我最後挑選了一台HEGEL H190綜合串流DAC擴大機,這台的評價網路上很多,細節我就不 ... 高階基本上HEGEL的H390是最佳解了,推力更大,還支援DSD跟MQA. ... <看更多>
我最後挑選了一台HEGEL H190綜合串流DAC擴大機,這台的評價網路上很多,細節我就不 ... 高階基本上HEGEL的H390是最佳解了,推力更大,還支援DSD跟MQA. ... <看更多>
#1. Hegel H390評測,20萬元預算,也容得下旗艦風範
規格:. Hegel H390。類型:數位流綜合擴大機。每聲道輸出功率:250瓦(8歐姆)。頻率響應:5Hz ...
#2. 【醉音影音生活】挪威Hegel H390 串流綜合擴大機.USB DAC ...
【醉音影音生活】挪威Hegel H390 串流綜合擴大機.USB DAC.台灣公司貨| 台灣代理商公司貨,全新原廠保固一年,附產品保證書及發票。
#3. H390 - Hegel Music Systems
Hegel designs both the analog and digital sections from, the ground up and in house. The digital section in the H390 is unique in that regardless of the signal ...
#4. Hegel H390的價格推薦- 2022年4月| 比價比個夠BigGo
hegel h390 價格推薦共35筆商品。還有hegel h90、hegel h590、hegel h190、edge s30、evga 3090。現貨推薦與歷史價格一站比價,最低價格都在BigGo!
#5. 代購服務HEGEL H390 綜合擴大機220-240v | 蝦皮購物
歡迎提問~ HEGEL H390剛推出市場不久,就以強大的實力奪取歐洲權威媒體EISA評選的2019-2020年度最佳HI-END合併功放。 390是一位令人震撼的強者,它擁有參考級器材的 ...
#6. Hegel H390 - 比上一代更收放自如,更加全面
翻查舊有紀錄,當Hegel 進入SoundEngine2 時代之後,《Hi Fi Review》第一款試聽使用此技術的合併機是H360,時為2015 年。試聽之初,曾將它放到我們細試音 ...
#7. 台北台中鳳誠影音~瑞典原裝Hegel H390 綜合擴大機~歡迎議價
你在找的~台北台中鳳誠影音~瑞典原裝Hegel H390 綜合擴大機~歡迎議價~就在露天拍賣,立即購買商品搶免運及優惠,還有許多相關商品提供瀏覽.
#8. Hegel H390 Integrated Amplifier - Audiophilia
The Hegel H390 is a Class A/B, dual mono integrated amplifier rated at 250 watts per channel into 8 ohms. It is the second highest priced ...
#9. hegel h390 二手價格
Hegel H390 Integrated Amplifier - Like New Condition. 4500 4500 USD USD. US Audio Mart. 2022-04-02. Hegel H390 perfect condition. 6100 6100 CAD CAD.
#10. 【醉音影音生活】挪威Hegel H390 串流綜合擴大機.USB DAC ...
【醉音影音生活】挪威Hegel H390 串流綜合擴大機.USB DAC.台灣公司貨. 台灣原廠公司貨,產品保固一年。 一次付清特價281900 元. 0利率分期價. 3期0利率, 每期$93966 ...
#11. HEGEL H390 - 飛比價格- 優惠價格推薦- 2022年3月
HEGEL H390 是你要找的商品嗎?飛比有HEGEL H190、HEGEL H90、HEGEL H160推薦,飛比為你即時比價,全台電商網購價格輕鬆找,一秒為你找便宜,快速比對商品價格, ...
#12. 盛昱音響
門市現貨- 挪威Hegel H390 綜合擴大機250瓦『£5,000.00』 公司貨~ 可自取. 281900 春季驚爆│NT$...點我折扣. 盛昱電器興業有限公司 客戶服務中心 ...
#13. Hegel H390 Review | HiFiReport.com
Although Hegel H390 integrated amplifier is a simplified version of H590, it has all the functions of H590. It has a built-in UPnP and AirPlay2 streams module, ...
#14. Review: Hegel H390 | Half The Price, The Same Brute Power
The Hegel H390 amp is a real explosion of power, which at half the price of the H590 gives almost the same listening pleasure. ... In addition to ...
#15. H390 User Manual - HiFi im Hinterhof
For the best audio experience the distance between the listener and each speaker should be the same. Speaker. Right Channel. H390 Integrated Amplifier. Hegel, ...
#16. 透過現象看本質——HEGEL H390全兼容多功能合併機 - 今天頭條
#17. Hegel H390 Integrated Amplifier/Network DAC Page 2 - Hi-Fi ...
