講到 #塵蟎 就會讓人聯想到 #氣喘、#過敏性鼻炎、#皮膚癢(濕疹)、或是 #異位性皮膚炎,我自己也對塵蟎過敏,以前大學放完寒暑假回到租屋處,一定是一邊打噴嚏一邊打掃房間,而且眼睛癢皮膚也癢,相信有很多人也跟我一樣!目前市面上也有不少宣稱可以 #抗塵蟎 的家電或是寢具,今天就從皮膚科的角度來探討,『#抗蟎』到底對濕疹或是異位性皮膚炎有沒有幫助呢?
屋塵蟎(house dust mite)被認為是跟異位性皮膚炎最相關的空氣過敏原。患者的皮膚跟一般人比起來有較多的塵蟎 ; 不只皮膚上,在衣服和寢具上的塵蟎也跟他們皮膚癢還有疾病惡化有關,因為塵蟎帶有的酵素會破壞皮膚的屏障。因此很多醫生會建議病人『抗蟎』以減輕病情或是治療異位性皮膚炎。此外。也要提醒大家,家裡不管再怎麼乾淨,都不可能完全沒有塵蟎,我們只能『減少』塵蟎的數量。
1.注意 #室內通風。
2.使用 #除濕機:塵蟎喜歡的相對濕度是70%~75%,如果降至50%以下,塵蟎就無法繁殖了。搭配空調效果更好。
3.使用 #空氣清淨機。
4.使用 #防蟎 床單、被套、枕頭套。
6.清洗衣物和寢具要用 #55度以上的水溫:寢具最好能一個星期清洗一次,而且洗之前先浸泡四小時的漂白水殺塵蟎的效果更好。
7.用 #濕抹布會比乾抹布好:乾抹布擦家具會讓灰塵滿天飛。
8.使用有 #高效率粒子空氣濾器(HEPA filter)的吸塵器:用吸塵器的時候要戴口罩。吸完房間後,20分鐘內不要有人進去,避免吸入揚起的灰塵或是過敏原。
#化學方法:使用 #殺蟎劑 跟 #防黴劑。殺蟎劑可以理解,但防黴劑有沒有搞錯對象?!答案是沒有!塵蟎跟黴菌有共生的關係,對抗黴菌也可以順便防範塵蟎!
既然醫生都這麼說,想必『抗蟎』是有效的吧?結論是目前沒有統一的共識!但認為有效的還是比沒效的來得多。#歐洲治療異位性皮膚炎指引 認同在異位性皮膚炎的病人使用抗蟎療法,尤其是床墊跟寢具使用防蟎套包住。#美國JTF(Joint task force)指引 認為異位性皮膚炎的病人要盡量減少接觸空氣過敏原(動物皮毛、塵蟎、花粉),尤其是塵蟎 ; 此外他們還建議患者使用防蟎床墊跟枕頭套。#美國皮膚科醫學會 則是建議除非病人證實對塵蟎過敏,不然不需要每位患者都使用防蟎寢具。
結論:『抗蟎』在實證醫學角度對異位性皮膚炎的病人確實有幫助 ; 至於濕疹的部分還未有定論。
Ref :
Parasitology and Microbiology Research-House Dust Mites: Ecology, Biology, Prevalence, Epidemiology and Elimination
JEADV 2018, 32, 657-682
Cochrane Database Syst Rev. 2015 Jan 19;1:CD008426.
Int J Dermatol. 2008 Aug;47(8):790-5.
Journal of Allergy and Clinical Immunology,Volume 113, Issue 2, Supplement, 2004, Page S296.
同時也有2部Youtube影片,追蹤數超過4萬的網紅Koujee Beatbox,也在其Youtube影片中提到,Based on Koujee's true story. Sneezer draws inspiration from Koujee's very own life ...
dust issue 在 Milton Goh Blog and Sermon Notes Facebook 的最讚貼文
How to Receive Faith for your Breakthrough?
“having heard the things concerning Jesus, came up behind him in the crowd, and touched his clothes. For she said, “If I just touch his clothes, I will be made well.” Immediately the flow of her blood was dried up, and she felt in her body that she was healed of her affliction...He said to her, “Daughter, your faith has made you well. Go in peace, and be cured of your disease.”” (Mark 5:27-29, 34 WEB)
How did the woman with the issue of blood receive her healing?
