Crescent Lament / 恆月三途 的現場演出MV -「梧桐落」,收錄在2015年的專輯【花殤】中。
【花殤】專輯藉由大稻埕藝妲 - 阿香 - 的一生,描繪出早年台灣藝妲的滄桑命運。對這些才貌出眾、但出身貧苦的年輕女子來說,光鮮亮麗的藝妲生涯是如此短暫,若能在花樣年華時覓得終身歸宿,才是她們最嚮往的結局。但命運總是無情的,得以脫離不幸的藝妲終究是少數。
Crescent Lament 亦在專輯【花殤】中,呈現台灣藝妲不免遭遇的悲戀。從阿香與明風的意外相遇(專輯收錄曲「風.聲起」)、命中註定的短暫分離(本曲「梧桐落」)、到最終那早已太遲的苦澀重逢(專輯收錄曲「還君明珠」),那個動盪時代台灣藝妲、甚至台灣人民的無奈命運,一幕幕的在眼前重現...
* Turn on the caption to activate the English subtitle of this video. *
"When Leaves Buried the Promise" is included in Crescent Lament's 2015 album "Elegy for the Blossoms".
"Elegy for the Blossoms" is the second album of the Taiwanese gothic metal band Crescent Lament, released in June 2015, which recounts the sorrowful story of a Taiwanese geisha, A-hiong, that happened in the late Japanese period and early Chinese Nationalist Party period in Taiwan’s history.
In the last three songs (“Autumn Rustle”, “When Leaves Buried the Promise”, and “Just Not Meant to Be") of the album, ”, we describe a brief romance between A-hiong and the Taiwanese young man Bîng-hong.
* To watch the Live MV of "Autumn Rustle":
* To watch the Official MV of "Just Not Meant to Be":
* To read the thorough story of A-hiong's life:
* To know more about Crescent Lament's album "Elegy for the Blossoms":
【梧桐落 / When Leaves Buried the Promise】
詞/Lyrics:周慕姿 Muer Chou、陳宗緯 Warose Chen (黑腔/grunts)
曲/Music:周岳弘 Komet Chou、Jedi Yeh
英譯/English translation:周岳弘 Komet Chou
收錄專輯/Album:花殤 Elegy for the Blossoms (2015)
歌曲錄製/Recording & remixing:Warose Chen 陳宗緯
影片剪輯/Video editing:Wat Chiu 邱振華
* 影片素材由林峻提供。
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「還君明珠」是 Crescent Lament/恆月三途 『花殤』專輯的最終曲,也是台灣藝妲阿香與戀人明風的離別之歌。
1942年,大稻埕藝妲阿香邂逅一位年輕小商 – 明風。在戰火紛亂的年代,情投意合的兩人,將彼此視為心頭上最終的依託。1943年,明風因需赴日經商,離別前夕,與阿香淚語,約定一年後互訂終身。然而離別後不久,太平洋戰局惡化,美軍潛艦大量出現在豐後水道與台灣海域,攻擊來往船隻。迫於無奈,明風選擇繼續留日。因明風歸來無期,加上時局丕變,無依的阿香只好在1946年初,接受鴇母的安排,嫁給富家豪門當小妾。
* Turn on the caption to activate the English subtitle of this video. *
'Just Not Meant to Be' is the final song of Crescent Lament's latest album "Elegy for the Blossoms", and is a farewell song between A-hiong (a Taiwanese geisha) and her lover Bîng-hong.
In 1942, A-hiong encountered a young entrepreneur, Bîng-hong. During the troubled times, the two, who had feelings for each other, considered each other as the soul mate. Leaving for Japan for business in 1943, Bîng-hong bade a tearful farewell to A-hiong, promising he would return in a year to marry her. However, as the war situation deteriorated for Japan, and with dominant presence of US submarines in waters between Taiwan and Japan, attacking vessels, Bîng-hong had no choice but to stay in Japan a little longer. Without knowing when would her loved one return, amid rapid changes in the political situation, A-hiong accepted the arrangements by the madam to marry to a rich man as his concubine in 1946.
On the eve of the wedding, Bîng-hong suddenly appeared, explaining to her that, he was trapped in Japan, and was only able to return to Taiwan after the war. However, the reunion was too late for A-hiong, holding Bîng-hong’s hands, A-hiong lamented that she had nothing left for him but tears, and prayers that they may find each other again in the next life…
* To read the thorough story of A-hiong's life:
* To know more about Crescent Lament's album "Elegy for the Blossoms":
【還君明珠 / Just Not Meant to Be】
詞/Lyrics:周慕姿 Muer Chou
曲/Music:周岳弘 Komet Chou
英譯/English translation:周岳弘 Komet Chou
收錄專輯/Album:花殤 Elegy for the Blossoms (2015)
Crescent Lament:主唱 Soprano:周慕姿 Muer Chou;鼓 Drums:周岳弘 Komet Chou;鍵盤 Synths & Piano:陳宗緯 Warose Chen;貝斯 Bass:許至維 Wick Hsu;吉他 Guitars:邱振華 Wat Chiu;二胡 Erhu:Jedi Yeh;琵琶(客座) Pipa(guest):林佳瑩 Pitufa Lin
演員/Actress & actor:邵岱兒、何崇羽、關東煮
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