Quoting Hegel further, it says that in tests with internal and external listeners, some themes emerged: that the H390 makes the amp it replaces, the H360, ...
#18. Hegel Audio Systems H390 integrated amplifier - Hi-Fi+
That allows the H390 to have fully configurable inputs, so they can be variable or line-level inputs. The H390 also has higher gain on the pre-output compared ...
#19. Hegel H390 - the Ear.net
The heart of the H390 is undoubtedly its amplifier section, which Hegel quotes as giving 250 watts of output into 8 ohms. It's a dual mono ...
#20. HEGEL H390玩最新的MQA,搭配Focal Sopra 3落地箱
完美搭配之選! 挪威HEGEL H390合併擴音機搭配丹拿Heritage特別版用家分享 .
#21. HEGEL H390 Stereo Integrated Amplifier User Manual
The Hegel H390 supports MQA on all digital inputs. USB, BNC, Coaxial and Optical inputs have support for DSD(DoP). USB The Hegel H390 has a plug ...
#22. Review: Hegel H390 integrated amplifier – actually a top model
The H390 was Hegel's third integrated amplifier based on its latest hardware platform, after the H190 and H590. Later the H120 and H95 followed.
#23. Hegel H390 – интегральный усилитель Hegel. Фирменный ...
Hegel H390 — интегральный усилитель с поддержкой Spotify, UPnP и AirPlay. Выходная мощность 2 х 250 Вт (8 Ом), 2 х 420 Вт (4 Ом). Коэффициент демпфирования ...
#24. Hegel H390 amplifier and more – Norwegian good - audioFi.net
To call the H390 a mere integrated amp doesn't do it justice, really. The H390 is packed with cutting-edge digital technology and represents ...
#25. Hegel Music Systems H390 Integrated Amplifier-DAC
The streaming capabilities of Hegel integrated-DACs are as minimalist as their front panels. The H390 supports Apple AirPlay, Spotify Connect, ...
#26. Wzmacniacz zintegrowany Hegel H390 - Top Hifi
H390 to nadzwyczajny wzmacniacz zintegrowany, który łączy niepowtarzalną jakość dźwięku i unikatowe funkcje zarezerwowane wcześniej dla referencyjnych modeli z ...
#27. H390 Integrated Streaming Amplifier - Hegel - ListenUp
The H390 has Apple Airplay and UPnP streaming. Hegel offers free updates with services like Spotify Connect, IP Control, and Control4.
#28. Hegel H390 一機包辦擴音解碼串流
Hegel H390 一機包辦擴音解碼串流 ... H390外形黑實簡約,驟眼睇與之前的H590大同小異,但其實內部技術及用料都已全面更新。(方偉堅攝).
#29. Hegel Music Systems H390 Integrated Amplifier Review
The H390's amplifier is a dual mono class-A/B design, with each channel delivering 250 watts into 8 ohms. Hegel's specs confidently state that 2 ...
#30. Hegel H390 Integrated Amplifier Review - StereoNET
Hegel's H390 has a powerful yet sweet sound, which is not typically transistor you might say. Smooth and quite subtle, it may not be the last ...
#31. HEGEL 全新H390多功能合併機上市 - 每日頭條
全新升級的HEGEL H390的解碼部分再上一層樓,全面支持目前大熱的串流數字高格MQA音樂文件以及在普通CD機上可播放傳輸實體MQA-CD的信號到H390解碼 ...
#32. hegel h390購物比價- 2022年1月| FindPrice 價格網
hegel h390 的商品價格,還有更多『門市現貨』挪威Hegel H390 綜合擴大機- 公司貨可自取相關商品比價,輕鬆購物,FindPrice價格網讓你快速找到最便宜的商品.
#33. Hegel H390 Integrated Amplifier with DAC - CMY
Hegel designs both the analog and digital sections from, the ground up and in house. The digital section in the H390 is unique in that regardless of the signal ...
#34. Hifi Audio :: Stereo Amplifiers :: Integrated Amps :: Hegel H390
Hegel designs both the analog and digital sections from, the ground up and in house. The digital section in the H390 is unique in that regardless of the signal ...
#35. Multitest: Seven integrated amplifiers 5000 - Hegel H390
better… The H390 is the successor of the highly successful Hegel H360. An amplifier that is reasonably engraved in our memory. Partly because of ...
#36. Hegel H390 integroitu vahvistin | Hifimesta
Hegel designs both the analog and digital sections from, the ground up and in house. The digital section in the H390 is unique in that regardless of the signal ...
