1) 「〜もらう・受け取る」を表すgetの使い方
get の一つ目の基本イメージは、色々な物を手に入れることです。人から何かをもらったり、受け取ったりする時に使われ、receiveのより口語的な言い方として使われます。ちなみに、良いものだけでなく、get a speeding ticket(スピード違反で切符を切られる)のようによくないものを受け取るときにも使われます。
・get a present(プレゼントをもらう)
・get a message(メッセージ受け取る)
・get advice(アドバイスをもらう)
I got a new laptop for my birthday.
I got a text from Mike and he said he's running 10 minutes late.
Who do you usually get advice from?
I got a speeding ticket this morning.
また、人から何かをもらうだけでなく、自分で努力した結果何かを手に入れるときにも使われます。例えば、「仕事に就く・仕事が決まる」は get a job、「良い成績を取る」は get good grades、「昇進する」は get a promotionと表します。その他、getには「お金を得る」の意味合いもあり、「彼って月いくら稼いでいるの?」は「How much does he get a month?」のように表現します。
It took me a couple of months but I finally got a job.
I got good grades when I was in high school.
I heard you got a promotion. Congrats!
It's an easy job. I get 20 bucks an hour just for watching the dogs.
2) 「~を買う」を表すgetの使い方
getは「〜を買う」の意味としても使われます。buy のより口語的な言い回しとして使われ、お金を払って何かを手に入れるニュアンスがあります。また、レストランでは「注文する」の意味としても使われ、友達に「何を注文するの?」と聞く場合は「What are you going to get?」と言います。さらに、getは「おごる」や「御馳走する」の意味で使うこともでき、「I'll get it.」の一言だけで「私がおごるよ」を意味します。
I really like your scarf. Where did you get it?
You already got the iPhone 12? Did you pre-order it?
I'm thinking about getting the B.L.T sandwich. What are you going to get?
Don't worry. I'll get it today.
3) 「〜を取りに行く」を表すgetの使い方
何かを取りに行ったり、忘れ物を取りに戻ったりなど、物を取りに行って戻ってくるときに get が使われます。日常会話では、go and get ____ のように表すことが多く、例えば「僕が取り行くよ」は「I'll get it.」または「I'll go and get it.」両方のパターンで表すことができます。その他、「〜を迎えに行く」の意味としても使われ、友達に「迎えに来てくれる?」と聞く場合は「Can you get me?」または「Can you come and get me?」、「迎えに行くよ」は 「I'll get you.」もしくは「I'll go and get you.」と言います。
✔「迎えに行く」はgo and get、「迎えに来る」はcome and getで覚えましょう。
I'll get it for you. What do you want to drink?
I'm going to go and get Hiro from the train station.
Oh no. I forgot my mask. I need to go back to the car and get it.
4) 「〜を理解する」を表すgetの使い方
相手の言いたいことが分かったり、意図が理解できたときに英語ではよく「I get it.」と言います。ここでは相手のアイディアを「手に入れる」、要するに「理解する」ことを意味します。この表現は、「I don't get it.」のように否定形で使われることが多く、相手の言いたいことが理解できなかったり、冗談が分からない時に使われます。
I think I'm starting to get it. Let me practice a little more.
Why is that funny? I don't get it.
Do you get what he's saying? It makes no sense to me.
5) 「〜に到着する」を表すgetの使い方
get は「着く」や「到着する」も意味し、日常会話では arriveの代わりによく使われます。例えば、待ち合わせに遅れてきた友達が「Sorry I'm late. Have you been waiting long?(遅れちゃってごめんね。だいぶ待った?)」と言った時は、「No, I just got here too.(ううん、僕も今着いたところだよ)」と言う具合に返事をするといいでしょう。
There's so much traffic. What time do you think we'll get there?
Have a safe flight! Message me when you get to Okinawa.
I got home, took a shower and went straight to bed.
6) 「〜になる(状態が変化する)」を表すgetの使い方
getは状態の変化を表す時にも使われ、「〜になる」を意味します。状態の変化を表す時は一般的に getting ____ の形式が使われ、例えば、「疲れてきた」は 「I'm getting tired.」、「お腹が空いてきた」は「I'm getting hungry.」、「寒くなってきた」は「It's getting cold.」のように getting の後には形容詞がフォローします。
その他、「〜しやすい」をget ____ easilyと表現することができ、例えば、「私が暑がりです」は「I get hot easily.」、「彼は飽きっぽい」は「He gets bored easily.」、「彼女は嫉妬深い」は「She gets jealous easily.」のように表現します。
I'm getting hungry. Do you want to grab dinner soon?
