Founders in Singapore are about to enter their 50th day of circuit breaker lockdown, if my back of the envelope calculation is correct.
Founders in the Lion City -- and founders throughout Greater Southeast Asia -- are confronting new challenges, and new stresses in the market, caused by lockdowns, consumer demand shocks, and more brought about by COVID19.
The team at AppWorks Accelerator has created a four part interview series that looks at how this environment has been changed dramatically and how this has impacted founders.
For this four interview series, we start with Lucas Ngoo, co-founder at web-based consumer marketplace Carousell.
In Lucas’ interview, he discusses three tips for founders adjusting to this new reality:
* Focus on communication with team and leadership
* Use data and consumer problems to streamline a way to use what works well across markets or operations
* Seek opportunities and silver linings by focusing on customer problems and their changing behavior
If you are a founder in Southeast Asia, or a founder working on AI / Blockchain and would like to belong to a community of founders who work together to solve critical problems, apply for our next cohort, AppWorks Accelerator #21.
Applications can be found here:
The "Crossing Borders" video can be found here:
Doug Crets
English Communications Master, AppWorks