#37. Hegel H390 Integrated Streaming Amplifier - Doug Brady HiFi
When we heard the new Hegel H390 Amplifier we new instntley it had to take pride of place in our shop, sounding so good, we thought it could be Hegel's ...
#38. Hegel H390 Review: Expensive But Worth It! - Tech Week
Hegel H390 may be too expensive for many music lovers. But on the other hand, it has almost the same features and the same sound as its flagship integrated ...
#39. Hegel(音樂哲學)H390合併放大器 - 人人焦點
Hegel H390 已經發布了一段時間了,取代了原來的H360。H360的初衷就是一台大功率的,並加入DAC和網絡音頻流媒體播放功能的合併功放,目的就是簡化系統 ...
#40. HEGEL H390 – Amplificatore Integrato High End - HIFIGHT
Hegel H390 è un amplificatore ingrato decisamente ribelle. Offre prestazioni audio e funzionalità presenti solo nel integrato HiFi Top di Gamma H590 – uno dei ...
#41. Hegel H390 Integrated Amplifier - Premium Sound | Hi-Fi ...
The H390 is one of the Hegel's signature integrated amplifiers, which combines a 250W per channel amplifier with a built-in DAC and streamer.
#42. Hegel H390 zwart - iEar
De H390 is een rebel door veel van de prestaties van de referentieproducten aan te bieden, zij het tegen een lagere prijs. Een rebel die in één geïntegreerd ...
#43. Hegel H390 - testy, ceny i sklepy | AUDIO
Hegel H390 jest w ofercie drugim modelem od góry, zademonstrowany w Monachium w 2019 roku, zastępuje H360. Trzy konstrukcje - H190, H390 i topowy H590 - zostały ...
#44. Hegel H390 - Amplis hi-fi stéréo sur Son-Vidéo.com
L'ampli Hegel H390 est un modèle audiophile très puissant totalisant 500 Watts et doté d'une section analogique et numérique. Le H390 peut être connecté au ...
#45. 合併機2選1 Diablo 120同埋hegel h390 - 兩聲道音響討論區
想換合併機2選1貴豐diablo120 hegel h390你哋會揀邊部?謝謝合併機2選1 Diablo 120同埋hegel h390 ,Hiendy.com 影音俱樂部.
#46. Hegel H390 Integrated Amplifier 2x250W - Black - Samma3a
Hegel H390 Integrated Amplifier 2x250W - Black. ... The H390 is a REBEL by offering much of the performance of our Reference products, albeit at a lower ...
#47. Hegel H390 integrated amplifier | the little audio company
Hegel Music Systems - the network connectable Hegel H390 amplifier with AirPlay2, Spotify Connect Premium, Connect4 and Roon compatibility - full MQA ...
#48. Hegel H390 - Audiophile
At the heart of the H390 is Hegel's patented SoundEngine 2 amplifier section. The SoundEngine 2, in many ways, works like a noise canceling headphone.
#49. HEGEL H390 - Sound Gallery | e-Shop
HEGEL H390 · The H390 is a REBEL by offering much of the performance of our Reference products, albeit at a lower price. A REBEL that in one integrated product ...
#50. Hegel H390 2-Ch Amplifier - Value Electronics
Hegel H390 In stock & on display in our showroom! $5999, delivery included with all of our products. email us w/questions Hegel H390-2-channel audio ...
#51. Hegel H390 + SHD only for DSP - MiniDSP
Hy guys! I will use all-in-one box Hegel H390 for Tidal streaming + D to A + Power + Speaker and a want to use SHD ou SHD Studio just for room correction by ...
#52. Hegel H390 Integrated Amplifier - The Audio Experts
The Hegel H390 provides world-class sound, jaw-dropping power and comes packed with convenient services. The H390 is not just for the audiophile.
#53. H390|-卡門音響-商品介紹
Hegel designs both the analog and digital sections from, the ground up and in house. The digital section in the H390 is unique in that regardless of the ...
#54. Hegel H390 Integrated Amplifier - Black for sale online | eBay
Find many great new & used options and get the best deals for Hegel H390 Integrated Amplifier - Black at the best online prices at eBay!
#55. Hegel H390 Sound Quality - Audio Gear Talk - Roon Labs ...
Hear only stories about welles nietus with regard to Roon, weird it's all about how an amplifier sounds. Bought the Hegel H390 for its sound ...
