人類基因不會百分百遺傳,主要是因為人類的 #遺傳多樣性 靠父母染色體的配對跟互換,當🧬DNA互換不完美時就會發生基因變異。其中,DNA互換時負責在旁邊加油添醋,阿不是,是加油打氣的催化酵素叫做 ⭐DMC1⭐
雖然父母染色體的DNA序列很相似,卻不完全相同,但是DMC1卻可以協助不完美的DNA配對並完成完美互換!為什麼DMC1可以做到呢?㊙中研院的秘密武器 #高解析度冷凍電子顯微鏡 最近看穿這一套戲法!
🎯中研院與臺大研究團隊透過冷凍電顯技術,解出 #原子級解析度 的DMC1-DNA複合體結構,看到DMC1蛋白和DNA彼此相互作用時的分子細節。發現在DNA錯誤配對的位置,DMC1藉由結構上較大的空間與支持,允許DNA不完美配對與互換。
#中研院 #臺灣大學 #生化所 #何孟樵 #蔡明道 #冀宏源 #李弘文 #遺傳 #染色體 #冷凍電顯
高解析度冷凍電子顯微鏡(cryo-EM)是現今結構生物研究最具發展潛力的技術,能在 #原子尺度,快速且不破壞性地觀察生物分子。簡單來說,一般光學顯微鏡頂多百倍,冷凍電顯則能看到十萬倍。
📍還是不懂? https://research.sinica.edu.tw/tsai-ming-daw-cryo-electron-microscope/
Genetic diversity is a key driving force of evolution. During homologous recombination, chromosomes from father and mother will pair together to exchange the genetic material leading to genetic diversity. In the process of chromosome pairing, the DMC1 protein is the key enzyme that catalyzes the DNA exchange reaction. What puzzles scientists is that although the chromosomal DNA sequences of the father and mother are similar, they are not completely the same. How DMC1 can tolerate the imperfection? What is the underlying mechanism? The research teams from National Taiwan University and Academia Sinica used a newly established cryo-electron microscopy facility and biochemical experiments to show that the DMC1 protein possesses a unique structure to accommodate imperfect pairing. The research results were published in the top-tier journal Nature Communications in January, 2021.
‧Article: https://www.nature.com/articles/s41467-020-20258-1