感谢大家下载Diastation! 💖
這是AR的软件,从昨晚开始已经陆续上传我的Cosplay AR 了哦!
大家可以从IOS 或 Android 的Apps Store 下载Diastation,
注册后追踪我的账号,就可以下载我的AR videos了哦!
今晚会上传加藤惠的cosplay ✨
Diastation IOS
▶️ https://apps.apple.com/app/id1464939731
Diastation Android
▶️ https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.diastation.main
⚠️這週日會以嘉賓身份出席 METP League of Legends 的活动哦!
Nessarose Wong Nessarose 貓殿下
I'm now waiting in the boarding hall at Narita, waiting for my flight back to Malaysia. What a trip!
During my free time in Tokyo, I went shopping with my friend and bought A LOT of new clothes. Realised that I'm getting older and don't really suit sweet style clothes anymore... But I prefer cool, stylish ones now 😎 so look forward to more new styles in the future.
And thank you everyone for downloading Diastation and supporting me!! For those that don't know, it's an AR app~ I already uploaded my AR Cosplay last night so do check it out! You download it on the Apple App Store or Google Play Store.
Just follow me Nessarose in the app and you can download my videos. I'm uploading Kato Megumi's cosplay tonight.
Oh oh, I'm also attending the METP League of Legends event as a guest. Check out the details here:
I'll be having a lucky draw there, and you can also play games with me! Won't you guys come and play with me?