#56. Hegel H390 - Greg Sound SVC
The H390 is a REBEL by offering much of the performance of our Reference products, albeit at a lower price. A REBEL that in one integrated product offers ...
#57. HEGEL H390 Integrated Amplifier. 2x250W into 8 Ohm Dual ...
HEGEL H390 Integrated Amplifier. 2x250W into 8 Ohm, Dual mono A/Airplay, Spotify, Sound Engine 2 Digital Inputs - 2 Coax ( BNC/RCA ) 3 Optical, 1 Network, ...
#58. Munich High-End 2019: Hegel's H390 integrated amplifier
2019年5月9日 — On analogue inputs, the H390 offers up 1 x balanced XLR and 2 x single-ended RCA. And it wouldn't be a Hegel integrated without a suite of ...
#59. Hegel H390 Integrated Amplifier and Network Streamer - Superfi
Hegel H390 Integrated Amplifier and Network Streamer Sound performance has always been the driving force behind all Hegel products and the H390 is no ...
#60. Hegel H390 | What Hi-Fi? Forum
Hegel H390. Page 2 - Seeking answers? Join the What HiFi community: the world's leading independent guide to buying and owning hi-fi and home ...
#61. Hegel H390 - Impulse Hi-Fi Audio
What you will notice is that the H390 shares the new Hegel streaming platform as seen on the H590 and H190 amplifiers. Yes, this isn't just a common or garden.
#62. H390 - Hegel - Poulissen Audio Video Center
FEATURES The H390 shares the new streaming platform with H190 and H590. ... H390 has higher gain on the pre-out compared to other Hegel amplifiers.
#63. Hegel H390 一機包辦擴音解碼串流 - 東網
如你有留意今年德國慕尼黑音響展,都會收到消息,挪威名牌Hegel展出了最新合併式擴音機H390,想不到第一批貨那麼快已經運送來港,絕對是樂迷之福 ...
#64. HEGEL H390 - House Of Stereo
At the heart of the H390 is Hegel's patented SoundEngine 2 amplifier section. The SoundEngine 2, in many ways, works like a noise canceling headphone.
#65. H390 / HEGEL - エレクトリ
Sound performance has always been the driving force behind all Hegel products and the H390 is no different.It is somewhat of a giant killer delivering a ...
#67. Hegel H390 - The Power House - Beyond Red Book
I want to share my thoughts, impressions and feelings after 4 weeks into ownership of the Hegel H390 - the "Baby H590" or "Robin Hood" as it's called by ...
#68. A 'Sounding Amp' over a 'Pretty Boy' Amp? Hegel H390 Film ...
This is an article of my rationalization for the Streaming Integrated H390 amplifier from Hegel in conjunction with my film about this ...
The Hegel H390 provides a massive a 250wpc (into 8ohms, 420wpc into 4ohms) an output that can drive many high end loudspeakers with consummate ease.
#70. Hegel H390... anyone? | AVS Forum
Been reading reviews of this new integrated and am drooling just a little bit. Okay a lot. https://www.hegel.com/products/integrated/h390...
#71. Hegel H390: Un tsunami se prépare… - Brosseau
H390 has higher gain on the pre-out compared to other Hegel amplifiers. USB Volume – via the menu, you can open for what we call USB volume. This means that the ...
#72. 首次入音響坑的難得優質組合! - Mobile01
我最後挑選了一台HEGEL H190綜合串流DAC擴大機,這台的評價網路上很多,細節我就不 ... 高階基本上HEGEL的H390是最佳解了,推力更大,還支援DSD跟MQA.
#73. Hegel H390 Integrated Amp & Mohican CD Player - Soundstage
Hegel H390. This dual-mono integrated amplifier borrows much of its technology from the reference quality H590. The in-built DAC helps to ...
#74. Hegel H390 Streaming Amplifier 2 x 250W - BL2 Srl
Hegel H390 Streaming Amplifier 2 x 250W /8 Ω Dual Mono SoundEngine 2 Bit-Perfect DAC Apple AirPlay Spotify Connect Control4 Ready UPnP Streaming.
#75. Hegel H390 Streaming Integrated Amplifier - Soundlab New ...
Hegel H390 Streaming Integrated Amplifier. Hegel. Print. Model h390. Condition New. 2 x 250 W/8 Ω. Dual Mono. SoundEngine 2. Bit-Perfect DAC. Apple AirPlay.
#76. 为何舍前后级而选合并机? 访广州HEGEL H390用家梁先生
在一个偶然的机会,梁先生留意到获奖无数的HEGEL H390合并式放大器。之前他已经对HEGEL放大器驱动力强、个性百搭早有耳闻。当他看到H390的阻尼系数 ...