She kept hearing about Jesus and how the sick who touched His garment got healed.
This gave the woman the faith to believe for her own healing.
This is the power of a testimony. When you hear about others getting the same type of breakthrough you need, you will receive the faith to believe for your own.
What if you don’t know anyone around you who received the breakthrough you need?
Look in the Bible. It is a book full of testimonies of all kinds. Imagine yourself as one of the people in the crowd who saw the woman with the issue of blood celebrating her healing.
Picture Jesus smiling and saying, “Daughter, your faith has made you well. Go in peace, and be cured of your disease.”
Let it feel so real to you and take over your five senses. Smell the Middle-Eastern air, taste the dryness of your mouth, feel the heat of the afternoon sun and the dust on your feet.
The clamoring crowds are pushing just for one touch that will make them well. Won’t you reach in for your breakthrough too? You didn’t travel all the way just to let Him pass you by right?
More than a book to give you knowledge, the Bible is a book that imparts faith to you. When you see our loving and gracious God in action, you receive the faith for your breakthrough.
That is why I wrote my book “Messiah’s Miracles: The Power of Having Faith in Jesus Christ”. By expounding all 37 recorded miracles of Jesus Christ, I aim to show you God’s love and grace so that faith will come to you. It is a book of testimonies about how good God is, and miracle-working faith will be yours when you let these scenes envelop your heart.
Get Messiah’s Miracles on Amazon at a special sale price:
Kindle eBook format for only $2.99: https://www.amazon.com/Messiahs-Miracles-Power-Having-Christ-ebook/dp/B084C56QZQ
Paperback for only $9.90: https://www.amazon.com/Messiahs-Miracles-Power-Having-Christ/dp/B0849Z3J7Y
dust issue 在 Plus Size Kitten Facebook 的最讚貼文
Hi everyone, I'm Evelyn, a hospital based physiotherapist.
For the past few days, I saw there's many doubts regarding the current respiratory illness outbreak issue, masks issue etc. in the group and of course everyone would like to protect their loved ones. As a healthcare professional, I hope that I can help to clarify doubts, spread awareness and stop unnecessary rumours through this post.
It will be a long post as I will include:
- What is Wuhan Coronavirus
- Do's and Dont's
- Hand Hygiene (Hand rub and hand wash)
- Suitable mask types
Hope everyone can spend some time to read this and educate your family / friends.
> What is Wuhan Coronavirus?
It is a novel (new) coronavirus that was first detected in Wuhan City, Hubei Province, China, which continues to expand in a few countries (as of now) including the United States. It is also known by the name "2019-nCoV"
- fever
- cough
- shortness of breath
Ranges from mildly sick to severely ill and dying. Symptoms may appear as few as 2 days or as long as 14 days after exposure.
Direct: Person-to-person contact and happened mainly via respiratory droplets produced (infected person coughs or sneeze).
For example: coughs or sneeze onto the hand / tissue / handkerchief and touches other people without washing hand properly.
Indirect: Any surfaces that may have contact with an infected person's respiratory droplets.
For example: handles on the train, escalator, hand wash sink, public phone, trolley / baskets in supermarket, common used cutlery in a buffet restaurant and many more.
> Do's and Dont's during this period of time
✔️ Wash your hands often with soap and water for at least 20 - 30 seconds. If soap and water are not available, use an alcohol-based hand sanitizer.
✔️Cover your cough or sneeze with a tissue, disposed tissue properly in trash 🤧
*Refer picture below for COUGH MANNERS
✔️Clean and disinfect frequenly touched objects and surfaces.
✔️Wear a mask if you have to go out to crowded places
❌ Avoid touching eyes, nose, mouth with UNWASHED HANDS.
❌ Avoid close contact if you're sick / with people who are sick, stay home when you're sick
❌ Avoid huge crowded places especially for kids and when you are not well
👐 Hand Hygiene
- Hand rub : only use alcohol-based hand sanitizers, preferably medical grades, avoid buying non-recognized brands / with heavy fragrance. Please read the label before buying. Not necessary to buy expensive type.
* Refer picture below for HANDRUB steps
**VIDEO from WHO: How to handrub? With alcohol-based formulation https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZnSjFr6J9HI
- Hand wash: best to use antibacterial soap, not necessary to buy.
