🔥 有很多人請特休, 一路從 9/18 放假到 9/26 , 明天星期一才是大家都在辦公室群聚的日子(誤) . 如果雙十國慶假期待在台北, 可考慮我的「台北私藏美食口袋名單⠀」.
▍Guide: https://globalfoodelicious.com/my-special-taipei-food-guide/
🔥 Many people took a few days off and had a long vacation from 9/18 ~ 9/26. Most people go to the south to travel. However, if you are planning to stay at Taipei during Double Ten vacation (Taiwan National Birthday), you might wanna consider several restaurants on my recommendation list.
🔎 Instagram: globalfoodelicious
🔆 Where and What I eat
同時也有35部Youtube影片,追蹤數超過12萬的網紅朱學恒的阿宅萬事通事務所,也在其Youtube影片中提到,Twitch傳送門: https://www.twitch.tv/otakuarmy2 美國大概是世界上最有名的隨時會出賣你的好朋友了,從越南到阿富汗,哪個不是好朋友,但當了好朋友之後還是要隨時小心美方忽然決策改變啊!今天就來談一談美方最近的狀況吧! FT 美國德州Sam Houston州立大學...
「foreign national」的推薦目錄:
foreign national 在 Facebook 的最佳解答
AIT處長孫曉雅於開幕致詞中強調:「在救災與災害應變的議題上,美國會致力與我們的夥伴攜手合作。在英國康瓦爾舉行的七國峰會(G7)中,拜登總統與合作夥伴一同宣布了他們對全球基礎建設發展的一致願景,並共同推出了『重建更好世界』(Build Back Better World)倡議。『重建更好世界』是一項價值導向、高標準、透明的基礎建設夥伴關係,目的在動員基礎建設投資,將其導入中低收入國家,以支持這些地方各項基礎建設的永續發展,包括氣候、衛生與衛生安全、科技、及兩性公平與性別平等等領域。這些都是缺一不可的關鍵要素,能夠大大增進各社會與經濟體的防災韌性。」
Today, AIT Director Sandra Oudkirk, Minister of Science and Technology Wu Tsung-Tsong, Deputy Foreign Minister Tseng Ho-jen, Japan-Taiwan Exchange Association Chief Representative Hiroyasu Izumi, British Office Representative John Dennis, and Australia Office Representative Jennifer Bloomfield participated in a virtual Global Cooperation and Training Framework (GCTF) workshop titled “Building Disaster Resilience at Global and National Levels.” In her opening remarks, Director Oudkirk highlighted, “The United States is committed to working with partners on disaster relief and response. At the G7 meeting in Cornwall, President Biden and partners announced a unified vision for global infrastructure development and introduced the Build Back Better World initiative. Build Back Better World is a value-driven, high-standard, and transparent infrastructure partnership aimed at mobilizing infrastructure investments in low- and middle-income countries to support sustainable infrastructure development in the areas of climate, health and health security, technology, and gender equity and equality.”
foreign national 在 Focus Taiwan Facebook 的最佳貼文
More than 155,000 foreign nationals, mainly holders of Alien Permanent Resident Certificates (#APRCs) and foreign spouses of Taiwanese citizens, will be eligible to obtain the government stimulus vouchers next month, the National Immigration Agency (#NIA) said Monday.
