這些國外疫苗是不是二期試驗完成了就取得緊急授權(EUA)? 不是。
這些國外疫苗有沒有進行三期試驗才取得緊急授權(EUA)? 有,但是並沒有完成,提出的只是「期中報告」,指揮中心說得沒錯,完整三期試驗都要到 2021 年底之後才能做完。
首先我要先解釋何謂「緊急授權(EUA)」:一般來說,疫苗或藥品從開發到取得完整上市、完整授權,都需要非常多年的時間,然而,像是 COVID-19 這種迅速傳播的傳染病,從去年到現在已經造成全球無數傷亡,顯然沒有辦法再等上數年的時間等待疫苗完整授權。
也因此,如美國 FDA 等主管機關就設立了一些條件(當然也包含了疫苗試驗的階段),在保障安全性和有效性的情形下,先用「緊急授權(EUA)」,讓疫苗能夠先開始施打。
BNT疫苗,2020/11/09 發布了 43,548 人的三期試驗期中數據報告,美國FDA則在2020/12/11,通過了該疫苗的緊急使用授權。
AZ疫苗,2020/11/23 發布了 12,390 人的三期試驗期中數據報告,英國在2020/12/30 通過了該疫苗的緊急使用授權。
Moderna疫苗,2020/11/16 發布了 30,420 人的三期試驗中期數據報告,美國FDA則在2020/12/18 通過了該疫苗的緊急使用授權。
首先它必須是「基於三期試驗的最終或中期分析成果」"based on a final analysis of a phase 3 clinical efficacy trial or an interim analysis of such trial"
再者它必須是「數據基礎必須超過三千位受試者」"an EUA request will include a phase 3 safety database of well over 3,000 vaccine recipients"
此外它必須有「第三期試驗中,過半受試者至少兩個月的追蹤數據。」" meaning that at least half of vaccine recipients in phase 3 clinical trials have at least 2 months of follow-up"
當然,普遍來說,也會要求第三期初步結果至少有 50 %的保護力。
事實上台灣目前的爭論,在一年前的美國也曾出現過,當時美國正在疫情高峰,單日確診數甚至達十萬以上,政治、經濟的壓力都非常強,但 FDA 最後還是秉持實證醫學的理念,要求藥廠要以臨床試驗的結果進行評估。
當然,雖然前面提到美國 FDA 如何堅持原則,但也必須要說,為了達到這樣的原則,美國傾盡了全國之力投入疫苗研發,這就是川普政府和民間共同出錢出力的「曲速行動計畫(Operation Warp Speed)」,就是希望在最短的時間內完成疫苗開發。
這個計畫基金總共有 180 億美元,正是因為三期疫苗試驗非常昂貴,以 BNT 來說,可能就花了數百億台幣,這也是為什麼,現在除了英、美之外,幾乎沒有國家有辦法在那麼短的時間內製造疫苗。
這就是 WHO 近期開始討論的「免疫橋接實驗」,包含 WHO 和歐盟,都正在努力制定一個「抗體保護力(COP)」標準,讓這樣的中和抗體評估可以成為一種認證標準。
根據媒體報導,台灣的高端疫苗在近期(5/26)也收到 WHO 的邀請,參與了一場會議,除了討論這樣的標準,高端疫苗也表示等待準則公布後,會向歐盟 EMA 申請。
聽起來不是很棒嗎? #可能出現的問題在哪?
首先,最重要的一點是,國產疫苗甚至連二期試驗都還沒解盲,而所謂的「抗體保護力(COP)」標準,目前 WHO 也還沒有真的提出來。
而美國 FDA 也曾明確指出,「尚無數據可確認中和抗體的效價要多高,才能預防有臨床症狀的武漢肺炎」。
除此之外,即便我們的國產疫苗,很幸運獲得美國 Moderna 技術轉移,但所用技術並不同,安全性也無法一概而論。縱使國產所用的次蛋白技術較為成熟,我們也還無法確定他的副作用如何,讓國產疫苗確實存在許多變數。
而且,雖然食藥署目前訂定的 EUA 條件為「二期受試者三千人以上,追蹤一個月的安全及療效」即可取得,但前幾天陳時中部長也強調,國產的安全性、有效性仍需要專家和科學的驗證。
同時也有1部Youtube影片,追蹤數超過28萬的網紅The Meatmen Channel,也在其Youtube影片中提到,Recipe at: http://www.themeatmen.sg/yusheng-with-gin-beetroot-cured-salmon Yusheng is an unique Chinese New Year dish that is very Malaysian and Sing...