*Refer picture below for HANDWASH steps
**VIDEO from WHO: How to handwash? With soap and water
It is necessary to follow the steps for either hand rub or hand wash to cover all the frequently missed area in our hands that is prone for bacteria growth/ attachments.
*Refer picture below for FREQUENTLY MISSED AREA
3 times hand rub, 1 times hand wash.
It means that after maximum of 3 times using hand sanitizer, the 4th time is a hand wash. Shall not exceed 3 times of hand rub, as your hands will have a layer of dirt/ dust, thus increase bacteria growth.
😷 Suitable type of MASK
Only surgical mask 3-ply is suitable, definitely not Pitta mask / cotton mask / paper mask / charcoal mask.
To clarify, there's only 1 type of surgical mask (green, blue or white) 3ply, ear-loop or tie string.
-Surgical mask have a layer of fluid barrier (color layer) to prevent respiratory droplets from other users entering the mask layers. It is also breathable as it fits loosely. SHOW YOUR COLOR (color layer facing outwards)
-MASK DOES NOT NEED TO FIT TIGHTLY as we still need air particles to breathe.
[Myth: tie string surgical mask cost a lot more expensive because they're for SURGEON USE.]
[Truth: It is incorrect. It cost only slightly higher due to the manufacturing for the strings. Surgeon uses tie string masks because it minimizes the risk of mask falling out throughout the surgery. And in hospitals, nurses or healthcare professionals with tudung uses tie string masks as the ear-loops ones are slightly inconvenient. ]
You definitely do not need N95 mask, as we only use it in hospitals when a healthcare professional have to be in contact with infected patients in the isolation room. N95 masks is denser, harder to breathe in, and definitely not suitable for children!
If the virus is airborne, it is most likely smaller than 0.3 microns, where N95 will not give you any extra protection.
Children mask: Although protecting children is very important, it is not necessary to source for children's face mask tirelessly, especially when they're around 4 - 5 years and above. You can use regular surgical mask and create a knot at each of the ear loop to tighten the face mask in order to snuggle the child's face slightly better.
*Refer the mask picture below. (knotting the ear loops)
If you're not sick, mask is not soiled / soaked in sweat, the mask can be use throughout the day, disposed at the end of the day.
- Mask should be kept in a CLEAN zipper bag if you wish to reuse it (e.g: after lunch break or dinner break)
you should not fold the mask and keep it in your bag / pocket / handbag / under your mobile for reuse
- Mask should be disposed once soiled (e.g.: sweat, any fluid, or dropped on the floor)
If you're sick, please change masks frequently, disposed them properly in the trash.
WASH YOUR HANDS before and after removing / putting on a mask.
It is important to note that how easily a virus spreads, in order to better understand the risk associated, and prevention steps.
* Please do confirm the source of a particular info before spreading or worrying as there's a lot of false news / posts out there.
I hope this post can clarify most of your doubts and put an end to some of the rumors out there.
Please share this info and educate your family and friends, spread awareness ESPECIALLY prevention (HAND HYGIENE). It is important for kids to learn how to protect themselves as easy by doing correct hand hygiene.
Thank you so much for your time.
Info source: CDC, WHO, Google
Image source: WHO, CHP HK, Google Image
Video source: WHO Youtube
dust issue 在 Koujee Beatbox Youtube 的精選貼文
Based on Koujee's true story.
Sneezer draws inspiration from Koujee's very own life experiences. "I have experienced countless ups and downs for the past 10 years. I've gone through and seen many betrayals of trust and friendship over the years. I feel the need to make a stand and address this issue that I've been battling with. After 2 years of silence, I've decided to turn this life experience into this MV, calling on the society to be responsible with their words", Koujee said.
The MV features two prominent characters which are the "Ghossiper" and “Queen Of Whisperer" to express the consequence of spreading false rumours.
"Believe nothing of what you hear and only half of what you see."
"Rumors are carried by haters, spread by fools, and accepted by idiots."
MV的音乐和画面含盖了许多暗示性表达⼿法,特别设计了“是非精” (Ghossiper) 以及“是非⼥王”(Queen Of Whisperer) 两个角⾊,用来表达谣⾔的恐怖性。你也可以在MV里看到Koujee亲自创作的绘画作品。
Sneezer Lyrics:
"Have you ever wonder
dusk and flu are not the only reason that causes you to sneeze
There is one more. . ."
