【香港行銷機器人新創 Omnichat 完成 2,400 萬種子輪融資 AppWorks 領投,深耕台灣市場】
恭喜 AW#16 校友 Omnichat - 給你 Easychat 完成種子輪融資,持續協助電商與零售業者解決痛點。
//...正當疫情持續衝擊實體經濟,商業活動加速轉往數位化、線上化、電商化的過程中,AppWorks 看好 Omnichat 在這樣的商業結構轉變中,所展現的成長潛力...
在行銷社群化、訊息碎片化的時代,Omnichat 可協助電商客戶進行跨通訊平台的行銷方案,轉換率比電商整體平均高 3 到 7 倍。 Omnichat 為零售及電商客戶創造的價值,也在這波疫情升溫之際展現...
對台灣與香港電商、新創圈另一個重要的意義,則是 Omnichat 可望成為少數將「香港新創 + 台灣市場經驗」模式輸出至大東南亞 (東協 + 台灣) 的案例...//
by Antony, AppWorks Communications Master
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Supercharge Your Startup:
As a founder, where can you get valuable peer feedback, thoughtful mentorship, and immediate resources with people who identify with the startup journey? Founders are already trying to do things at scale that other people cannot replicate, but to deliver that change in a complex region like Greater Southeast Asia, they need a more collective and collaborative approach to their new ideas, together. Many founders in our ecosystem have learned to be a better founder after joining our accelerator program where they have been exposed to a community of founders, mentors, and resources.
Founders are known to try new things that other people can’t or won’t replicate, so the challenge for founders is being able to do that inside of an existing market, and doing it consistently over time. Markets like to function in one way, which is what entrepreneurs challenge when they develop new ideas. When founders come together, it’s easier to challenge the status quo when they’re surrounded by others who are doing the same thing. Otherwise, while continually pushing at an existing model, founders might find the journey exhausting and alienating. Community is essential -- that’s one thing accelerators can offer better than any other institution.
Having a community of founders helping each other out, despite them being strangers to one another, is critical in driving innovation forward. We’ve seen in our own community how simply asking for advice yields tons of responses from other founders who have been there, done that. “If we have any kind of question, we can just grab a Facebook message and a lot of people will help us,” Alan Chan and Lewis Pong (AW#16 Omnichat - 給你 Easychat) say. “This is really amazing.”
Included in that community is mentorship. Having mentors in life, whether you’re a founder or not, can be one of the biggest drivers for motivation and success. When it comes to entrepreneurs, many attribute their success to having great mentors who helped them along their entrepreneurial journey. It’s no wonder that many startups have advisors on their team. Also, having someone to bounce ideas off of to avoid costly mistakes can be crucial to making or breaking a startup. For Sheng (AW#18 Luxtag), “mentors have a more ‘anything is possible’ mentality (i.e., they innovate and try new things). Mentors in general help to unlock situations when the founders are stuck, when they can’t agree on what to do next, or have inexperience in a situation.”
Within a community comes resources that founders can take advantage of. Bootstrapping your startup and being lean require you to think about how to manage your budget and your expenses. Most accelerator programs will offer resources to help with this problem, and allow the founders to focus on building their startup rather than nitpicking which programs they can use and what facilities they should be at.
While it’s true that not all startups are suited to join an accelerator program, there are many benefits for startups to go through an accelerator in order to grow their business and be in an environment that facilitates this kind of growth. If you’re looking for a community, mentors, or resources to expand to a new market, an accelerator program might be perfect for you.
