“Eid Mubarak” to all our Muslim friends!
كل عام وأنتم بألف خير لمسلمي العالم بمناسبة عيد الفطر
Ramadan had officially come to an end last evening, and what followed was the holiday of Eid al-Fitr. For all the Muslims, Eid al-Fitr is a remarkable yearly event, while people can share their prayers and great food, just like we do during the Lunar New Year.
عيد الفطر بالنسبة للمسلمين بمثابة عيد رأس السنة الصيني للصينيين، فهو وقت لتبادل الزيارات والتهاني بين الأهالي والأقارب والأصدقاء.
There are around 50 to 60 thousand Muslims in Taiwan. And among the 500 thousand foreigners who have come here to work and study from all around the world, half of them are Muslims too. Hence in this Islamic festival, we shall not hesitate to congratulate to our Muslim friends and share our genuine joy with them. In the meantime, we would like to appeal to all the employers and business owners, to ask them to strive to understand and recognize the faith of their Muslim employees, and not to forget to convey their gratitude towards their hardworking immigrant workers. Above all, the business owners should entitle those workers suitable leaves and holidays for them to join the family members for Salah or festivals.
عيد الفطر بالنسبة للمسلمين بمثابة عيد رأس السنة الصيني للصينيين، فهو وقت لتبادل الزيارات والتهاني بين الأهالي والأقارب والأصدقاء.
The Messenger of Allah and the Prophet Muhammad had once called upon the Muslim believers, and made the statement “Whoever takes advantage of the peaceful pagans, he is the one who takes advantage of me.” This quotation had revealed the core of Islamic culture, which is the respect towards different beliefs. Taiwan is a country which enjoys high level of religious freedom. The essence of this freedom is to seek mutual respect and understanding among different faiths.
تهتم تايوان بقيم التسامح والتحاور بين الديانات، وترحب بقدوم الزوار المسلمين إليها.
根據萬事達卡公布的「2019 年新月評等—全球穆斯林旅遊指數(GMTI)」,台灣被評比為非伊斯蘭教組織國家中,最佳旅遊目的地第3名。在此要祝福所有的穆斯林朋友開齋節愉快,歡迎大家邀請更多伊斯蘭文化圈的朋友來台灣作客,這裡有遵照伊斯蘭教法建造的清真寺,以及品項眾多且經過清真認證的美食,相信能夠帶給所有穆斯林賓至如歸的感受。
According to mastercard-crescentrating global muslim travel index (gmti) 2019, Taiwan had been rated as the third most attractive country among non-Organization of Islamic Cooperation destinations. Once again, “Eid Mubarak” to all, and we welcome you to invite more Islamic friends to visit Taiwan. We have mosques built according to Islamic law, and provide the cuisines with Halal Certification. Surely Taiwan can make all our Muslim guests feel like coming back home.
وكانت تايوان في المحل الثالث في قائمة أفضل وجهة السفر للمسلمين بين الدول غير الإسلامية حسب تقييم The MasterCard-CrescentRating Global Muslim Travel Index (GMTI) بسبب انتشار المطاعم والمرافق المناسبة للمسلمين في الأماكن العامة والفنادق. ندعوكم إلى زيارة تايوان والاستمتاع بجمالها، أهلا وسهلا بكم