follow-up meaning 在 王婉諭 Facebook 的最佳貼文
這些國外疫苗是不是二期試驗完成了就取得緊急授權(EUA)? 不是。
這些國外疫苗有沒有進行三期試驗才取得緊急授權(EUA)? 有,但是並沒有完成,提出的只是「期中報告」,指揮中心說得沒錯,完整三期試驗都要到 2021 年底之後才能做完。
首先我要先解釋何謂「緊急授權(EUA)」:一般來說,疫苗或藥品從開發到取得完整上市、完整授權,都需要非常多年的時間,然而,像是 COVID-19 這種迅速傳播的傳染病,從去年到現在已經造成全球無數傷亡,顯然沒有辦法再等上數年的時間等待疫苗完整授權。
也因此,如美國 FDA 等主管機關就設立了一些條件(當然也包含了疫苗試驗的階段),在保障安全性和有效性的情形下,先用「緊急授權(EUA)」,讓疫苗能夠先開始施打。
💉 BNT疫苗,2020/11/09 發布了 43,448 人的三期試驗期中數據報告,美國FDA則在2020/12/11,通過了該疫苗的緊急使用授權。
💉 AZ疫苗,2020/11/23 發布了 12,390 人的三期試驗期中數據報告,英國在2020/12/30 通過了該疫苗的緊急使用授權。
💉 Moderna疫苗,2020/11/16 發布了 30,420 人的三期試驗中期數據報告,美國FDA則在2020/12/18 通過了該疫苗的緊急使用授權。
首先它必須是「基於三期試驗的最終或中期分析成果」"based on a final analysis of a phase 3 clinical efficacy trial or an interim analysis of such trial"
再者它必須是「數據基礎必須超過三千位受試者」"an EUA request will include a phase 3 safety database of well over 3,000 vaccine recipients"
此外它必須有「第三期試驗中,過半受試者至少兩個月的追蹤數據。」" meaning that at least half of vaccine recipients in phase 3 clinical trials have at least 2 months of follow-up"
當然,普遍來說,也會要求第三期初步結果至少有 50 %的保護力。
事實上台灣目前的爭論,在一年前的美國也曾出現過,當時美國正在疫情高峰,單日確診數甚至達十萬以上,政治、經濟的壓力都非常強,但 FDA 最後還是秉持實證醫學的理念,要求藥廠要以臨床試驗的結果進行評估。
當然,雖然前面提到美國 FDA 如何堅持原則,但也必須要說,為了達到這樣的原則,美國傾盡了全國之力投入疫苗研發,這就是川普政府和民間共同出錢出力的「曲速行動計畫(Operation Warp Speed)」,就是希望在最短的時間內完成疫苗開發。
這個計畫基金總共有 180 億美元,正是因為三期疫苗試驗非常昂貴,以 BNT 來說,可能就花了數百億台幣,這也是為什麼,現在除了英、美之外,幾乎沒有國家有辦法在那麼短的時間內製造疫苗。
這就是 WHO 近期開始討論的「免疫橋接實驗」,包含 WHO 和歐盟,都正在努力制定一個「抗體保護力(COP)」標準,讓這樣的中和抗體評估可以成為一種認證標準。
根據媒體報導,台灣的高端疫苗在近期(5/26)也收到 WHO 的邀請,參與了一場會議,除了討論這樣的標準,高端疫苗也表示等待準則公布後,會向歐盟 EMA 申請。
首先,最重要的一點是,國產疫苗甚至連二期試驗都還沒解盲,而所謂的「抗體保護力(COP)」標準,目前 WHO 也還沒有真的提出來。
而美國 FDA 也曾明確指出,「尚無數據可確認中和抗體的效價要多高,才能預防有臨床症狀的武漢肺炎」。
除此之外,即便我們的國產疫苗,很幸運獲得與moderna 同源(美國國衛院NIH)的技術轉移,但所用技術並不同,安全性也無法一概而論。縱使國產所用的次蛋白技術較為成熟,我們也還無法確定他的副作用如何,讓國產疫苗確實存在許多變數。
而且,雖然食藥署目前訂定的 EUA 條件為「二期受試者三千人以上,追蹤一個月的安全及療效」即可取得,但前幾天陳時中部長也強調,國產的安全性、有效性仍需要專家和科學的驗證。
follow-up meaning 在 ลงทุนแมน Facebook 的最佳貼文
รู้จัก EECi เมืองนวัตกรรมแห่งใหม่ของประเทศไทย / โดย ลงทุนแมน
สหรัฐอเมริกามี ซิลิคอนวัลเลย์ เป็นเมืองเทคโนโลยี
จีนมี เซินเจิ้น ที่เปลี่ยนตัวเองจากอาณาจักรก๊อบปี้ มาเป็นดินแดนนวัตกรรมล้ำสมัย
ทีนี้หลายคนคงถามแล้วเมืองไทย สถานที่นี้อยู่ที่ไหน? ...
Continue ReadingKnow EECi, Thailand's innovative city / by investman
USA has Silicon Valley as a tech city
China has Shenzhen that transforms itself from a photoby approach to a modern innovation land.
Many people may ask now. Where is Thailand?
We must have heard EEC or EC economic development area in the development of 3 provinces in the East, Chonburi, Rayong and Chachoengsao.
Which is one of the Mega projects under Thailand policy 4.0
With a total infrastructure investment of 1.5 trillion baht.
To have both high speed trains, double rail trains, airport and harbor.
To connect travel conveniently and uplift the Thai industry compared to world class.
