The Endangered Forest Musk Deer hadn’t been seen in Vietnam in more than 20 years. But this year, after receiving a photo tip from the local community of a musk deer that had been captured by hunters, a team of conservationists, including #TeamRewild member An Nguyen, set up camera traps in Vietnam’s mountains to find out if there were Forest Musk Deer living in them. Two of the team’s 10 camera traps captured photos of a Forest Musk Deer! The team is hoping to do more surveys to determine how many deer may be living in the mountains. Putting an end to wire snare trapping is one of the best ways to help protect the rare deer and other forest-dwelling animals.
#ConservationOptimism Re:wild
Photo: Vietnam University of Forestry / Leibniz-IZW / HLNR / Re:wild
endangered animals how to help 在 林務局-森活情報站 Facebook 的最讚貼文
除了吻部、臉到喉部、四肢內側、尾末梢內側和可愛的小肚肚外,穿山甲從頭到尾披覆著鱗甲,每隻每年可以吃掉約七百萬隻螞蟻和白蟻,堪稱超強蟻剋星!🐜 全世界有八種穿山甲,四種在亞洲,四種在非洲,根據IUCN紅皮書,三種極危、三種瀕危、兩種易危,全都是保育類😭 其中臺灣的特有亞種「臺灣穿山甲」正是被列為「極危」的物種,因為棲地破壞以及有人迷信穿穿的鱗甲具通乳等神奇藥效,讓牠們瀕臨絕種😡😡😡
告訴你:假的!穿穿鱗甲的成分就是角質,跟人類指甲一摸摸一樣樣💅 再有人說穿山甲很補,叫他去吃指甲啦!!😤
It's World Pangolin Day!
Pangolins are covered with scales from top to toe, except for their face, throat, belly, tail tip and inner part of four limbs. One pangolin consumes roughly seven million ants and termites per year. The animal is a super anteater! 🐜🐜🐜
There are eight species of pangolins around the world, four in Asia and the other four in Africa. On the red list of IUCN, three of the eight species are listed as critically endangered, with the other three endangered and two vulnerable. The main causes are poaching and deforestation. In China and Vietnam, many people still believe that pangolins’ scales are effective medicine and thus consume the animal to near extinction.
Of course the belief is nonsense. Pangolins’ scales are composed of keratin, just as human nails. If you find someone boasting about what magical effects of pangolin scales, tell them to nibble their own nails!
From the recent coronavirus outbreak, we can see that wildlife is the reservoir host of many unknown viruses. Eating wild animals might cost your life!
🌱How to help pangolins?
You can consume environmental friendly farm produce, report illegal traps, report poaching and trafficking, slow down when driving in rural areas, never abandon your pets, never let your dogs off leashes, never feed stray dogs, and thus keep Taiwan a safe home for pangolins and all the other wildlife.
Let's be the force 💪
endangered animals how to help 在 Zee Avi Facebook 的最讚貼文
Most of you may already know that I am from Borneo Island, a very special part of the world and I'm super proud of it!
Borneo Island, is the third largest island in the world (just after Greenland and Papua) and is an island that is shared between 3 countries, Malaysia (Sabah & Sarawak) and Indonesia (Kalimantan), and Brunei, tapi kita satu rumpun ya? 😊
Borneo's rainforest is also one of the oldest rainforest in the world, about 140 million years old, meaning it is rich with so many rare habitats, endangered animals and many more resources, which also means that we too go through a lot of challenges in sustaining all the things that make it beautiful.
Everytime I get to come back to my motherland, and am able to be in the forest and be reminded how small us humans really are, as I look at the gigantic work of beauty Mother Nature has created for us, I can't help but see even more so how fickle us humans are... Humans are the same people who aim to destroy and gain, but humans are also ones who try to protect and sustain our Mother Earth.
Having lived in big cities for most of my young adult and adult life, I am truly grateful to have a place like Borneo to check in to, everytime I need me a reality check and to recalibrate my bearings so I can navigate through life itself.
Have you reconnected with Nature recently?
If you haven't, please do, whether it be around a body of water, lakes, rivers or beaches, or just simply taking a stroll or a hike and look up, and keep your phones aside... Notice little things, notice what a miracle it is that we're all living on this big ball of gas that's floating in space, and this is the only home we will ever know, and all it does is give and give, and how sometimes all we do is take and take.
The Earth isn't a credit card... We all pay for it somehow.
As individuals, all we need to do is start by doing the little things we can to make ourselves feel good and better about taking care of this home of ours.
I love you all, and Mother Nature loves us all too. And she reminds us of it everyday, with just giving. And sometimes she 'leaves' little reminders... Haha. ;) Much 💚,
#kubahnationalpark #Borneo