It's getting chilly these days. It's starting to feel like autumn.
I carry around a blanket with me because I get cold easily.
7) 「病気になる」を表すgetの使い方
風邪を引いたり、インフルエンザにかかったり、病気になる時にもgetが使われます。例えば、「風邪を引いた」は「I got a cold.」、「インフルエンザにかかった」は「I got the flu.」、「彼は病気になった」は「He got sick.」と言います。ちなみに、「頭痛がする」は「I got a headache.」、「熱がある」は 「I got a fever.」、「喉が痛い」は「I got a sore throat.」のように表します。
It sounds like you got the flu. Drink a lot of water and rest up.
My cat got sick and I had to take him to the vet yesterday.
I think I got a cold. I got a fever and a sore throat.
8) 「どうにかして~させる」を表すgetの使い方
この表現は、人に何かをしてもらう時、または人に何かをさせる時の両方で使われますが、相手を説得したり騙したりするなど「どうにかして」何かをさせるニュアンスが含まれます。例えば、薬を飲みたくない子供を説得して飲ませる場合は「I got my child to take the medicine.(子供に何とかして薬を飲ませました)」と表します。
I finally got my dad to stop smoking cigarettes.
I can't get my son to do his homework. What do you think I should do?
My cat pees all over the house. How can I get her to pee in her litter box?
9) 「〜する機会を得る」を表すgetの使い方
get to do somethingは「〜する機会を得られる」を意味し、have the opportunity toのより口語的な言い方として使われます。例えば、「国際交流パーティーでいろいろな人たちとお話しすることができました」と言いたい場合は「I got to talk with a lot people at the international exchange party.」のように表現し、got to の後には動詞が続きます。ここでは、I got an/the opportunity to ____ と表現することもできますが、日常会話ではan/the opportunityを省くことがよくあります。
I got to travel all over the world in my twenties.
Did you get to see the autumn leaves when you were in Japan?
At the spring training camp, I got to meet some of the Dodgers' players.
10) Get + 前置詞の組み合わせ
getはいろいろな前置詞と組み合わせて使うことができます。例えば、「電車に乗ろう」は「Let's get on the train.」、「バスを降りよう」は「Let's get off the bus.」、「プールに入ろう」は「Let's get in the pool.」、「ここから出よう」は「Let's get out of here.」と言う具合に表現します。getと前置詞を組み合わせて使う場合は「動いている」イメージになります。
Get on bus number 10 and it'll take you to downtown.
This place is way too crowded. Let's get out of here.
Which stop are we getting off on? Is it the next one?
同時也有8部Youtube影片,追蹤數超過18萬的網紅KemushiChan ロレッタ,也在其Youtube影片中提到,Fighting the endless cabin fever with some good old netflix binging. Here are my top 3 picks! - - - - - - - - D I S C O U N T S !!! - - - - - - - - ...
「have a high fever」的推薦目錄:
have a high fever 在 Facebook 的最讚貼文
【 Dear Jane Pendulum Tour 2021 】
再一次親身體驗看Live Show的魅力!
