最期待看哪一個 TEDxNeihu 講師的YouTube影片呢?
👇 講師的連結在下面喔~ 👇
下面留言跟我說~ 也可以留言告訴我你們最喜歡哪一張照片~
恭喜各位上週末演講的講師! 大家表現都非常好! 希望你們現在也可以鬆一口氣~
也恭喜 Yuki, John 跟 Paul 舉辦那麼棒的活動! 你們的辛苦讓大家當天很開心!
自己第一次站台上助理主持覺得非常非常榮幸可以有這個機會,但是我這輩子其中一個目標就是當立即口譯. 雖然常常做一對一的,星期六是第一次當這種活動的口譯. 星期六終於有機會達到高中開始有的一個夢想! 超級感動也很有成就感! 這樣更有動力繼續把人生的成就旁邊一個一個打勾. 謝謝 John 還有 TedxNeihu 給我這次機會!!! 也再次謝謝我超級厲害的朋友 Justin 當天幫我當口譯!!! 沒有你我的確一個人做不到!
Which speaker’s speech are you moose escorted to see on YouTube? The speakers' links are below👇 Comment and let me know! Also comment and let me know which picture you like most!
Congratulations to all of the speakers! You all did amazing jobs last Saturday! I hope you can finally feel a bit of relief now that your done~
I’d also like to congratulate Yuki, John, and Paul on organizing such an amazing event! Your hard work let all of us have an amazing time!
This was my first time stepping on stage as a cohost, and that was an honor! However, all my life I have dreamed of being a conference interpreter. Though I often do 1-on-1 simultaneous interpreting, Saturday was my first time interpreting in a conference setting. Saturday, I finally realized one of my dreams that I’ve had since high school! It was such a moving experience and has filled me with such a sense of accomplishment! Because of this, I have the motivation to keep checking off all of my life’s dreams one-by-one. Thanks @johndrummond and @tedxneihu for giving me this amazing opportunity!!! And one final thanks to my amazing friend @justincynical for helping me as an interpreter that day! Without you, I couldn’t have done it by myself!!!
Thanks Erin Hsü ,John Drummond , and Paul Shantz for this opportunity! And thanks Justin Cynical for the help as a fellow interpreter!
Whose speech are you loooking forward to most???
Charles Du
William Tseng
Khai Wu 吳仲凱
Ivan Li
SKimmy 你的網路閨蜜
Manolo Winkler
Tim Gorski
Judy Chou 啾蒂俏
George Koutsakis
Dr. Winston Wong Jr.
Victor Chen
Sunny 王陽明
#tedxneihu #ted #tedx #taiwan #台灣 #夢想 #夢想實現 #口譯 #即時口譯 #主持人 #助理主持人 #繼續加油 #布萊恩 #演員 #模特兒 #男模 #男模特兒 #dreams #dream #chasingdreams #followingyourdreams #followyourdreams #interpreter #conferenceinterpreter #conferenceinterpreters #simultaneousinterpreter #simultaneousinterpreting #eventhost #cohost #keepgoing