รู้จัก Yandex บริษัทที่ครองโลกออนไลน์ในรัสเซีย /โดย ลงทุนแมน
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เราค้นหาข้อมูลจาก Google...
Continue ReadingGet to know Yandex, a company that ruled the world online in Russia / by investing man.
Nowadays most people are familiar with using online platforms.
To meet everyday needs.
We searched for information from Google
We order products from Amazon
We called a car and ordered food via Uber, Grab
We follow videos on YouTube
We listen to favorite songs on Spotify
But believe it or not, people can use these services through a single ′′ Yandex ′′ company.
What business does this company do? Why do they rule Russian over other famous platforms?
Investing man will tell you about it.
cuddle Update the situation and economic situation with Blockdit
There's a podcast to listen to on the go.
Yandex is Russia's biggest tech company
Founded in 1997 or 23 years ago by a businessman named Arkady Volozh
Yandex stands for Yet Another Indexer
Because the first business of the company is to make a search website.
In the global Search Engine market, Google is undoubtedly leading up to 92 % while Yandex has 5 % user with a 0.5 % share.
But within the Russian country
Yandex can rule the market share at 58 % to be regarded as Russian Google.
However, this is only part of the Yandex Kingdom because of 70 different types of internet-related businesses.
Let's see some interesting examples.
Yandex. Direct Online Advertising Business is like Google Ads. 61 % Russian market share.
Yandex. Market platform to buy products online like Amazon. Currently, there are 19 million users per month.
Yandex. Taxi platform called Uber, but embraced 60 % of domestic users until the end of 2018, Uber competitors have to sell Russian affairs for 36.6 % of Yandex's shareholders. Taxi instead.
Yandex. Eats food delivery service and Yandex Lavka, the new generation's popular grocery delivery service.
Resulting in quarter 1 2020 Transport business group grew 49 % compared to the same period last year.
Yandex. Music platform listening online like Spotify and Yandex. Video platform. Video watching online. Like YouTube. Latest. Total members of 4.3 million accounts.
There are also many other businesses like
Yandex. Flight Platform to book airfare
Yandex. Messenger Chat Apps
Yandex. Disk storage services on cloud
Yandex. Money Payment System and Online Banking
Alisa Smart Assistant like Amazon Alexa
Even during the COVID-19 incident Russia was one of the severe outbreak centers, the company developed a free virus detection kit to the public.
By the proportion of the company's income every 100 baht.
64 baht from advertisement fee
24 baht from car and delivery business.
12 baht from other businesses such as subscription fee, entertainment media.
If you ask what is the reason Yandex has succeeded in occupying online space?
The answer should be not hesitating to grab opportunities in hand.
The company's strategy is to analyze which businesses have potential and foreigners are starting to market. But it doesn't meet local people. Yandex will compete with simple service models and consistent with consumer behavior.
Because the company has a great advantage that it can design platforms to support the usage of Russian language properly and more accurately.
Improving Yandex's performance continuously following the development of internet technology.
But it's undeniable that the weakness of rubble currency from Russia's case of economic sanctions since mid 2014's after Ukraine Crimea land annexation to be part of itself. Assembled with the Expanding businesses, affecting fairly corporate profits.
Year 2013 (1 rubles equals 1.01 baht)
Income 39,900 million baht
Profit of 13,600 million baht.
Year 2017 (1 rubles equals 0.55 baht)
Income 52,000 million baht
Profit of 4,800 million baht.
Year 2018 (1 rubles equals 0.47 baht)
Income 60,000 million baht
Profit of 20,800 million baht.
This year, there is extra profit from separating Yandex business. Market venture out with another company
Year 2019 (1 rubles equals 0.49 baht)
Income 86,000 million baht
Profit of 5,500 million baht.
Yandex is listed on the NASDAQ stock exchange in the USA. Now it's worth 420,000 million baht.
And it is evaluated that Mr Arkady Volozh, who is founder and CEO has private property up to 42,000 million baht.
However, sometimes business-related to a lot of data is often troubled because government concerns about the security of important data that could slip into the hands of dissent countries.
