這篇文章是 kubernetes 與 Storage 整合的經驗分享文,該文章包括了下列內容
Cloud Storage, NFS, Kubernetes, PV/PVC.
Kubernetes 內針對這些儲存相關的使用方式有
1. 使用 ephemeral 的儲存設備
ephemeral 只適合暫存資料使用,因為該儲存設備不是持久保存的,這意味 Container 如果重啟,資料就會消失。
2. 使用 Bind Mount 的方式將資料從節點掛載到容器中
就如同過往使用 Docker 時會使用 -v 的方式將同節點中的儲存目錄給掛載到容器中來使用。
基本上有任何永久性儲存的需求都會採用(2) 這個方式來處理,而目前很多 Cloud Provider 都有提供相關的儲存裝置讓你的 VM(k8s Node)
舉例來說,AWS 有 EBS, GCP 有 GPD,這類型的 Block Storage Device 本身支援動態掛載與卸載,所以就算 Kubernetes 將目標 Container 重新部署到
不同節點上也不需要擔心資料會不同,因為這些 Storage 可以隨者不同節點動態掛載上去,讓你的 Container 看到相同的資料。
但是以上兩個裝置都有一個限制,就是並不支援同時多人寫入的動作,於 Kubernetes 只能使用 Read/Write 模式。
這意味每個 Storage 同時只能有一個 Container 去進行讀寫操作(but Azure 的服務就沒有這個限制)
舉例來說有服務 A,B,C
A: 將資料寫入到儲存系統中
B: 從儲存系統中讀入資料進行二次處理,處理完畢再寫回去儲存系統中
C: 將資料從儲存系統中讀出並且供外部使用
這種需求就沒有辦法單純使用 EBS/GPD等裝置來使用,因此作者接下來就會針對如何使用 NFS 這套網路儲存系統來搭建一個符合上述需求的用法。
1) 透過 EBS/GPD 的方式掛載一個儲存空間到 k8s 節點中
2) 部署一個 NFS Server 的容器到 Kubernetes 中,該 NFS Server 會使用 EBS/GPD 作為其儲存空間的來源
3) NFS Server 透過 service 分享服務
4) 部署 PV/PVC 物件到 Kubernetes 中
5) A,B,C 三種容器透過 PVC 的方式來存取 NFS Server
因為 NFS 本身就是一個可多重讀寫的解決方案,作者透過這種方式讓多個應用程式可以同時讀寫,同時將這些資料保存到 EBS/GPD 的儲存空間中。
很難解決的瓶頸,畢竟大部分人的 k8s 叢集都是 data/control 兩種資料交雜於底層的網路架構中,沒有辦法將 data plane/control plane 給分開來。
gcp cloud storage 在 iKala Cloud Facebook 的最佳解答
對於每項 Google Cloud 產品而言,安全性始終是首要任務。隨著企業儲存需求的增長,我們的安全性和合規性保護也將增長。
雲端儲存安全性的新功能:Cloud Storage V4 簽章支援,適用於 Cloud Storage 服務帳戶的 Hash-based 資訊身份驗證
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gcp cloud storage 在 AppWorks Facebook 的精選貼文
[Internet of Things Opportunities in 2020]
With technology advancement in all layers of IoT, from cloud computing to sensors and connectivity modules, to LTE and now 5G, the industry is poised with more opportunities than ever before. And with continued reduction in implementation cost, we are close to crossing the chasm to mainstream use, as the world sees more and more uptake from small and medium businesses, what are the opportunities on the horizon?
Without device enablement, there will be no IoT. Rather than building an IoT device from scratch, some of the fastest growing startups in this space are building solutions which can enable all types of devices to connect with the internet, building the enablement layer means helping any smart device, machinery, or even household appliances to efficiently connect to the internet. Although the challenge lies in consolidating standards against big brands and country specific regulations, this layer is estimated to grow at a CAGR of 24% p.a and poised to be a US$ 30 billion market by 2023.
It goes without saying that cloud computing has been one of the fastest growing spaces in the last decade. Companies like AWS/GCP/AZURE provide large data storage capacity and computing power to fuel sophisticated functionality, security, and analytics. The real opportunity here is to apply existing research data with cloud computing and IoT devices to provide results previously impossible to execute. Agriculture is currently at the frontier of these applications, by applying plant nutrition data from Ecology, Philips Lighting’s Growiser Center can monitor, track, and control the environment that influence a plant’s growth, however, manipulating the environment comes at a cost, but by leveraging IoT to optimize the environment whilst balancing the cost, Philips have managed to maximize yield profit and quality for their growers like never before.
With steady advancement in technology and investment in the lower layers of IoT, the requirement to explore business applications has become much lower. However, due to the high financial opportunities, the business application layer will continue to be very fragmented. It is up to the founders to study, explore, and consolidate the possibilities that lie within the application layer, and to build something that businesses and individuals can truly benefit from to reap the rewards.
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by Jack An, Analyst