Drongo”.
A black drongo is a highly territorial bird often seen resting on the back of a cow in the countryside. “Vima” in Sanskrit language means clean and pure, which is why the song is named “White Drongo”.
The Hakka nursery rhyme “Black Drongo” is used in an important part of the film “The Child of Light”. Hummed by different characters without the accompaniment, it expresses how our lives and feelings are interrelated. With the rotatory and straight forward lyrics, we know how it feels when you’ve lost your parents and try to find something but in vain, which is what the protagonist of the film has been through and in accordance with the core of “The Vimalakirti Sutra”.
A cluster of foam, a bubble, a flame, an illusion, a dream, a shadow, a cloud and lightning in the lyrics show us how transitory life is while the nursery rhyme “Black Drongo” itself describes an ordinary daily routine. The former is unreal while the later is real. When the spirituality meets the reality, endless questions arise ubiquitously.
“White Drongo” is the ending song of the film “The Child of Light”. The initial conception about ending song is to deliver the feelings of going forward and fading away eventually. We expect that the ending shows the sense to nature and the impermanence of sutra expending to the unlimited ambit, and also provides people the power of inspiration and mind-curing.
影片封面相片 / 楊鈺崑 攝影
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#indysong #เสียงสัตว์ #เพลงเด็กน้อย
ติดตามช่อง Indysong Kids https://www.youtube.com/user/indysong
แฟนเพจ Facebook Fanpage https://www.facebook.com/IndysongKids
cow song 在 F Records Youtube 的最佳貼文
Young Hysan https://instagram.com/younghysan
Dough-Boy https://instagram.com/doughboybeatsyou
Big Spoon https://instagram.com/nicholascheung
F Records https://instagram.com/frecordshk
Video director: Mart Sarmiento http://instagram.com/martsarmiento
Gaffer: Samson Jr Guzman https://www.instagram.com/samsonjrcdg/
Remix Songwriters: Big Spoon, Young Hysan, Dough-Boy
Original Songwriters(s): Charalambos Antoniou, Christopher Daniel Soriano (BMI), Mithoon (ASCAP)
Contains a Sample from the Song ‘Sanam Re’ by Artist: Mithoon featuring Arijit Singh; Music Composed, Arranged and Produced by Mithoon and Lyrics by Mithoon, Courtesy: T-Series.
Mixed & mastered by FreezLhy http://instagram.com/freezlhy
Original Song: https://WarnerMusicHongKong.lnk.to/CJWhooptyFR
Lyrics [& translations]:
Intro - Big Spoon
Shout out CJ, staten Island to九龍[Kowloon], y'all already know what time it is
Whoopty, yeah, Big Spoon, Young Hysan, Dough-Boy
Verse 1 - Big Spoon
Whoopty, I'm scraping the pot with a spoonie (Uh)
Ooh wee, I'm serving a bird to them foodies
Moving more white than the top of Mt. Fuji
Pushing a key just like Claude Debussy
Chop on my side watch it kick just like Bruce Lee
Linked up with Gareth and Hysan my juvies (Huh)
Pow pow, blick got you laying down like Pacquiao
Starting beef with us, we giving you mad cow
Hahahaha you mad now
I'm back on my牛屎,trap out of間酒店,熟客可以有九折
[I’m back on my bullsh*t, trap out of a hotel, loyal customers can get 10% off]
[Diamonds sitting on my bracelet, we are wilder than some monkeys, we are rich because of trapping]
Verse 2 - Young Hysan
Whoo! All of my diamonds like flu
Whoo! Coronavirus diamonds, sticky icky on my neck like it’s glue (Ah)
Shoot out the motherf*cking roof (Yeah)
Look like the new Illuminati with the mob, who the f*ck is your crew? (Uh)
B*tch we a family, not a group
We catch the opps, we fill they pants up with poop (Ah)
Whoopty, poopty, poop, poop, woo (Ah)
She suck on the d*ck, like she tryna play on the flute (Ah)
“Do Ba Do Be Do”, my hundreds keep singing “I’m Blue” (Ah)
I put my kids all in her mouth like that sh*t toothpaste
Blue cheese, blue diamonds, blue perks, yeah that’s a whole lotta blue things
Blew 22 thousand out the courtroom, hoe nah I can’t lose the case (Ha)
Say I ain’t put in the work, I put y’all on the newspage
Beat up the fentanyl, straight outta Chi-land, the powder go
Verse 3 - Dough-Boy
Got a mill in the bank, half in my crypto account
They told me to broaden my tank; euros and pesos and pounds
They asking me, "how do you do that - a hundred stacks in your shoe rack?"
Bet they can’t tell by the way that I look, got no idea where my goons at
Whoopty, living large like a movie
Boom boom boom; turning these dogs into p*ssies
Been on tour with these groupies, hitting 'em raw like sushi
Then give her that Louis, give her the Versace
Give her that Birkin, give her that Gucci
Been there, done that. Most of 'em ain’t got no comeback
This the part where I talk my sh*t, before they bring the drums back
All these snakes in this music sh*t, seen 'em since October
But you know that I’m Asian, b*tch; I eat these f*cking cobras, whoo!
cow song 在 FUNNY COW DANCE 4 Cow Song & Cow Videos 2021 的推薦與評價
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