題目: 工業界大廠Honeywell攜手ADI共同改造現場發送器平台,有多麼創新,看故事就知道.寫出 ADI提供那些元件給Honeywell而造就出如此成果,就有獎.
答案: from digital-to-analog converters (DACs), to precision microcontrollers, to ADI's HART® Modem technology and digital isolators with iCoupler® technology.
1.HsinChi Chen from digital-to-analog converters (DACs), to precision microcontrollers, to ADI's HART® Modem technology and digital isolators with iCoupler® technology.
ADuCM360 low-power precision microcontroller
9月27日 19:18
2.Steven Liu from digital-to-analog converters (DACs), to precision microcontrollers, to ADI's HART® Modem technology and digital isolators with iCoupler® technology. ADuCM360.9月29日 10:50
另外,其他粉絲答案都是ADuCM360 low-power precision microcontroller,只能算答對一部分,小編感謝粉絲回應,再從中抽出一位熱情參與得主:
Febian Wu ADuCM360 low-power precision microcontroller.
9月27日 20:08
恭喜HsinChi Chen,Steven Liu與Febian Wu 三位粉絲得獎.請月底前私訊小編真實姓名與地址喔!