「Givesway Tickets」Remember to visit HK International Wine & Spirits (Special Edition) & join my “Chit Chat with CC on Wine & Spirits Pairing” talk! I’ll introduce 5 wine & spirits as well as 5 food pairing that u can buy right away at the fair! I’ll now giveaway 🎉🎉20 sets of tickets 🎉🎉(Each set has 2 tickets), first come first serve, where u can get free admission & join my talk! U can also visit wine fair & food fair! Wanna meet me in person? Drop your name in comment box to reserve your tickets! 🥳🎉🥂🍷
#詩詩酒樂園 #ccwinevoyage #hkinternationalwineandspiritsfair #wine #spirits #winepairing #winelover #hktdc HKTDC Exhibition Channel 香港貿發局展覽頻道
同時也有7部Youtube影片,追蹤數超過33萬的網紅Toys Zone D,也在其Youtube影片中提到,Website ► http://www.thetoyszone.com/ Facebook Page ►https://www.facebook.com/thetoyszone Contact US ► [email protected] Donate US 1►http://bit.ly/...
hktdc fair 在 詩詩酒樂園 CC Wine Voyage Facebook 的精選貼文
去咗由香港貿發局舉辦嘅5合1展嘅發佈會,包括 #香港國際美酒展(特別展)及美食博覽等,由8月12日至8月16日係會展舉行!香港國際美酒展每年都係11月舉行,今年新加8月特別展,搵嚟50多個酒商展覽,可以買到葡萄酒、清酒、威士忌及手工啤酒等,包羅萬有!我仲會係8月14日星期六下午5:45係現場同大家分享「詩詩與你美酒佳餚繼續吹」!到時會介紹5款現場可以買到嘅酒同美食配搭!快啲mark定日子嚟分享會呀!
Attended HKTDC 5 in 1 Expo press conference, including HK International Wine & Spirits Fair (Special Edition) & Food Expo, from 12-16 August in HKCEC. HK International Wine & Spirits Fair usually exhibits in November, it’s great to have this Special Edition in August! With over 50 exhibitors, you can shop for wine, sake, whiskies, craft beer & many more in one go! I’ll also appear on 14 August (Saturday) at 5:45pm to host a “Wine & Spirits Pairing with CC” sharing session sharing 5 different pairings and you can buy the wine & spirits and food in the Expo right away! Please mark your diary and hope to see you in my sharing session!
#ccwinevoyage #詩詩酒樂園 #wine #winelover #spirits #sake #whisky #beer
#HKTDC #hktdcfairs #hkfoodexpo #hkwinefair #hkteafair #hkhomedelightsexpo #hkbeautyexpo HKTDC Exhibition Channel 香港貿發局展覽頻道 #hongkonginternationalwineandspiritsfair2021
hktdc fair 在 方健儀 Akina Fong Facebook 的最佳貼文
時光倒流到2009年,一個偶然的忽發奇想,讓我成功訪問到首次訪港,天生冇手冇腳的澳洲人力克胡哲 (Nick Vujicic)。Nick自細受盡歧視,八歲諗過結束生命,還幸父母支持與鼓勵,佢勇敢活過來。而家佢擁有一個美滿家庭,係4個小朋友嘅爸爸,仲巡迴世界各地宣揚正能量。12年前佢喺訪問中講過:「你一旦放棄,一定冇希望。」
幾年後逛書局,見到熟識的小軀幹封面,係Nick嘅新著作《Limitless》。全書有50個章節,全部都係佢日常勵志短篇小故事。由於每個獨立故事只有2至3頁,唔洗追連續劇咁追著睇,亦好容易睇,好啱平時難抽時間坐定定打書釘嘅我。偶然我喺生活中撞板,傷心失意時,從櫃桶攞出Nick的著作,隨便翻開一頁,都係我嘅心靈雞湯。就好似呢日來露營車無聊放空,甚至「辦大事」時,隨心揭到第28章,第一句已開宗明義話:「To pursue your dreams you have to take action. Move it or lose it. Act or be acted upon……」成個人立即振作起來。
呢本《Limitless》,我都睇咗好多年,係時候搵多啲新嘅心靈雞湯。上網搜尋「Nick Vujicic」,先發現佢呢幾年不斷有新著作。冇乜時間行書局,又冇力托書返屋企,我會喺英國網上零售書店 Book Depository買,因為佢哋有2000萬本書,梗有一本啱我心水,而且免費送貨,無最低消費。即日起至8月1日,用我嘅優惠碼「AKINA10」買書,仲有9折優惠。書展期間去會展Hall 1C-016, 仲有額外優惠,亦有國際著名作家講座𠻹,等我17/7去簽書會時,順便去望下先。
Book Depository has free delivery to Hong Kong in 20 million books, no minimum spend required. Use my code “AKINA10” until Aug 1 to enjoy a 10% off discount. You may wish to visit Book Depository’s stand at Hong Kong Book Fair (Hall 1C-016, English Avenue) to receive exclusive offers when shopping from their stand, and join free seminar with renowned international authors Heather Morris, Jeremy Vine and Brigid Kemmerer.
Register link: https://hkbookfair.hktdc.com/en/Events/Event-Schedule.html
#BookDepository #BDLoves #HongKongBookFair2021 #香港書展2021 #hkbookfair #hktdcfairs #hktdc #HeatherMorris #JeremyVine #BrigidKemmerer
hktdc fair 在 Toys Zone D Youtube 的最佳貼文
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hktdc fair 在 雙十祭 Youtube 的最佳貼文
Jeff Madison

hktdc fair 在 chungdha Youtube 的最讚貼文
A quick compilation video of the Zhiyun Booth at the Hong Kong Electronics Fair 2018 Autumn Edition, this video was filmed with the Zhiyun Smooth 4 with my Samsung Galaxy S9+.
Zhiyun Smooth 4 - https://amzn.to/2R1ldIK
Edited with Adobe Premiere Pro - http://goo.gl/k2EagF
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