#77. Hegel | H390 Integrated Amplifier | Melbourne Hi Fi
Hegel H390 Integrated Amplifier. Order online or purchase in-store at Melbourne Hi Fi. Shipping available Australia-wide.
#78. Hegel H390 Integrated Amplifier | DAC | Streamer - Igloo Audio
The Hegel H390 integrated amplifier offers Airplay and UPnP streaming; IP Control, Control4 and Roon. It supports most audio formats like DSD and MQA.
#79. Hegel H390 Integrated Amplifier - Living Entertainment North ...
Hegel designs both the analog and digital sections from, the ground up and in house. The digital section in the H390 is unique in that regardless of the signal ...
#80. Hegel H390 - Integrated amplifier/ DAC - Audio Venue
The Hegel H390 is a REBEL by offering much of the performance of their Reference products, albeit at a lower price. A REBEL indeed.
#81. TEST: Verstärker Hegel H390 – High End in Robin-Hood-Manier
Exzellenter Klang zum attraktiven Preis: Mit diesem Ziel schließt der neue Hegel H390 die Portfolio-Lücke hinter dem Referenz-Verstärker ...
#82. Special Functions - Hegel H390 User Manual [Page 17]
Hegel H390 Manual Online: Special Functions. Display On/Off The DISP button on the RC8 remote control may be used to turn the display of the H390 on or off.
#83. Hegel H390 from Harrow Audio
Hegel H390 amplifier and streamer/DAC now available at Harrow Audio. Clean, Dynamic sound from a modern styled amp. Shipped postfree online with 0% finance ...
#84. HEGEL H390 - ALPHA High End
Hegel H390 Integrated. The H390 is a REBEL by offering much of the performance of our Reference products, albeit at a lower price. A REBEL that in one ...
#85. Hegel - Codell Audio
The Hegel H120 is a 75wpc Class A/B amplifier whose output can drive all but the most.. $3,600 ... Hegel H390 is a giant among integrated amplifiers.
#86. Hegel H390 - A10Audio
At the heart of the H390 is Hegel's patented SoundEngine 2 amplifier section. The SoundEngine 2, in many ways, works like a noise canceling headphone. A ...
#87. AMPLIFIER WITH DAC HEGEL H390 | ConcertoAudio.com
The Hegel H390 features the SoundEngine 2 amplifier section, patented by the company itself. It also combines a very low power, high distortion amplifier ...
#88. Hegel H390 – EISA vindende high-end stereo forstærker
Hegel H390 er en tung EISA-vindende analog stereoforstærker med hele 2 x 250 watt og masser af muligheder til både analoge og digitale musikkilder.
#89. Best pris på Hegel H390 - Se priser før kjøp i Prisguiden
Se beste pris på Hegel H390. Sammenlign priser. Les tester og omtaler før du kjøper. Specs: Stereoforsterker, 2.0, Vekt 20kg.
#90. Hegel H390 - Integrerede Forstærkere - Topsound hifi
Hegel har gjort det igen ...med H390. Endnu engang vinder en Hegel forstærker EISA awarden. Denne gang den helt nye H390, der kan leveres i den kommende uge ...
#91. Hegel H390 - Mcleans Smarter Home Entertainment
The H390 is a REBEL by offering much of the performance of our Reference products, albeit at a lower price. A REBEL that in one integrated product offers ...
#92. Hegel H390 Integrated Amplifier - PS Audio
I bought a new Hegel H390 last week and it arrived last Thursday. Sadly, my girlfriend has been working from home, so I haven't been able to ...
#93. Hegel H390 | Integrated Amplifier - Kantata Audio
Hegel H390 offers extraordinary resolution and musical quality at a reasonable price.
#94. Hegel H390 250w Integrated amp w/ Streaming DAC - Rapallo
The core of everything Hegel is sound quality, and the H390 is no exception. The obvious benefit of the H390 is easy to see - power!!
#95. Hegel - H390 - Integrated Amplifier | Voted #1 NSW HiFi Store
Shop Hegel - H390 - Integrated Amplifier. Voted #1 HiFi Store in NSW 2022. Highly Rated & Reviewed. Shop Online or at our Sydney Stores. H390 The H390 is a ...
hegel h390 在 HEGEL H390玩最新的MQA,搭配Focal Sopra 3落地箱 的推薦與評價
完美搭配之選! 挪威HEGEL H390合併擴音機搭配丹拿Heritage特別版用家分享 . ... <看更多>