美國和台灣經常就野生生物的管理等各種議題進行許多專業的交流。美國農業部的艾美‧吉伯特博士(Amy Gilbert)在六月訪問了台灣,除了拜會台灣的相關單位之外,也針對野生生物的疾病控管舉行了多場講座。台灣方面則會在八月組團參訪美國位於科羅拉多州科林斯堡的國家野生生物研究中心。
照片: 一支研究團隊用無線電發射器來追蹤野生生物
The United States and Taiwan exchange professional expertise on a wide range of issues including wildlife management. Earlier in June the U.S. Department of Agriculture’s Dr. Amy Gilbert visited Taiwan to meet with counterparts and conduct lectures on disease control in wildlife. A Taiwan delegation will travel to the U.S. National Wildlife Research Center in Fort Collins, Colorado in August 2016.
Photo: A research team in the field complete with a radio transmitter to track wildlife