「虛擬餐廳」指的是沒有實體店鋪,只存在於Uber Eats或是類似的餐點外送平台之的餐廳,如數位時代報導中提到,位於紐約Gerizim Cafe&Ice Cream ,本來菜單中有漢堡,但銷量卻不佳,而透過Uber虛擬餐廳團隊透過數據分析,發現該區消費者事實上對漢堡有強烈的需求但大多為外送需求,因此建議老闆成立另一個專門販賣漢堡的品牌,因此誕生了衍伸的子品牌布魯克林漢堡工廠(Brooklyn Burger Factory ),如今這家虛擬餐廳一天可以賣出 75 個漢堡,獲得的收入是本來實體餐廳的28倍呢!
Uber從2016年開始推行虛擬餐廳計畫,目前在全球100座城市中有近1600 家虛擬餐廳在平台上提供餐飲,Uber Everything 副總裁Jason Droege表示,虛擬餐廳是一個全新的現象,除了沒有店鋪、座位,同一個廚房內也可能出現不同的餐廳跟菜單。美國甚至還有以虛擬餐廳起家,發展成連鎖餐廳的品牌,像是Green Summit Group 目前旗下就擁有 9 個虛擬餐廳品牌,只需要廚師跟送餐司機就可以運作,這也是虛擬餐廳最大的優勢,不需要外場租金、員工的成本,而且廚房可以設在移動餐車中,對餐廳來說,在既有的營運成本下,還可以透過不同風格的餐點,擴張更多的客源。
gerizim 在 Joseph Prince Facebook 的最佳貼文
A few years back, on a special trip to Israel, my pastors and I were overlooking the mountains of Ebal and Gerizim. In the Bible, Mount Ebal was the mountain of curses and Mount Gerizim was the mountain of blessings (see Deut. 27:12-13). As we were looking out towards the two mountains, I was reminded that under the law, the children of Israel’s blessings were dependent on their law-keeping. If they kept the law, they would be blessed; if they didn’t keep the law, they would be cursed.
Isn't it amazing to know that today, Christ has redeemed us from the curse of the law (see Gal. 3:13-14)? Because He took every curse on our behalf, now there are only blessings for us to receive! You can find out more truths about our rightful position on blessing ground from this exciting bible study with my congregation. Find out more about this sermon here: http://bit.ly/2uSWBHu
Beloved, because of what Jesus has done, all of God’s good promises are yes and in Him amen to the glory of God through us (see 2 Cor. 1:20)! When you say, “Amen!” to a promise from the Word of God, you receive His blessings upon your life, and God gets the glory! Can I get a good Amen?
gerizim 在 Joseph Prince Facebook 的最佳貼文
A few years back, on a special trip to Israel, my pastors and I were overlooking the mountains of Ebal and Gerizim. In the Bible, Mount Ebal was the mountain of curses and Mount Gerizim was the mountain of blessings (see Deut. 27:12-13). As we were looking out towards the two mountains, I was reminded that under the law, the children of Israel’s blessings were dependent on their law-keeping. If they kept the law, they would be blessed; if they didn’t keep the law, they would be cursed.
Isn't it amazing to know that today, Christ has redeemed us from the curse of the law (see Gal. 3:13-14)? Because He took every curse on our behalf, now there are only blessings for us to receive! You can find out more truths about our rightful position on blessing ground from this exciting bible study with my congregation. Find out more about this sermon here: http://bit.ly/2uSWBHu
Beloved, because of what Jesus has done, all of God’s good promises are yes and in Him amen to the glory of God through us (see 2 Cor. 1:20)! When you say, “Amen!” to a promise from the Word of God, you receive His blessings upon your life, and God gets the glory! Can I get a good Amen?