事緣成軍15年的Dear Jane,在紅館舉行第二次演唱會,事前沒想過買飛入場,畢竟四子的音樂風格跟自身的聽歌口味不算很夾,而且一直以來都有種「硬係覺得首首歌都差唔多」的錯覺,在「唔多熟書」的情況下,擔心就算「成功爭飛」也不會太過投入,倒不如將機會留給真正的支持者。但「睇騷命」這回事從來難以預料,興許有「綜藝之神」眷顧,就在開騷前夕,有幸收到朋友邀請,可以欣賞他們的頭場演唱,結果縱觀全晚出乎意料的好看,離場一刻心情滿足而暢快。
首先要讚賞的是舞台設計。演唱會名為「Pendulum Tour」,Pendulum即「鐘擺」的意思,故中央天花位置,懸掛了一個類似圓錘倒吊的立體發光模型,在開場之後持續於舞台左右兩邊搖擺,令歌者和觀眾都很快投入整個演唱氣氛。去年初派台的《銀河修理員》唱到街知巷聞,成功將Dear Jane的知名度推向另一個高峰,估計創意團隊以歌名引發聯想,將舞台「上空」變成浩瀚無垠的宇宙,垂吊的「鐘擺」一下子化為恆星,旁邊隨即出現多顆衛星,配合各種燈光設計,視覺效果一流,使得整個演出更加賞心悅目。
當然,睇騷嘛,演唱才是主菜。親耳聽過才夠膽講,主音阿Tim(黃天翱)的拉闊水準穩定,從他在台上突然爆出那句:「呢個騷係屬於大家,大家記得要Have a Fxxking Good Time!」足以引證他(也包括其餘三子)當晚心情靚爆,作為表演者,情緒高漲的確有助提升演出水準,配合現場觀眾的超熱情反應(程度絕對遠超想像),令全場氣氛從第一首歌《最後一間唱片舖》開始便「High爆」,一直延續至散場,加上部份現場演奏的音樂經過重新編曲,三者結合所帶來的滿足,都是「齋聽」錄音室版本難以代替。
另一方面,嘉賓也見驚喜,其中SOPHY(王嘉儀)與Dear Jane合唱《給防護罩一吻》根本就是靚聲示範,真心希望她簽約幻國文化之後,能夠有更多人看到她和欣賞她,不過相比之下,第二場(22/9)請到MC $oHo(蘇致豪)、KidNey(許賢)和Kayan9896(吳家忻)站台獻唱《係咁先啦》(https://bit.ly/3u5M5fz) ,才是真正讓人大聲尖叫,此舉將是兩家公司(華納唱片與試當真)聯乘合作,將網絡熱話(《外賣修澧賢》、《哪裡只塞駿業里》和《不許你主音一人》)一下子與現實結合(O2O),是為本地新世代娛樂事業經營模式的上佳示範,如果可以跟其他觀眾一起合唱「走先喇/係咁先喇/下次再玩啦!」,整個畫面,真係諗到都覺得興奮!點解我是看頭場,而不是看第二場?好葡萄呀!
【《Dear Jane Pendulum Tour 2021》第一場歌單 】
1. 《最後一間唱片舖》
2. 《Yellow Fever》
3. 《不許你注定一人》
4. 《到此為止》
5. 《永遠飛行模式》
6. 《寧願當初不相見》
7. 《咖啡因眼淚》
8. 《2084》
9. 《身體語言》featuring Miss Janni
10. 《給防護罩一吻》featuring SOPHY(王嘉儀)
11. 《人類不宜飛行》
12. 《哀的美敦書》
13. 《約翰與洋子》
14. 《別說話》
15. 《草戒指》by Howie
16. 《世上唯一雙細胞》
17. 《I Wish》(陳凱詠原唱) by Jackal
18. 《神奇的糊塗魔藥》(林家謙原唱) by Nice
19. 《網絡安全隱患》(Serrini原唱) by Howie
20. 《Let It Go》(Idina Menzel原唱)by Tim
21. 《Mad》featuring AGA江海迦
22. 《理性與任性之間》by AGA江海迦
23. 《未開始已經結束》
24. 《經過一些秋與冬》
25. 《只知感覺失了蹤》
26. 《哪裏只得我共你》
27. 《二十年後的歌》
28. 《遠征》
29. 《聖馬力諾之心》
30. 《銀河修理員》
📸 instagram.com/sunny_liu
【 演唱會2021系列報道 】
*C AllStar集合吧演唱會2021:https://bit.ly/3u6z8lD
*Chill Club A New Stage:https://bit.ly/2TMFvMO
*MIRROR ONE AND ALL LIVE 2021:https://bit.ly/2RwAneF
*RubberBand Ciao 2021:https://bit.ly/3u6z8lD
▇ facebook專頁: 游大東【鴻鵠志-影視筆記】
▇ instagram: instagram.com/yautaitung
▇ MeWe專頁: mewe.com/p/yautaitung
▇ Telegram:https://t.me/yautaitung
▇ Medium:https://yautaitung.medium.com
#游大東 #游大東影視筆記 #DEARJANE #DEARJANE演唱會 Dear Jane Warner Music Hong Kong #DearJanePendulumTour2021 #紅磡體育館 #試當真 #許賢 #蘇致豪 #KAYAN9896 #廣東歌 #銀河修理員 #聖馬力諾之心 9588hk 私家音樂 Music Picks 廣東歌fans應援事件 做乜膠睇電視 Chow Siu Lung Herbert 周小兔
have a high fever 在 CheckCheckCin Facebook 的最佳解答
✈️ 香港人習慣喝湯養生,移民後怎樣煲湯?人在異鄉煲湯材料可能不易買,其實只要留意食材屬性,尋常食材亦能煲碗靚湯,有助強身防病!💪🏻
番茄 — 性涼,有生津止渴、健胃消食、涼血平肝功效,適合發熱口乾、食慾不振者食用,它亦有護膚美白的功效。惟注意番茄性涼,胃寒人士不宜食用,寒性痛經女士在月經期間勿吃,胃酸過多者不宜空腹食用。
1. 所有材料洗淨,番茄切件;薯仔去皮切塊;椰菜及西芹切塊備用。
2. 鍋中加入2000毫升水,放入全部材料,武火煮至水滾,調文火煮1.5小時,最後下鹽調味即可。
留言或按讚👍🏻支持一下我們吧!❤️ 歡迎 Follow 我們獲得更多養生資訊。
Making soup in a foreign country
Tomato mung bean soup can combat summer-heat
✈️ Hong Kong citizens are used to drinking soup to maintain our health, but how do we make soup when we have immigrated to another country? It might not be easy to get our hands on the ingredients, but as long as we pay attention to the nature of the ingredients, we will still be able to make healthy and tasty soups! 💪🏻
”I recently moved to Los Angeles, which has sunny weather that makes me feel hot all the time. Do you have any soup to recommend?”