If you’d like to learn more about the community at AppWorks, the mentors in our network, or the resources we have to offer, check out our website and if you’re working on AI or Blockchain solutions, you’re welcome to apply to our 20th batch in 2020! >>> http://bit.ly/2rh3rKx
By: Natalie Feng Lin, Analyst
Image credit: Body Shop Business
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【2019 最新的台灣 AI 生態系地圖】
在 AI 的發展上,台灣一直是大東南亞地區 (東協 + 台灣) 領先的人才重鎮。我們也可以看到,過去兩年來,Google、Microsoft、IBM 等科技巨頭陸續在台灣成立 AI 研發中心,主要原因除了台灣有好的人才以外,在地理位置上,台灣也位居連接東南亞與東北亞地區的樞紐位置。
除了世界巨頭外,越來越多東南亞地區的新創企業也相繼來台徵才。例如,同樣來自新加坡的 Carousell 以及 ShopBack。台灣的吸引力,在於相較整個大東南亞地區,台灣的電商發展十分蓬勃,2019 全年營收預估突破新台幣 2,000 億大關,因此擁有大量的電商數據,成為了發展 AI 模型最佳的基礎。
我們每半年整理一次 The Taiwan’s AI Ecosystem Map 也分享一些我們的觀察給大家:
1. 大平台廣告紅利結束,企業專注於影片行銷、熟客經營及再行銷
隨著 Facebook 演算法改變、資訊爆炸,運用有限的預算、透過數位廣告來吸引消費者越來越困難。企業開始注重經營自媒體,以及經營熟客與再行銷,專注於忠誠度最高、貢獻度也最高的客群,並提供給他們最適合的商品,這樣的趨勢,為提供行銷解決方案的 AI 新創開創了更多的商業機會,像是 iKala、Easychat 以及 Rosetta.ai。
2. 結合硬體實力,專注在安全監控和居家應用場景
台灣擁有世界一流的硬體實力與完整的產業供應鏈,再加上公眾攝影機基礎建設的完善,我們可以看見,在 AI 應用中,安全監控與居家應用分別出現了幾家小有成績的新創。
安全監控一直以來都是企業重視的議題之一,透過結合 AI 技術,可以大幅減少浪費人力以及避免人為疏失,進而提升監控品質和安全性,像是 UmboCV 以及 Beseye。
在居家應用層面,隨著現代人生活忙碌,逐漸出現了許多針對不同族群的照護攝影機,也讓用戶在工作時,可以更方便關心家中的長輩、幼兒與寵物。像是 NUWA Robotics 著眼於教育陪伴機器人市場、Aeolus 專注於長輩居家照護服務、Cubo 智慧寶寶攝影機以及 Furbo 專注於「毛小孩」寵物照顧服務。
3. 透過金融沙盒,金融業逐漸擁抱創新
因為受到高度監管,金融業的 AI 運用算是腳步稍微慢一些,但有鑒於擁有大量數據及客戶完整資料的優勢,箇中的潛力商機一直不容可小覷。金管會在 2018 年開放外界申請監理沙盒實驗以來,2019 年申請案已經受理超過 10 件,超出金管會當初設定的目標。
許多金融新創也開始和大型金融業合作,不再從取代現有金融業體系的角度出發,除了可以降低金融業者的憂心,還可以創造雙贏的局面。像是 hiHedge 以及 HowInvest。
隨著越來越多 AI 新創冒出頭,台灣在創業加速器、教育、研究等面向,也呈現蓬勃發展。在創業加速器部分,2010 年成立、自 2018 年 8 月 (AW#17) 起限定招募 AI / Blockchain 新創的 AppWorks Accelerator,目前為止已經招收三期 AI / Blockchain 共 89 個新創,其中有 44 組 AI、11 組 IoT 新創,持續為台灣 AI 生態系挹注新能量。
AppWorks 之外,包括微軟新創加速器 (Microsoft for Startups)、Taiwan AI x Robotics Accelerator 等,皆是以 AI 新創團隊為主要招募對象的創業加速器。台灣人工智慧學校、台灣人工智慧實驗室,則分別是台灣在 AI 教育與研究領域的代表性機構,也期望越來越多的資源會注入 AI 領域的發展。
如果你也在用 AI 創業,歡迎加入專門為你打造的 AppWorks Accelerator >> http://bit.ly/2DCIJY4
By Sandi Wu, AppWorks Analyst
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EasyChat 是一个开源的社交类的App。主要包含消息、好友、群组等相关的IM核心功能。部分界面参照了QQ、微信等相关社交APP。EasyChat APP整体采用MVVM模式, ... ... <看更多>
easychat 在 數位工具實戰分享會EP1 Easychat - Facebook 的推薦與評價
15:10 正式開始聊天機器人是今年熱門網路服務,到底除了客服類的應用外,聽說還能提升業績! 怎麼做到的,今天我們請Easychat阿文與實戰老闆小馬來細說分明。 ... <看更多>
easychat 在 [公告] NBA EasyChat板季後賽Live宣傳+錢 - 批踢踢實業坊 的推薦與評價
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那我可以介紹你一個好地方 NBAEasyChat
位置: 國家體育場 > PttBasket > NBAshowtime > NBAEasyChat
NBA EZ板在今年終於要開放季後賽Live串啦
#1aDaHrbL (NBAEasyChat)
無論你是受限於登入次數不夠 不想寫到150字 怕踩到硬限制
如果有甚麼問題 都可以問EZ板板主塊迷ZIDENS大大
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※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自: (美國)
※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/NBA/M.1681289430.A.490.html
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