【 茨厂家·乡音馆 Petaling Street Art House】在全新一年,继续在老街立足发声!
2月7日(农历大年初八)开馆首日晚上9点,将迎来开年首场跨界音乐专场,也是【 茨厂街·年味节2014】的第10场活动,分别邀来斯里兰卡的乐队Båliphonics(巴厘电光),以及综合了马来西亚、美国和澳洲合体的三人爵士乐队Game of Patience,两支跨国界的乐人将融会了民间传统祭祀、舞蹈、爵士、和实验电音,在年味老街里发出【 巴厘电光·耐人风声】!
【 巴厘电光·耐人风声】乐队简介:
Båliphonics 是来自斯里兰卡朗卡的乐队,成立于2008年,由鼓手Sumudi Suraweera 发起,并加入了Susantha 和 Prasantha Rupathilaka 的原创吟咏和舞蹈,以及 Isaac Smith 和 Eshantha Peiris 的实验配器。Båliphonics 擅长综合Båli(巴厘)传统祭乐元素以及当代爵士和即兴音乐,呈现两种音乐文化之间高水平的音乐对话和互动。 Båli 是传统的占星仪式,然而,这种传统仪式受全球化和现代社会的影响,慢慢被后人所遗忘。Båliphonics凭借其令人印象深刻的现场演出, 在斯里兰卡朗卡深受当地人欢迎。他们希望通过这个方式将 Båli 传统祭乐表演介绍给世界各地不同文化背景的观众,展现它在当代音乐和表演艺术里的无限潜力。
Game of Patience 融合自由爵士,电子乐和即兴音乐元素,呈现呈现当代自由即兴的音乐对话与互动。这支乐队由马来西亚的杨延升 (萨斯风),美国的Brian O’Reilly (贝斯/电音) 和澳洲 Darren Moore (鼓手) 。
【 巴厘电光·耐人风声】音乐会
地点:【 茨厂家·乡音馆 Petaling Street Art House】
* 乐捐入场RM30
【Båliphonics · Game of Patience】at Petaling Street Art House
Båliphonics presents the music of the low-country Båli ritual tradition of Sri Lanka in a sublime collaboration with contemporary jazz and improvisation. The Båli ritual is an astrological ritual and it demands the highest level of musicianship from its performers. As a result, the ritual
displays the tradition’s artistry to the highest level. This ritual, however, is facing extinction due to effects of globalization and changes in modern society. With their impressive live performances, the Båliphonics shows true potential in keeping this ritual music alive in a global
contemporary context.
Susantha Rupathilaka (voice, dance)
Prasantha Rupathilaka (voice, yak bera)
Eshantha Peirs (piano)
Isaac Smith (double bass)
Sumudi Suraweera (drums)
【Game of Patience】:
Sharp sweeping shards of improvised music combining elements of free jazz, electronic music and free improv. Game of Patience features Yong Yandsen (Malaysia) on saxophone, Brian O'Reilly (USA/Singapore) on contrabass + electronics and Darren Moore (Australia/Singapore) on drums & percussion.
Venue:茨厂家·乡音馆 Petaling Street Art House
* Admission by Donation RM30