在2019年新型冠狀病毒爆發後的經濟復甦期間,總統公告10014及10052(PP 10014及10052)暫停了某些非移民簽證類別的人入境。如果您計畫申請H-1B、H-2B、L-1、或J-1、或為上述其中一種簽證類別的眷屬,美國在台協會強烈建議您查閱travel.state.gov網站上的說明。這個網站上說明了哪些申請人仍然有資格取得H-1B、H-2B、L-1、或J-1或眷屬簽證,以及申請人需要提供哪些文件以證明他們是PP 10014及10052所列的一項例外。如果H-1B、H-2B、L-1、或J-1、或眷屬申請人無法證明自己符合公告裏的一項例外,AIT就不能核發簽證。
Attention H, L, and J visa applicants,
Presidential Proclamations 10014 & 10052 (PP 10014 & 10052) have suspended the entry of some nonimmigrant visa classes during the economic recovery following the 2019 Novel Coronavirus outbreak. If you plan to apply for an H-1B, H-2B, L-1, or J-1, or as a dependent of one of these visa classes, the American Institute in Taiwan strongly encourages you to review the available information on travel.state.gov. The website explains which applicants may still be eligible to receive an H-1B, H-2B, L-1, or J-1 or dependent visa, and what documents applicants may need to provide to demonstrate that they are an exception to PP 10014 & 10052. If an H-1B, H-2B, L-1, or J-1 or dependent applicant cannot demonstrate qualification for one of the exceptions, AIT cannot issue the visa.
If you believe you may qualify for a national interest exception (https://bit.ly/2EmZ6vk) under these proclamations, you may request an emergency appointment (https://bit.ly/2CPQ7T8) and provide specific details as to why you believe you may qualify for an exception.
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h-1b visa 是 什麼 在 【美國工作大小事: H1B申請流程全功略】... - Facebook 的推薦與評價
2016年8月12日 — 美國工作大小事: H1B申請流程全功略】 #美國工作#H1B #小編愛報導相信很多版上的朋友們都是從F1學生簽證開始美國人生的第一步. ... <看更多>