Yandex was recently ordered to restructure the company without a single shareholder over 10 % and limit total expat shareholders to 50 %
Yandex story makes us know
In many countries, strong foreign brands often scare local business owners and dare to do anything.
But really, what those companies can fight with us is understanding the unique characteristics of domestic consumers.
So if you keep opening the door to opportunities.
At the end we may succeed.
Like the case of Yandex that has become everything in Russian life..
cuddle Update the situation and economic situation with Blockdit
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google data governance 在 鄭龜煮碗麵 Facebook 的最讚貼文
上禮拜,雖然大家(包括我)都比較關心學姊說 #統獨是假議題,但其實有件算是重要的事情發生。
那就是 3/26 號的時候,歐盟的立法機關之一歐洲議會 ( European Parliament ) ,通過新的著作權規範。
( European Parliament 歐洲議會自己的新聞稿:
https://www.europarl.europa.eu/news/en/press-room/20190321IPR32110/european-parliament-approves-new-copyright-rules-for-the-internet )
PNN 公視新聞網 新聞的報導:
在民主開放國家市場成長起來的網路公司,如 Google、Facebook、Amazon 等等,一個一個成為巨頭之後,引發了許多你我都知道的負面效應。這些公司的規模已經太大,大到已經不是他們避不避得開槍口的問題,而是槍口避不開他們。從選舉結果到經濟停滯到家庭失和,都找得到理由可以怪這些平台,而且很難說是污衊。
( 歐洲議會有點像是歐盟的下議院
https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/European_Parliament )
大家都知道,著作權的議題在網路上一直是備受關注的,像是 2011 年在美國吵得很兇,台灣也很多人討論的 SOPA 跟 PIPA 法案。
( 關於 SOPA 停止網路盜版法案
https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Stop_Online_Piracy_Act )
( 關於 PIPA 保護知識產權法
https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/PROTECT_IP_Act )
在台灣,也有好幾次爭議。最近一次我比較有印象的應該是 2016 年立委打算增加「邊境管制」,也就是要封鎖(或停止解析)侵權網站的 IP,後來因為網路輿論反對,就沒有繼續立法了。
( 當時的各方意見很多,章忠信律師的分析我個人比較認同:
http://www.copyrightnote.org/ArticleContent.aspx?ID=54&aid=2836 )
( 經濟日報的報導:https://money.udn.com/money/story/5613/3721506 )
( 我之前對華倫這個倡議的簡要討論:
https://www.facebook.com/noodleswithturtle/posts/565115280650509 )
投書很短,寫得很清楚,建議自己看一下。簡單來說,他建議針對 #有害內容,#選舉公正性,#隱私,和 #數據可攜性 四個項目,建立一個公私協力管控的機制。
而其中我覺得最關鍵的項目,是「數據可攜性」(data portability) 。
可攜性的概念,大家應該很熟悉了,最簡單的例子就是我們現在換電信公司,例如從台灣大哥大換成中華電信,不用換手機號碼。在台灣,號碼可攜其實是在 2005 年開始實行的,從此之後大大降低了門號使用者轉移的成本,加強了電信公司之間的競爭。
這也需要通用標準,這就是我們支持標準數據傳輸格式和開源的『數據傳輸計畫』(Data Transfer Project) 的原因。」
( 關於這個由微軟、Google、FB、Twitter 共同支持的 「數據傳輸計畫」:https://datatransferproject.dev/ )
在上個月 14 號, Facebook 有一次大規模的當機,那天我不禁覺得,這種大社交平台當機,就像是銀行提款機出問題一樣,使得儲存在裡面的 #社交資本無法被提領。不管是工作或生活上要聯絡的人、要發的訊息,都因此受到影響。
1. 自己是不是把社交資本都存在同一個社交平台/銀行?
2. 為什麼只能在 FB 銀行領錢?當 FB 銀行的提款機故障, 為什麼不能在 LINE 銀行或 TENCENT 銀行的提款機領出來?為什麼 GOOG 銀行可以說關就關、把錢都沒收了?
3. 為什麼儲存在這些社交銀行裡的社交資本,那麼難轉移?轉帳跟匯款那麼難?