Check 1 2 走投无路
We born to communicate
We educate
With da certificate
And yet So?
Proving everybody
Or fooling everybody
Living in this society
And yet so?
Play fair?
Think out of the square
Climb up the stairs look clearly if you dare
Look around you who's around you success or not depend who's around you
散播谣言 散播谎言
简直一派 胡言
满口谎言 贪得无厌
他妈的 讨厌
缺德的钱奴才 自欺欺人
博取众人的 信任
获得 权力 地位
I dont know what you did to get them boosted
I dont know what you did to make them lose it
Who the hell are you
What the hell are you
Time will reveal the true you
Its ok ignored me
Im just a somebody fak u bic
Check 1 2 走投无路
反口覆舌 变化无穷
信用 是何物也
暗箭中人 出口伤人
Feeling it oh yeah
前后 一个样
面具款式 各种各样
Faking for the the rest of ya life
ya think is really nice?
我的背后 渐渐插着那么多的箭
暗里度过的夜 是否让我 学会了奸
别怪我无情 这痛 痛的不只一天
痛得不再有感觉 仿佛 我成了仙
Eyes on a wheelchair
Judgemental mindset
Feed with the illusion facts
Acts speak louder
Or the words speak louder?
Do you really care one another?
fulfilling the role of an elder?
顶, 神又是你 鬼又是你
Seriously, I don't give a FART! Ops..
Nah, I didn't curse with the word fuck.
Oh fuck I just did it..
Oh yea, me as a fucking believer and a fucking educator, I shouldn't use the word fuck,
Yea right, you fucking hypocrite are too fucking free to fuck people around, repent your sins before is too late mother fuckers!
Check 1 2 走投无路
Check 1 2 走投无路
Director KOUJEE | Writer KOUJEE | Film Producer KOUJEE | Video Editing KOUJEE | Video Colouring KOUJEE | Character Design KOUJEE | Art KOUJEE | Album Design KOUJEE | Music Composing KOUJEE | Lyrics KOUJEE | Record Producer BROO PRODUCTION |
Cast KOUJEE as Koujee | DEEKA as Back Packer | MARVIN as Ghossiper 1 | SIMON as Ghossiper 2 | FEEDER as Ghossiper 3 | JUN LEONG as Ghossiper 4 | POOI YAN as Whisperer | HUIBY NGAN as Aunty 1 | OLIVIA ONG as Aunty 2 | SARAH SHU as High Schooler | SAMUEL CHER as Blinded Man 1 | VICTOR TONG as Blinded Man 2 | HUIBY as Blinded Woman 1 | SANDRA BOON as Blinded Woman 2 | TEDDY / GATSBY as Koujee's Cat | Photography CASH STUDIO | Production Design KOUJEE EDUTAINMENT | Image Consultant FAYE LAI | | Videoed by DAVE CHAN/ VICTOR TONG/SAMUEL CHER/ ANDREW LEE/ SANDRA BOON | Koujee's MakeUp & Hair Do FAYE LAI | Ghossiper's MakeUp FAYE LAI | Whisperer's MakeUp SHAN SHAN | Koujee's Hair Sponsor S KONCEPT HAIRZON / WAJASS | Venue by CUPCAT IMAGE / MEGA STAR ARENA | Dance by MUSTANG DANCE ACADEMY/ ORI'BOND DANCE BOXX STUDIO | Props Team KOUJEE / FAYE LAI | Spiderman Mask MK Tong | Floor Manager SAMUEL CHER | Floor Assistant SARAH SHU | F&B Sponsor GARAGE 51 | Printing Sponsor SINCERE SERVICE GROUP |
dust issue 在 toysrevil Youtube 的最佳貼文
Dust Catcher is an independent print magazine about contemporary character design, illustration and collectibles. Bringing you a selection of nifty interviews with our favorite makers, ranging from illustrators and painters to sculptors, toy designers, and manufacturers.
210mm x 275mm. 96 ad-free pages. Printed on uncoated paper. Cover with translucent paper sheet for that extra dusty look! Priced @ 14€ (plus worldwide shipping from Germany, only 3,90€). Purchase now via http://www.dustcatchermag.com.
More information on the exclusive toy releases featured #onTOYSREVIL @ http://bit.ly/2mBqLhn
(Track used: "Spin and Scratch" by JR Tundra)