CheckCheckCin: People often regard the sunny sky as good weather, but it could be a problem when heat accumulates and becomes a pathogenic factor. According to Chinese Medicine theories, the pathogenic factor can invade the body and exhaust the yin, and this is why we experience dry mouth and sore throat easily.
When the body cannot dissipate heat on time, yin-yang balance is disrupted, causing us to develop a heatstroke. Therefore, individuals who live in dry and warm areas should consume soups and vegetables that are cool in nature such as tomato, celery, green/white radish, Chinese cabbage, not forgetting mung beans, which can relieve the summer-heat and clear toxins from the body.
Tomato - cool in nature, has the effects of promoting fluid promotion, quenching thirst, strengthening the stomach, aiding digestion, cooling blood and calming the liver. Suitable for fever, dry mouth, those with poor appetite. It can nourish and whiten skin. But it is cool in nature making it not suitable for those with cold stomachs. Women with cold type menstrual pain should not eat tomatoes during menstruation. Those with gastric hyperacidity should not consume it with an empty stomach.
Tomato and potato soup with mung bean
Effects: Clears heat and strengthens the spleen, relieves dry mouth, sore throat, stuffiness and other symptoms caused by hot weather.
Ingredients: 3 tomatoes, 2 potatoes, 1/2 cabbage, 2 stalks of celery, 20g mung bean
1. Rinse all ingredients thoroughly. Cut the tomato into pieces. Peel the potato and cut into pieces. Cut the cabbage and celery into pieces.
2. Combine all ingredients with 2000ml of water in a pot and cook on high heat until boiling. Turn to low heat and simmer for 1.5 hours. Add salt to taste.
Comment below or like 👍🏻 this post to support us. ❤️ Follow us for more healthy living tips.
#男 #女 #我疲憊 #喉嚨痛
have a high fever 在 KemushiChan ロレッタ Youtube 的最佳解答
Fighting the endless cabin fever with some good old netflix binging. Here are my top 3 picks!
- - - - - - - - D I S C O U N T S !!! - - - - - - - -
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Cheap Pocket WiFi for your next trip in Japan. Link above gives you a discount at checkout!
Discount code: KEMUSHI10 for 10% off your first stationery box with My Bungu Box
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My Second Channel: https://tinyurl.com/yb88ob94
Me: https://www.youtube.com/user/kemushichan
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Send me messages or whatever you want via the address below!:
Yummy Japan - KemushiChan
〒150-0022 東京都渋谷区恵比寿南2-1-2 R・K・F恵比寿ビル5F
Yummy Japan - KemushiChan
5F, RKF-EBISU, 2-1-2, Ebisuminami, Shibuya-ku,
Tokyo, 150-0022, Japan
Business Inquiries:
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Hi! My name is Loretta, a girl from the U.S. who moved to Japan! I'm here on the MEXT scholarship program as a graduate student, studying to get a Masters in Business Administration. Here are some answers to common questions:
1. Do I Speak Japanese? Yep! I was taught formally in High School and have been speaking now for over 15 years.
2. What are you studying? I'm a recent grad of Yokohama National University's "Masters of Business Administration" Program
3. How old are you?: Year of the dragon. :D The math is up to you.
4. How did you get into Japanese school?: http://tinyurl.com/yb8yylch
5. What camera equipment do you use?: I film my videos with a Canon 60D using a 30mm Sigma Art Lens and I edit with Sony Vegas Pro 10 (with some help from photoshop). Additional cameras include GoPro Hero 7 Black and DJI Majic Air
♪ Music by the YouTube Audio Library

have a high fever 在 謙預 QianyuSG Youtube 的精選貼文
If one does not have heavy karma, one will not be born in this Samsara world. Unless you are a Buddha & Bodhisattva returning here because of a vow you made, any human born here is bound to suffer and repay karmic debts.
