November 2017 the forth city in Turkey
【Goreme Cappadocia卡帕多奇亞】
親眼目睹之前 很難相信世界上有這樣一個地方
等了5天 最後決定放棄熱氣球了
(這就是人生( ´Д`)y━・~~)
#最好的回憶& #旅行最大的收穫
We live on the same world!
But never visited the mother of the earth
It is hard to believe before watching it in such a place in the world
Wait for 5 days and finally decided to give up the hot air balloon
(Although weather forecasts have a 90% chance of flying tomorrow)
(This is life ( ´Д`)y━・~~)
#But I think this place will not run away
#And there are friends waiting for me at Pamukkale and Greece
#Maybe next time with friends and family
#Make friends is the best memories and the biggest gains on this trip in Turkey