foreign national 在 朱學恒的阿宅萬事通事務所 Youtube 的最讚貼文
Twitch傳送門: https://www.twitch.tv/otakuarmy2
美國大概是世界上最有名的隨時會出賣你的好朋友了,從越南到阿富汗,哪個不是好朋友,但當了好朋友之後還是要隨時小心美方忽然決策改變啊!今天就來談一談美方最近的狀況吧! FT 美國德州Sam Houston州立大學政治系副教授
先來看看最近的一個跟美方全力配合現在命懸一線的好例子,阿富汗。根據自由時報的報導:【阿富汗激進組織「神學士」(Taliban,或譯塔利班)目前在與政府軍的爭鬥中暫居上風,並握有國內大部分領土。阿富汗總統加尼(Ashraf Ghani)今日表示,這要歸咎於美國「突發」的撤軍決定,不過他的政府已制訂好計畫,會在6個月之內將情勢制於掌握之下。《路透》報導,加尼在國會演說提到,「當前的情況是因為國際部隊突然撤軍的決定」、「近三個月以來,我們遭遇了始料未及的狀況」。】當然我們可以說被放棄會不爽天經地義,但包含了前任駐阿最高指揮官和曾經在阿富汗服役的暢銷書作者,都提到了一個問題,阿富汗的美軍協力者怎麼辦?當年美軍撤離南越時,一併疏散了十三萬名的美軍協力者,讓他們可以入境美國,免於他們被越共秋後算帳。但當年用的主要是船隻,這次阿富汗的這些翻譯、工程師、人道工作者至少有超過七萬名,如果要靠空運,將會超過二次世界大戰以後突破柏林封鎖的大規模空運,美軍做得到嗎?已經有阿富汗翻譯單純只是被塔利班哨所發現身分就被斬首了,這七萬名美軍協助者怎麼辦?
7 月 29 日,一艘賴比瑞亞籍、以色列公司管理的油輪「莫瑟街號」(MV Mercer Street),在沒有裝載原油或石油產品的情況下駛離阿曼灣,過不久卻遭到裝有爆炸物的無人機襲擊,造成一名英國人和一名羅馬尼亞人死亡,英國、美國和以色列均指責是伊朗操縱無人機襲擊油輪,伊朗則矢口否認。
除了 Asphalt Princess 遭到挾持之外,還有 4 艘郵輪的狀況不明確。根據 Refinitiv 船舶追蹤數據,3 日在阿聯酋和伊朗之間的海域,至少有 5 艘船舶將其自動追蹤系統(AIS)的狀態更新為「不受指揮」,這種狀況代表著因為特殊狀況,船舶無法進行操縱。
美聯社也報導,3 日至少有 4 艘船在阿聯酋海岸外廣播警告,說失去對轉向的控制。據悉,這 4 艘船分別為 Queen Ematha、the Golden Brilliant、Jag Poofa 和 Abyss。】但特別的是,伊朗外交部完全否認有這件事情,以色列卻不斷的提高對立,背後倒是甚麼原因?
然後曾任CIA東亞和南亞海外工作站站長的退休人員David Sauer在THEHILLS上面投了一篇書。標題看起來還好,【The US cannot allow China to think it will abandon Taiwan】,美國不能讓中國以為它會放棄台灣。但內文卻提到台灣應該增加兵力,在城市、下水道和山區持續作戰,進行“焦土”政策,讓中國贏了台灣也得不到東西...翁P大為震怒,說這又不是你家,你才全家焦土戰術咧,這到底是安得甚麼心啊?順帶一提,美國眾議院提案政府單位不買含有台灣的中國地圖,參議院會過嗎?
根據自由時報的報導:【根據日經新聞報導,由於美中貿易戰越演越烈,增添晶片的地緣政治風險,有日本專家建議,日美應共同設立先進半導體研究所,在日本進行晶片設計,並交由美國廠商製造,以擺脫當前過度依賴台灣供應晶片的情況。提出這個構想的包括前日本防衛省次官西正典(Masanori Nishi),以及美國在日智囊組織鮑爾亞洲集團(BGA)的成員;BGA是華府智庫戰略暨國際研究中心(CSIS)在東南亞設立的分支機構。】但不只日方這樣提案,美國的商務部長也沒有在客氣的,也是根據自由時報的報導:【美國商務部長雷蒙多(Gina Raimondo)28日表示,由於地緣政治的風險,美國希望減少對台灣晶片的依賴,將透過520億美元的半導體扶植計畫,補助歐盟等外國晶片生產商。】
阿宅萬事通語錄貼圖上架囉 https://reurl.cc/dV7bmD
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【訂閱YT頻道按鈕】 https://reurl.cc/Q3k0g9
購買朱大衣服傳送門: https://shop.lucifer.tw/
00:00 開播
10:00 阿富汗直指美國不夠意思
29:00 聯俄抗中?拜登與俄羅斯轉趨強硬
41:00 國民黨黨魁戰 解析江朱
55:00 美方怎看國民黨/柯文哲?