Which 1 in 3 provinces will exist. One area that is raised to be a city of innovation.
EECi or Eastern Economic Economic Corridor of Innovation is located in Wang Moon Valley, Rayong province.
Area up to 3,454 Rai
How much time does EECi have to be a Silicon Valley of Thailand?
Invest man will tell you about it.
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EECi aims Thailand to move forward to innovative new industries.
To add economic value to long term countries
When it's like this, it's impossible to guess that EECi must be a source of scientists and good engineers.
Let's combine research materials to top up new industries with advanced technologies.
By this innovative city, there are ′′ 6 target industry ′′ that serves differently.
1. Modern agriculture that will change old agriculture completely.
Because you know that Thailand has 6.8 million farming households.
But it's only 8 % income from the total GDP value of 1.68 trillion baht.
From such information, it means indirect meaning that Thai farmers will have less income than other industrial sector. When it's like this, it's a result. The new generation doesn't want to be farmers.
EECi has another mission to innovate modern agriculture research. Modern Farming
To solve this problem by making productivity more but using less people but more quality.
With infrastructure such as Plant Factory (Plant Factory)
It's a technology to help new generation farmers to produce effectiveness.
Because it's a planting system. Shut up or semi-shut system can control the environment
Such as lighting, temperatures and food elements are suitable for plant growth.
Phenomics Greenhouse Technology Farmhouse (Phenomenics Greenhouse) will have equipment to measure the physical characteristics of plants.
Growing in various conditions of how high and growth is.
Then, gather as a database to help select strong plant species.
2. biofuels and biological chemicals
When the produce is much, it has to be sold more expensively.
This area will also serve advanced technology to privatize agricultural produce to increase in value.
One of them is Biorefinery. Biorefinery. A prototype to privatize agricultural produce.
Go to high value products
Which is Dr. Jane Kritthaya, Director EECi from National Science and Technology Development Office of the National Science and Technology Development Office (NCO) ) As the EECi regulatory agency says, ′′ EECi will help make more value for raw materials in the country to go to the world market. From the same time that Thailand sells ′′ tons of rice ′′ can be sold from rice to ′′ gram ′′ at the same time. More value added than ′′
By this prototype biological refinery starts from design, experimenting, agricultural produce.
Comes to the fermentation process, then separates the produce into 2 parts.
