Time: the Purest Currency in this World
“Therefore rejoice, heavens, and you who dwell in them. Woe to the earth and to the sea, because the devil has gone down to you, having great wrath, knowing that he has but a short time.”” (Revelation 12:12 WEB)
Hi dear patron,
If you think about it, all money is received by exchanging time for it.
The rich know how to leverage on other people’s time, convincing them to use their time to enrich the rich.
When products are sold, they command a higher price when these companies can convince you why it’s worth parting with more money (which you used your time to exchange for).
Time is the purest currency in this temporal world. When you grow crops to sell them for money or to barter for goods, you’re choosing to spend your time in a certain way.
It’s possible to get a good deal for your time, and a bad deal for your time. When you spend time on unprofitable ventures like indulging in sin, you’re being cheated out of your precious time.
The devil is someone who is poor, because the Scriptures say that he has “but a short time”.
Satan lacks time because his eternal fate is to burn in the lake of fire. Today, his mission is to rob people of their time by killing, stealing and destroying.
When people die prematurely because of allowing sin to mature and bring forth the fruit of death, they are robbed of their time.
When people spend time indulging in fruitless activities all day long, their time is stolen from them.
When people work in jobs or organizations that advance the devil’s plans, they are giving him their time—he leverages on that borrowed time, and doesn’t mind paying you money for it because money is worthless to him.
He is interested in hurting God by damning human souls to Hell.
The one who is truly rich is God who has always existed since eternity past, and will continue to live in the eternal ages to come.
““I am the Alpha and the Omega, ” says the Lord God, “who is and who was and who is to come, the Almighty.”” (Revelation 1:8 WEB)
All the time belongs to Him—He created time. We who have been saved will join Him in eternity, sharing in His abundance.
Meanwhile in this mortal lifetime, let us get a good deal for our time. Be wise in how you spend this precious currency.
“Therefore watch carefully how you walk, not as unwise, but as wise; redeeming the time, because the days are evil. Therefore don’t be foolish, but understand what the will of the Lord is.” (Ephesians 5:15-17 WEB)
The main will of the Lord is the salvation of mankind. To spend your time wisely is to partner with Him in this venture of soul winning, through the unique way that He has graced you.
“Sell that which you have, and give gifts to the needy. Make for yourselves purses which don’t grow old, a treasure in the heavens that doesn’t fail, where no thief approaches, neither moth destroys. For where your treasure is, there will your heart be also.” (Luke 12:33-34 WEB)
When you make God’s love known to the world through the anointing and gifts that are in you, leading to their repentance in Christ Jesus, you’re gathering up eternal rewards that are infinitely precious.
This is the wisest way to spend your time—the best investment you can make. Don’t spend time to purchase death—use your time to redeem eternal rewards!
If you want to do this, ask God, and He will lead you to do so through the Holy Spirit.
All about the eternal rewards you can receive and how to maximize them: http://bit.ly/sandcastlesdontlastforever
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【全新加速器 本地初創佳音!】
數碼港為本地start-up帶嚟好消息!嚟自美國三藩市嘅Wearable IoT World (WIoTW),上星期二同慧科資本(Radiant Venture Capital)宣布,今年5月起將推出U.S.-Pan Asia IoT Superhighway加速器計劃,俾物聯網、可穿載科技及新興科技相關嘅初創企業,參加為期15周嘅體驗工程及工作坊,仲會提供度身配對導師、培訓、辦公空間及商業服務等等。
我哋有著強大嘅全球網絡支援,吸引到更多業界夥伴同start-up同我哋合作,WIoTW嘅行政辦公室同埋旗下嘅WIoTW Labs仲會進駐數碼港添,相信佢哋嘅加入絕對為我哋嘅start-up社群生色不少。
Exciting news for local start-ups! Wearable IoT World (WIoTW) and Radiant Venture Capital announced the launch of the U.S.-Pan Asia IoT Superhighway accelerator for the development of IoT wearables and emerging technologies in the region last Tuesday. This 15-week program will begin in May this year and provide customised mentorship, education, office space and business services etc.
With strong global network, we are happy to collaborate with more industry partners and start-ups in the future. Cyberport will also house WIoTW’s executive office and WIoTW Labs, their participation is believed to enrich our start-up community a lot!