4. 以及為什麼這些可被視為社交資本銀行的平台病不像是真的銀行,當我們的社交資本如今屢屢被大規模盜竊、被濫用時,他們鮮少需要賠償跟負責?
其實我以前就跟網路上的朋友討論過,要解決社群媒體帶來的壞處(例如假新聞等等),而不減損其好處的作法,其中之一就是降低這些平台的 #套牢效應。
一個辦法就是成立 #公共的社群平台,基本功能完全複製大型平台,讓用戶可以輕易從商業社群平台,透過數據可攜性,打包資料跟 #社交資本 ,轉換到公共的平台上。
過程必須要很簡單,數據轉移必須要很安全,就像是在這個還不存在的公共社群平台點一下「FB 登入」,然後兩秒後,完成了。
這點子完全不是首創。之前早有類似的失敗案例,例如 Diaspora、或是工研院的通訊軟體 Juiker ,區塊鏈出現之後也有很多新的社交網站,讓大家可以「社交挖礦」。
有些人認為英國的 BBC、日本的 NHK 很棒,促進了整體媒體品質、提升了公民素質、建立社會公共討論的基礎,但也有些人認為公共媒體拿太多錢,做得太好,反而讓商業媒體無法發展。
像台灣早期發展公共電視,一開始走小蝦米路線,公共電視曾被視為雞肋,沒競爭力,不過一直走到現在,反而成為廢鐵鎮僅存的救贖。現任文化部長 鄭麗君 有意推動大公共媒體,把央廣、中央社等等都結合在一起,有人認為這是唯一能夠重振台灣文化的機會,有人覺得沒競爭力,浪費錢。但總之,就是一種選擇。
所以讓我們想像一下:如果如馬克投書所建議的,接下來新的法規要求社交平台需要讓用戶可以自由匯出所有資料,轉移社交資本,社交平台就會必須做出改變,例如要求工程師讓資料架構更簡單,就跟歐盟 GDPR 的規定出來之後一樣。
當然,我認為 FB 等社交平台的自然壟斷在資料、數據、社交資本可自由匯出之後就會降低。所以重點或許不是一定要有公共化的社交平台存在,而是只要有了可以自由匯出的前提,會有很多很多套自然出現。
能夠合作的對象其實很多。舉例來說,網路之父 Tim Berners-Lee發起分散式網路專案Solid,將資料「還權於民」,就是同樣的概念。
而很關注科技巨頭壟斷議題的 PTT 創世神 杜奕瑾 (Ethan Tu) 也提出 PTT.ai 的計畫,我個人也很期待。
Github 上的計畫連結:
當然,馬克倡議的公私協力機制,其實也有很多先例可循,也就是 Internet Governance Forum 網路治理論壇。
台灣也有 @台灣網路治理論壇 Taiwan IGF
總結來說,我認為在台灣,社群媒體如 FB、IG、Google、Youtube 等的好壞影響力非常大,因此關於馬克提出的四個項目--有害內容、選舉公正性、隱私、數據可攜性--我們不該只是等著歐盟或美國跟這些公司把問題解決,而是該更主動提出改革的做法。
要不然,或許是該向年輕人學習,開始用無廣告、無農場文、可輕易匯出的 Google Doc 當作社交平台了。
Daodu Tech 科技島讀 的好文:社交資本論
google data governance 在 Kristie Lu Stout Facebook 的最讚貼文
Google is (finally) shutting down its ailing social network, Google+, after a security vulnerability exposed the private data of hundreds of thousands of people.
And it's a vulnerability that Google reportedly hid.
I talk to David Edelman about the revelation. He leads research on technology governance at MIT and previously advised President Obama on technology and economic policy.
News Stream. 8p Hong Kong. 1p London. 8a Washington DC. CNNi. See you soon.
google data governance 在 豐富 Youtube 的精選貼文
📌《經濟學人》Computer security 談全球網路資訊安全議題及可能帶來的經濟損失
📌《倫敦金融時報》Post-Covid data needs careful handling 疫情過後的經濟數據需要謹慎的處理
📌《經濟學人》Corporate governance 談科技公司的企業監理
📌《經濟學人》Why China has learned to relax about its currency 談中國對人民幣的管理態度改變
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