It's Non-GMP to produce fuel and biological materials.
And GMP will produce food, cosmetics and supplements.
3. high performance battery and modern transportation
Many people may not know that our country is the world's number 11 big car manufacturer.
But today. Car technology runs further than we think.
The trend of the world will surely occur, is that the combustion engine will gradually go extinct.
And will be replaced by BEV Car
And if we don't want to lose a huge income that will happen in the future.
It has to be Thailand as part of the manufacturing base of electric cars and future cars.
By one of the key structures is ′′ high performance battery production
For that reason, EECi will be a space to mobilize engineers and specialists in public and private sector. Think of how to make Thailand a top largest battery production base of Asia to develop unmanned automotive technology.
4. Automation, Robotics and Smart Electronics
We may have heard often that technology will replace human labor.
To keep industrial costs cheaper and more quality products.
EECi is not overlooked by the creation of robotics and intelligent industrial mechanical machines so that they can support and test the prototype development process, manufacturing products for entrepreneurs.
Make the innovation center sustainable or sustainable Manufacturing Center (SMC) develops people with knowledge.
So far, production line samples so that both small and medium produce sector have experimented with semi-automatic and automatic production processes. Make it suitable for your business or not. To bring information before making a real investment in your business.
5. Aviation and Space
Many people may question whether our country can actually do this?
But the government sector is considered in Thailand
World top manufacturing base and automotive parts
We should also be able to develop future aircraft and aircraft parts too.
When it's like this, EECi will be a gathering of good engineers to develop the aviation industry.
Unmanned aircraft to satellite
6. Medical Devices
From the facts of Thailand, we produce rubber gloves and condoms to the top of the world.
But.. another angle is a weakness.
Each year we import high tech medical devices, 7-8 billion baht per year.
Which if Thailand is a Medical Hub in the eyes of the world.
It's necessary to decrease imports and turn to manufacturers of advanced medical devices, technology.
Which would make EECi have a team to innovate to produce various medical instruments in the area.
Also, in the EECI area, there will be a 3 GeV Energy Level sin Light Generator
Which produces a million times brighter than the daylight.
With this brightness is like a special microscope.
Where we can see all kinds of material molecules on Earth thoroughly.
Interesting is this beam is an important science infrastructure.
Continuing research and development in various industries.
When looking at EECi, the side round must say this could be another turning point of the country.
We're doing all the way to build a higher business and new industries.
To add value to the Thai economic system.
Because if we don't hurry up to do it today.. in the future, we may be a country left behind.
It's hard to run a world that is changing so fast.
In the past, Thai research results invented at laboratory level, there are still limited to developing manufacturing processes to forward to useful users. We have weaknesses that are not invested in infrastructure and mechanism to expand research. And another side can't take much advantage of foreign advanced technology. Because of lack of infrastructure and mechanism to support technology adaptation to Thai context.
In the future, EECi would be an important infrastructure and mechanism of the country to shut down the weaknesses in this matter..
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- Fact Sheet EECi DocumentTranslated
follow-up meaning 在 The Meatmen Channel Youtube 的最佳貼文
Recipe at: http://www.themeatmen.sg/yusheng-with-gin-beetroot-cured-salmon
Yusheng is an unique Chinese New Year dish that is very Malaysian and Singaporean. It's a must-have dish to be served, heralding the arrival of Chinese New Year. Each component of the dish has an auspicious meaning. Tossing it high up, joyously shouting auspicious words is such a celebration!
For a twist, we did beetroot citrus cured salmon. The beetroot dyes the salmon a rich ruby hue that screams Chinese New Year. The subtle taste of juniper and citrus of gin with the citrus zests gives it a zing to tease the palate. To follow up with this taste profile, our Yusheng sauce has orange and lime juice in it to lift up and lighten the dish, to cut through the sweetness of the plum sauce. Lo Hei everyone!
Courtesy to Redmart, we are giving out 3 x$88 RedMart vouchers for your CNY shopping! All you have to do is tell us in the comments what you’d like to do with your shopping goodies and tag a friend while at it! We’ll decide a winner by the 25th of Jan.
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