故宮學術季刊36卷2期📒📕 出刊
•孫明道 〈煙江疊嶂圖〉與董其昌的政治隱情
•侯怡利 談國立故宮博物院之百什件收藏──以乾隆八年(1743) 重裝百什件為例
•胡櫨文 乾隆時期掐絲琺瑯的轉變──以國立故宮博物院藏品為中心
Research Quarterly【Volume 36, Number 2】
•Sun, Ming-dao
The Signification of Scroll of a River in Mist and Piled Peaks
by Dong Qichang
•Hou, Yi-li
A Discussion of Baishijian Curio Boxes in the National Palace Museum Collection: Using the Qianlong Reassembled Baishijian Curio Boxes of 1743 as Example
•Hu, Lu-wen
The Transformation of Cloisonné in the Qianlong Reign: Focusing on Works in the Collection of the National Palace Museum
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