C.1.2สายพันธุ์ใหม่! อันตรายมากกว่าทุกสายพันธุ์ ระบาดเร็วกว่า 1.7เท่า พบระบาดแล้วที่แอฟริกาใต้ จีน คองโก อังกฤษ นิวซีแลนด์ โปรตุเกส สวิตเซอร์แลนด์
อะไรอีกกกก อย่าเข้ามานะ (เสียงสูง)
同時也有23部Youtube影片,追蹤數超過13萬的網紅The World TODAY,也在其Youtube影片中提到,北非國家 #摩洛哥 10號同意和 #以色列 關係正常化,是繼阿拉伯聯合大公國、巴林、蘇丹後,第四個要跟以色列建交的阿拉伯國家,而且又是美國居中斡旋促成的,為中東和平穩定又往前一步。 原本是美事一樁,但美國卻在同一天承認摩洛哥擁有「#西撒哈拉」(Western Sahara)的主權,引發國際社會批評...
「democratic republic」的推薦目錄:
democratic republic 在 美國在台協會 AIT Facebook 的最佳貼文
#RefugeeDay #WorldRefugeeDay #TogetherWithRefugees
Tomorrow June 20 is the World Refugee Day. President Biden has more than quadrupled the number of refugees the United States intends to admit in 2021 and hopes to welcome 125,000 refugees in 2022. On the occasion of World Refugee Day, we recognize refugees who are fleeing horrific conditions around the world, including Burma, the Democratic Republic of the Congo, Ethiopia, Hong Kong and Xinjiang, South Sudan, Syria, and Venezuela.
Read more:
democratic republic 在 Facebook 的精選貼文
To all the athletes chosen for the @RefugeesOlympic Team, congratulations - Including our girl, the inspiring @yusramardini!
The team was selected from the refugee athletes currently supported through the Olympic Scholarships for Refugee Athletes programme.
UNHCR has worked closely with the IOC as a partner for the last 25 years working together to support over 200,000 young people in sports programmes designed to improve their well-being and social inclusion in eight countries (Colombia, Democratic Republic of Congo, Jordan, Kenya, Mexico, Rwanda, Turkey and Uganda).
The first-ever IOC Refugee Olympic Team consisting of 10 athletes had competed at the Olympic Games Rio 2016. The athletes have captured the attention of the world through their inspirational journeys and performances.
Each one of the members is a symbol of hope and courage for the millions of refugees around the world.
They will send a powerful message of solidarity and hope to the world this summer, bringing further awareness to the plight of over 80 million displaced people worldwide.
#Repost @refugees
Congratulations to all the athletes chosen for the @RefugeeOlympicTeam!
Through your resilience, determination, and dedication to what you love, you’re an inspiration for us all.
We’re so proud to cheer for you and to support all of the IOC Refugee Athlete Scholarship holders. Your achievements bring hope to so many millions of refugees and displaced people around the world. Simply put, you are extraordinary!
Together we’re calling for a world in which ALL displaced people can equally access sport.
#StrongerTogether #ChangeStartsWithSport #Olympics #Tokyo2020
democratic republic 在 The World TODAY Youtube 的精選貼文
北非國家 #摩洛哥 10號同意和 #以色列 關係正常化,是繼阿拉伯聯合大公國、巴林、蘇丹後,第四個要跟以色列建交的阿拉伯國家,而且又是美國居中斡旋促成的,為中東和平穩定又往前一步。
原本是美事一樁,但美國卻在同一天承認摩洛哥擁有「#西撒哈拉」(Western Sahara)的主權,引發國際社會批評為了摩洛哥犧牲西撒哈拉居民的權利,一起來看西撒哈拉的爭端,以及這次爭議在哪裡?
1. 影片 01:05 處,西撒哈拉面積應為台灣的7倍。
2. 影片 1:13 及 1:19 處,國旗應分別放置如下:
- 1874-1931 旗幟
- 1945-1977 旗幟
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馬上訂閱 LINE TODAY 官方帳號,全球脈動隨時掌握!
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democratic republic 在 志祺七七 X 圖文不符 Youtube 的精選貼文
#2021最潮神曆 #潮聖
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#捷克 #布拉格之春
00:00 開頭
00:33 前情提要
02:20 快速認識捷克
04:03 跟台灣很像的捷克
05:15 捷克「耽擱」了什麼?
06:58 所以是要建交了嗎?
08:40 「戰狼外交」踢到鐵板?
