Video - Chatting with Adam
Many parents worry when their child doesn’t speak clearly or fully in a sentence at a certain age .
Most child speak their first word at 10-14 months of age .
18 months - able to say about 10 simple words
2 years old - 50 words , use phrases or able to put together 2 word sentences .
4 years old - able to speak clearly
5 years old - able to tell a story and >5 words in a sentence .
Do remember that every child is different. And it’s an indicative if your child doesn’t reach a certain milestones.
Tips for early talk in your Child
1. Let your child talk even if he mumbles .
Most of the time we always interrupt trying to correct them . That’s a big No ...
2. Only correct them when they finish their sentences or done talking or whatever they are mumbling.
3. No baby talk even to babies
Communicate with your child like an adult . Do not use word like mamam, etc
4. Listen more
Parents should listen more to their child . This gives the opportunity for the child to talk much more .
5. Use ‘ Why, What and How ‘ in a conversation.
Broaden the conversation by asking questions to the child . This helps the child’s level of thinking and creativity .
6. Read stories together
Make Reading a fun manner and as exciting as possibly could . Usually the child loves the same story again and again .
7. Some kids are just natural talkers ...
Kids have different personalities. Some just talk and talk which is a positive thing while others may be the quiet type . It’s just how they are .
8. Do not silent them
Let the child talks or mumbles whatever comes in their mind . Just let it be ...
9. Build their confidence
Talking involves confidence in your child . Kids talk a lot because they are comfortable and confident with themselves . It’s their nature being curious and wanting to learn new things .
10. Kids are copies of their parents
Talkative mothers usually end up with talkative children . Rarely there are talkative Dads out there - Haha
Salam Everyone
Love As Always
Just sharing ...
PS - More tips from my Book - ‘ My Way Of Parenting.’
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