Damn you goin' dummy on another instrumental,
Everybody going mental, tryna figure out the way,
I could show u how but u won't get it anyway,
I just make a sound and then I'm sliding like I skate,
I just made a rack doing raps the other day,
Little by little we been cracking that code, take it to another place,
And we gettin so blown, it feel like we outer space,
Motherfucking King K in this bitch,
I would never let a punk rapper throw a diss,
I don't never do rap beef, if you really gotta problem don't dip when you see me,
Rent due so I'm out here driving round a K,
Interstate then I pull up on TT,
Never had a freebie,
Never ever freeze b,
Look a issue dead in the eyes, you'll never beat me,
If I ever split up the pie, it's only DBs,
Only for NashD, only for Ziqq
See Anuar told me let's get this money and burn the city down,
I know you ain't bout it only talking when I'm not around,
Kalau takde IGTV you wouldn't make sound,
Kalau takde Sean C, K would never be around,
Now I'm here, got a pound got sack lotta rounds, all my hounds, beat em down, boy I promise that I'm coming for the crown
Stop bitchin, please listen,
Quit telling, be present,
God given, true religion,
Put the work in, keep winning
Born sinning, ain't that right?
Till we die I might never get that first class flight,
Better bet your sweet ass baby I'm gon' fight,
Sticking to the code and kill the fakes on sight
Bilang sama dorang aku ready masuk perang,
Kita jumpa dekat medan,
Kalau nak sangat doh,
Langkah kena steady,
Kena langgar dengan Chevy,
Kita boleh makan sama sama,
Takyah gaduh,
Tanya gard woah,
He got it I'm proud bro,
Now it's me, no keys, picked the lock, brother please,
Tiap hari korang kejar kejar clout,
That is not what we about,
Buat sampai jadi, tanya Joe
Stop bitchin, please listen,
Quit telling, be present,
God given, true religion,
Put the work in, keep winning
Born sinning, ain't that right?
Till we die I might never get that first class flight,
Better bet your sweet ass baby I'm gon' fight,
Sticking to the code and kill the fakes on sight