There are many different types of karma. In my personal experience, the most unbearable kind will be the suffering of illness. A mere cold and high fever is enough for us to lose control over our bodies.
If your sickness karma is light, it is easy for you to recover. But for those with severe sickness karma, it is pure living hell.
There is a certain illness that doctors have no idea how to treat. We term it as karmic illness. How does karmic illness arise? How can it be treated for full recovery?
Hi, I am Lee Ji Qian, a Chinese Metaphysics practitioner from Singapore. This journey in propagating Buddhism and Chinese Metaphysics has been full of hard knocks and exciting discoveries.
Through my videos and online writing, I hope to share my journey with you. So that you too can break free from the limits of your destiny and truly live a life you can call exciting. My destiny is in my own hands, not Heaven. So is yours.
It does not matter whether we can live a long or short life.
What matters most is living a life of value and contribution.
Iphone 6S
Wide Angle Selfie Ring Light
3-in-1 Monopod: https://amzn.to/2rJ1M03
Royal Voice Lavalier Mic (out of production)
this comes close : https://amzn.to/2pmj7Ly
Sony A6400: https://amzn.to/33NLssT
Sony 128GB SD card: https://amzn.to/2NKv6vw
Rode Videomicro : https://amzn.to/350TZsW
Sony Mark III: https://amzn.to/2qOne3g
128GB SD card: https://amzn.to/2Qfnl2n
Neumann T102: https://amzn.to/34XuFE3
Universal Audio: https://amzn.to/2CIOgM4
Portabooth Plus: https://amzn.to/33MyBHE
Zhiyun Crane M Gimbal: https://amzn.to/2Xfd7QZ
Nitecore charger for A6400: https://amzn.to/2Qfo8QT
Extra Sony A6400 battery: https://amzn.to/2Kh3oo8

have a high fever 在 ロイドごはん Youtube 的最佳貼文
his time around Roidgohan recommended Hokkaido ramen shop, tonight we will deliver ramen hen of Asahikawa! Following the first one above, what is introduced in this video as the second one is “Shoka Ramen Mizuno", “Tenkin”, “Santouka Asahikawa Head Store" and "Ramen Himawari” ! Asahikawa was well informed that actually it is a place where ramen fever is particularly high again in Hokkaido! There are shops that have been named first in Asahikawa's Gourmet Guide, and some shops have been hit by furious push from the locals. This time, it was a valuable experience to be able to find unique shops like ginger ramen and ramen with plenty of hormones! I would like to convey some of the appeal of Asahikawa's ramen in this video, and use it as a reference when visiting! Then, please watch the video immediately!
いつもありがとうございます!( ´ ▽ ` )
#旭川ラーメン #ラーメン #ramen #ロイドごはん #フラメンコロイド #noodles #飯テロ #夏休み #旅行 #asahikawa #hokkaido #大食い #北海道
—————《ロイド のサブチャンネル》—————————————
【フラメンコロイド のサブチャンネルもよろしくお願いします!】
『生姜ラーメン みづの』�https://tabelog.com/hokkaido/A0104/A010401/1003673/�
『らーめんや天金 四条店』�https://tabelog.com/hokkaido/A0104/A010401/1000090/�
『らーめん山頭火 旭川本店』�https://tabelog.com/hokkaido/A0104/A010401/1000964/��『ラーメン専門 ひまわり』�https://tabelog.com/hokkaido/A0104/A010401/1002587/�
★フラメンコロイド 《フラメンコロイドの神話と伝説》
神回【ラーメン二郎の貴重映像】全増しが出来るまで一部始終を大公開!【ラーメン二郎 ひばりヶ丘店】ramen
屋台でラーメンが出来上がるまでの職人技をお見せします【ボギー亭 虎ちゃん】味噌ニンニクラーメン【飯テロ】
神技!いつもびっくりするよ!【がんちゃん】お好み焼きの名店に感動!【飯テロ】× フラメンコロイド 広島県