10:20 我們的觀點
11:44 提問
11:58 結尾
【 製作團隊 】
【 本集參考資料 】
→ :中國的歐洲野心:華信大舉投資給捷克帶來了什麼:https://nyti.ms/2Fr3b2x
→ :捷克参议院议长访台:“远北京近台北”背后的美中台外交角力:https://bbc.in/3hpq5V3
→ :韋德齊:我是台灣人 不違反一中:https://bit.ly/3bVseGC
→ :美台歐日重組供應鏈論壇 聲明確保安全不受政治脅迫:https://bit.ly/3bTfaBR
→ :中國大使逼死捷克參議院長?訪台前夕猝死,遺族控訴的「密室恐嚇信」:https://bit.ly/3hBgrPj
→ :王毅:挑战一中原则必将付出沉重代价:https://bit.ly/3kfhjuC
→ :Prague summons Chinese ambassador over Taiwan trip:https://bit.ly/3kfxSqd
→ :Czech senate speaker will pay 'heavy price' for Taiwan visit, China says:https://reut.rs/3hsEb8a
→ :German foreign minister warns China against making threats:https://politi.co/2DY6X2J
→ :Czech democratic legend coming to Taiwan Friday:https://bit.ly/3bTLc0B
→ :Czech-China love affair hits the rocks:https://bit.ly/35v224J
→ :Joint Statement from applied by the PRC on Czech:https://bit.ly/3ki2gQy
→ :China threatened to harm Czech companies over Taiwan visit: letter:https://reut.rs/33nWq9L
【 延伸閱讀 】
→ :Why Taiwan Matters for the Czech Republic:https://bit.ly/3hovb3D
→ :張躍然:我們一直一廂情願地誤解了「布拉格之春」:https://bit.ly/2ZAH28P
→ :Czech Republic, China’s Gateway to Europe? (2/3): Broken promises:https://bit.ly/3bYc5QI
→ :《捷克史》:6300輛坦克鎮壓「布拉格之春」,迎來20年之久的「蘇維埃之冬」:https://bit.ly/35xfiWi
→ :誰來唱垮一個政權:哈維爾與宇宙塑膠人:https://bit.ly/2ZypcDx
→ :捷克參訪團頻提起的「哈維爾總統」究竟是誰?:https://bit.ly/3bWoVzh
→ :中國大使逼死捷克參議院長?訪台前夕猝死,遺族控訴的「密室恐嚇信」:https://bit.ly/3hsaILm
→ :Czech Prime Minister Andrej Babiš hits back at Chinese diplomats’ Huawei and ZTE claims:https://bit.ly/3khT7YC
→ :Mike Pompeo's summer feel-good tour of Europe:https://politi.co/2RkZZb0
→ :Pompeo Visit: US’s Anti-China Recruitment Drive Targets Willing Central Europeans:https://bit.ly/3isYaEN
democratic republic 在 賓狗單字Bingo Bilingual Youtube 的最讚貼文
第一個單字是 counter、c-o-u-n-t-e-r、counter,抗衡(名詞),例句是:Trump intends the larger group to act as a counter to China.
G7 要從 seven 變成 eleven 了嗎?
G7 是世界七大工業國,簡單來說,就是有錢國家搞小團體啦。川普提議,擴大這個小團體,再增加四個國家,變成 G11。他想邀請的是俄羅斯、南韓、澳洲、印度。為什麼要擴大呢?可能是要跟中國抗衡啦~這個抗衡就是 counter。
第二個單字是 factor、f-a-c-t-o-r、factor 因素,例句是:Alcohol is a major factor in crimes.
第三個單字是 walkout、w-a-l-k-o-u-t、walkout 罷工抗議,例句是:Facebook employees have staged virtual walkout over Trump post.
美國警察亂殺黑人,引發大規模抗議,抗議中出現暴力破壞的狀況,也發生偷竊搶劫。結果川普竟然在網路上 po 文嗆聲:誰要是搶劫,就直接開槍!
川普的貼文,威脅恐嚇人民,推特看不下去,選擇把貼文隱藏起來了,直接跟川普槓上了。但 Facebook 繼續把貼文留著,很多 Facebook 員工不滿 Facebook,怎麼可以支持這種貼文,非常不爽,於是罷工抗議,要臉書表態跟處理。臉書員工罷工抗議,就是 walkout。
第四個單字是 vigil、v-i-g-i-l、vigil 守夜,而守夜的目的,可能是為了照顧生病的人,也可能是政治抗議,例句是:Hong Kong have blocked the annual vigil for victims of the Tiananmen Square massacre.
每年這個時候,香港人會舉辦守夜活動,哀悼天安門事件的受害者。他們會在夜晚舉蠟燭,聚集在一塊。今年,香港政府說,不准辦。香港果然變了,變得不自由了。天安門事件是個抗議活動,當時中國人向政府喊話,希望中國變得民主一點,結果政府用子彈跟坦克回應,血腥鎮壓抗議的人。守夜活動,就是 vigil。
最後一個單字是 measles、m-e-a-s-l-e-s、measles 麻疹,例句是:The Democratic Republic of the Congo is battling massive outbreak of measles , Ebola, and COVID-19 .
其中,麻疹的傳染力強得很嚇人,幾乎所有小孩都會中標,得病後死亡的機率,還比武漢肺炎還高。你可能想說,嗯?我怎麼沒什麼聽過,麻疹的疫情勒?這是因為有疫苗,大概是 1960 年代研發出來的。其實看完麻疹的歷史後,我覺得人類也是蠻了不起的耶,能用疫苗控制住可怕的麻疹病毒。希望台灣繼續謹慎防疫,等待疫苗出來,一起戰勝武漢肺炎。
簡單複習:counter 對抗、factor 因素、walkout 罷工抗議、vigil 守夜、measles 麻疹。
恭喜你!今天學了 5 個新單字,還聽了 5 則國際大事!如果喜歡我們的 podcast,希望你可以訂閱,然後為我們留 5 顆星的評價。如果有什麼意見,歡迎留言,也可以到 IG 搜尋賓狗單字,私訊我聊聊喔~謝謝收聽,下次通勤見 ❤️
democratic republic 在 Democratic Republic of the Congo | Culture, History, & People 的相關結果
Democratic Republic of the Congo, country located in central Africa. Officially known as the Democratic Republic of the Congo, the country has a 25-mile ... ... <看更多>
democratic republic 在 Democratic Republic of Congo Overview - World Bank Group 的相關結果
With a surface area equivalent to that of Western Europe, the Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC) is the largest country in Sub-Saharan Africa (SSA). ... <看更多>
democratic republic 在 Democratic republic - Wikipedia 的相關結果
A democratic republic is a form of government operating on principles adopted from a republic and a democracy. As a cross between two entirely separate ... ... <看更多>