01:06:00 中東局勢-伊朗.以色列
01:12:00 美韓8月聯合軍演 金與正:南北韓關係再度蒙上陰影
01:23:00 前任CIA亞洲事務官員投書 台灣應考慮焦土政策
01:27:00 美方將減少對台灣晶片的依賴
foreign national 在 IELTS Fighter Youtube 的最佳解答
Describe a historical figure that you find the most impressive. (Mô tả một nhân vật lịch sử bạn thấy ấn tượng nhất). Đề này tương tự đề IELTS Speaking Part 2 describe a person you admire nhé. Nào cùng tham khảo bài nói nhé!
? Tổng thể bài nói về nhân vật lịch sử có Part 1-2-3 đây nha: https://bit.ly/3wvFn2z
If someone asks me about one historical figure that I like the most, it will definitely be President Ho Chi Minh. I am sure that President Ho is admired and loved not only by Vietnamese people but also residents in other countries around the world. He is a prominent leader and he led many resistances that defeated foreign invaders to bring peace and protect national sovereignty.
(Reason) President Ho is well known for leading a simple life and spending all his life fighting for the happniess of Vietnamese people and the independence of the nation.
(Example) He was born into an impoverished but intellectual family in Nghe An province so he could understand the misery and poverty that were caused by war to Vietnamese people. Therefore, at a very young age of early twenty, he decided to go to some foreign countries to find a way to save the country. He went through a lot of ups and downs but with his decisiveness and patriotism, he came back to Vietnam with innovative ideas to improve the policies as well as eliminate invaders.
President Ho had achieved a lot in his life of doing politics; however, he never thought for himself only, he helped other people till the end of his life. Now there are many memorials of President Ho in different countries for people to honor one of the greatest men in the world’s history.
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? IELTS Speaking band 7+ |New Sample Test with subtitles: http://bit.ly/2JG8n1y
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CS3: 456 Xã Đàn, Đống Đa
CS5: 18 LK6C Nguyễn Văn Lộc, Hà Đông
CS6: 737 Quang Trung, Hà Đông
CS7: 22 Nguyễn Hoàng (gần bến xe Mỹ Đình)
CS8: 107 Xuân La, Số nhà D21, P. Xuân Đỉnh, Q. Bắc Từ Liêm
CS9: A11 Bà Hom, P13, Q6
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foreign national 在 KemushiChan ロレッタ Youtube 的最讚貼文
The surprising story of Murayama, a small town in the mountains with big dreams.
Community Subtitles by: Marvin Nauendorff und Manuel Lamprecht (German)
そら, DienaTalks and kamiyu(French), MoonEater (English), Esin @thought_sofa (Turkish Subtitles), Tomo (Finnish) , Indonesian (Flavylium)
Music by
Joseph Earwicker:
and Poolz - "Be Yourself"
Sponsored By: Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Japan
📷 S U B S C R I B E
→ My Second Channel: @Boomlore
→ Me: @KemushiChan ロレッタ
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Business Inquiries:
🔍 F A Q
Hi! My name is Loretta, a girl from the U.S. who moved to Japan to start Graduate School via the MEXT Scholarships.
① Do I Speak Japanese? Yep! I was taught formally in High School and have been speaking now for over 15 years.
② What uni did I attend in Japan: Yokohama National University's "Masters of Business Administration" Program
③ How old are you?: Year of the dragon. :D The math is up to you.
④ What camera equipment do you use?: I film my videos with a Canon 60D using a 30mm Sigma Art Lens and I edit with Sony Vegas Pro (with some help from photoshop). Additional cameras include GoPro Hero 7 Black and DJI Majic Air
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