疫情期間兩兄弟差不多半年無正式上個堂🏫,課本仲未教完已經又要停學放暑假,由於今年暑期班都無晒😩,旅行亦都無得去🏖 !! 兩兄弟暑假而家真係日日宅在家,由於哥哥下年已經升小五,要參加呈分試(升中其中一個成績指標) !!家長可以趁暑假及有網上書展,揀選一D補充練習比小朋友在家學習📝,溫故知新📚 ‼️
不過最緊要補充練習唔係鬥做得多❌🧑🏼🏫、成績就會好📈,最緊要係揀返D程度配合小朋友,而且要了解小朋友比較弱既地方先再做咁樣先令佢地成績有進步 💪🏻‼️ (註:唔駛成本做晒架)
✅好似小朋友不嬲英文Grammer弱D,除左睇圖書,我地買左Oxford 既 《Grammar Wonderland》 同 《Grammar Detective》比細佬。多D圖加公仔🤹♂️有趣味D 細佬由小二升小三,可以重溫所學過的知識之後仲可以再預習小三上學期的課程💪。
✅哥哥升小五就揀左啟思出版社嘅🌟《精英摘星》🌟同埋HKAT(Pre-S1) 既Mock paper / 補充練習,起碼知道下D題目類型同有埋解說,唔駛自己四圍搵👨🏻💻 👩🏻💻/整理加有晒答案架 ‼️
牛津網上書展日期:即日至 7月29日
書展價依舊 全店低至 8 折!
• 中小學補充練習 85 折,指定套裝 8 折;
• 幼兒學材及圖書 8 折。
#香港書展2020 #HongKongBookFair2020 #牛津網上書展2020 #OUPonlinebookfair2020 #網上書展 #補充練習 #牛津大學出版社 #停課不停學 #HKAT #mockpaper #啟思出版社
grammar detective 在 Clevis Tam 焯升 Facebook 的最佳貼文
多謝我們的老師Johnson Yu安排拍戲隊伍和提供拍攝場地。多謝我的拍檔林映清飾演高級督察李sir 和 Ian Yip葉曉陽飾演黑幫太平哥。
The Informant is finally on YouTube. Since this was a drama project, so these four scenes were extracted from an actual movie – The Stool Pigeon. There’s no exact plot behind, however this is our graduation piece after studying in the Method Acting Workshop in Hong Kong, wouldn't want to miss the chance of putting here on my page as a show reel.
Thank you for our teacher Mr Johnson Yu for arranging this and lending out his place to shoot the scene. Also thank you for my partner 林映清 who plays Inspector Lee and Ian Yip who plays Tai Ping in the piece.
I took the honor in re-editing the piece by adding more close-up, clearing out background noise and giving filter for the footages, I also wanted to add subtitles for the one who doesn’t understand Cantonese. Please forgive me if there’s any mistake or incorrect grammar with them, I did the best I could.
Lastly I would thank you the shooting team for shooting the piece. They did a great job that day. Thank you for Bowen, our director, for sending me back the clips to re-edit the whole piece.
Please like and share this video if you understand it. If you want to know what happened to the informant, please support this piece by watching the actual film – The Stool Pigeon.
The piece is an extract of four scenes from a Hong Kong Chinese action film - The Stool Pigeon, so that’s why there’s no exact plot. However, if you are interested in the actual film, please watch the completed version.
The piece consists four different conversations between a police detective and an informant. Both parties cooperate for their own benefits, one’s money and one’s information. The last scene clearly shows it is a life and death situation for the informant, since he has betrayed the triad in return for a small amount of cash.