iso language code zh tw 在 コバにゃんチャンネル Youtube 的最佳貼文

關於「ISO language code zh TW」標籤,搜尋引擎有相關的訊息討論:. List of ISO 639-1 codes - WikipediaISO 639 is a standardized nomenclature used to classify ... ... <看更多>
提供iso 639-1繁體中文相關PTT/Dcard文章,想要了解更多ISO Language Code zh tw、De de Language、ISO 639有關親子文章或書籍,歡迎來媽媽最愛你提供 ... ... <看更多>
#1. 模板:ISO 639 name zh-tw - 維基百科,自由的百科全書
這些模板可以將條目歸入暫未建立的Category:有中文外部連結的條目(可使用 {{含有非中文外部連結的條目 |code=zh-tw |name=中文}} 來創建)。 {{條目請求重定向|zh-tw|( ...
#2. W3C - Language codes,ISO 639 語言代碼 - Ian 懶惰蟲筆記
現在有許多網站都有提供多國語系的版本,例如iGoogle 首頁(http://www.google.com/ig?hl=zh-tw),其中(zh-tw)便是在Google 繁體中文的代碼。
更詳細的話還可以包含國碼,使用的是ISO 3166 : English country names and code elements這個標準,以台灣為例,台灣的國碼是TW,而兩個代碼是用一個-合 ...
#4. 各國語言(語系)代碼表(zh-tw, zh-cn,en-us...) json 格式[繁中/簡 ...
各國語言(語系)代碼表(zh-tw, zh-cn,. 各國語言(語系)代碼表json格式內容製作多國語系時,可以參考包括三種語系: (1)繁體版(2)簡體版(3)英文版本 ...
#5. ISO language code zh tw - 軟體兄弟
ISO language code zh tw,過去用法. 以下模板現在使用Module:Lang,它可以在Module:Language/data/iana languages、Module:Language/data/ISO ... ,日語(Japanese) ...
#6. ISO language code zh TW在PTT/Dcard完整相關資訊 - 小文青 ...
關於「ISO language code zh TW」標籤,搜尋引擎有相關的訊息討論:. List of ISO 639-1 codes - WikipediaISO 639 is a standardized nomenclature used to classify ...
#7. 【問題】ISO language code zh tw ?推薦回答 - 法律貼文懶人包
【問題】ISO language code zh tw ?推薦回答. List of ISO 639-1 codes - Wikipedia。 ISO 639 is a standardized nomenclature used to classify languages ...
#8. 找ISO language code相關社群貼文資訊
gl-ES, Galician (Spain). gu, Gujarati. gu-IN, Gujarati (India) ... zh-TW, Chinese (T).。 ISO 639 Language Codes (Obsolete)。 ISO 639: 3-letter codes ...
ISO 639 -1 standard language codes ; Chinese (Taiwan), zh-tw ; Czech, cs ; Danish, da ; Dutch (Standard), nl.
#10. [i18n] 淺談Internationalization – Language Identifiers (RFC ...
RFC 3066. 簡而言之,使用 ISO 639 搭配 ISO 3166 組合而成: [ISO 639-2]-[ISO 3166-1]. 產生如 en-US , zh-TW codes。
#11. TW - Taiwan (Province of China) - ISO
ISO /TC 46. ICS: 01.140.30. Alpha-2 code. TW. Short name. TAIWAN, PROVINCE OF CHINA ... 3166-2 code, Subdivision name, Local variant, Language code ...
#12. ISO Language Codes 本土語言緊來請
Language Codes ,語言碼,親像英語en、漢語zh,屬國際規範,有效力,對軟體開發商、 ... 台灣kàu-tann網路服務用繁體中文語標(uē-phiau)zh-TW、zh-Hant-TW,本土語言 ...
#13. Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ) - Codes for the ...
This document contains the ISO 639-2 Alpha-3 codes for the representation of ... the country code (i.e. zh-CN for Chinese as spoken in China and zh-TW for ...
#14. iso 639-1繁體中文在PTT/Dcard完整相關資訊 - 媽媽最愛你
提供iso 639-1繁體中文相關PTT/Dcard文章,想要了解更多ISO Language Code zh tw、De de Language、ISO 639有關親子文章或書籍,歡迎來媽媽最愛你提供 ...
#15. L10N CODE NAME/zh-cn - Fedora Project Wiki
ISO -639-3提供更全面的介绍,请见ISO-639-3的所有语言列表页面 ,这更适合gettext做屏幕识别。 L10n项目已支持的ISO语言编码标准对照列表. 您可以把 ...
#16. ISO Language Code Table - Lingoes
ISO Language Code Table. Code, Name. af, Afrikaans. af-ZA, Afrikaans (South Africa) ... zh-HK, Chinese (Hong Kong). zh-MO, Chinese (Macau).
#17. 語系/地區碼zh-TW與zh-CN 中的zh代表什麼? | 簡睿隨筆
Chinese language (ISO 639-1 code: zh), based on a native name of the Chinese language Zhōngwén and a Chinese adjective for Chinese, Zhōnghuá.
#18. ISO 639-1 Standard Language Codes - PHPKB
Here is a list of the ISO language codes that conform to the ISO 639-1 standard, complete with two-letter ... Chinese (Taiwan), zh-tw.
#19. CultureInfo.ThreeLetterISOLanguageName 屬性 - Microsoft ...
Gets the ISO 639-2 three-letter code for the language of the current CultureInfo. ... 這個範例顯示舊的zh-CHS 和zh-CHT 文化特性名稱,其文化特性識別項分別 ...
#20. Which ISO format should I use to store a user's language code?
zh -hant (Traditional Chinese) is used instead of more specific codes like zh-hant-TW or zh-TW. You can find more explanations inside the article ...
#21. Understanding the New Language Tags - W3C
The ISO 639-1 code 'zh' identifies "Chinese", ... zh-cmn-Hant-HK, Mandarin Chinese, Traditional script, ...
#22. [Closed] Error cannot find language with ISO code es-xl - WPML
I'm also having the same problem adding Chinese (Simplified) because it should be language code zh-cn. I got a different error for that ...
#23. 簡介i18n
... code)與可選的區域編碼(Country code)來指定,其中語言編碼是 ISO-639 定義, ... 如果你設定I18n.locale為"zh-TW", 那麼就會尋找zh-TW.yml中hello:對應詞彙。
#24. Identifying the Language Code / Locale
Example: de , en-US , zh-Hans-CN. The Java Locale syntax that combines a lower case ISO 639 alpha-2 or alpha-3 language code with an ISO 3166 alpha-2 ...
#25. Identifying the Language Code / Locale - SAP Help Portal
Example: de , en-US , zh-Hans-CN. The Java Locale syntax that combines a lower case ISO 639 alpha-2 or alpha-3 language code with an ISO 3166 alpha-2 ...
#26. hreflang should support ISO 639-1, ISO 3166-1 Alpha 2, ISO ...
From Google answer, we should use "zh-TW" / "zh-CN" or "zh-Hant" / "zh-Hans" instead, but the "Language Code" field in qtranslate-XT setting limit 2 ...
#27. Language Codes - Alchemy Software Development
These are the allowable Language Codes that must be used when setting the Source and Target ... Chinese (Simplified, People's Republic of China), zh-CN.
#28. 多國語言的代碼"- or _"及大小寫問題
多國語言的代碼常見的幾個狀態,zh-tw、zh-TW、zh_TW、tw,那麼我應該使用 ... 參考到此篇「W3C - Language codes,ISO 639 語言代碼,ISO 3166 標準 ...
#29. 语种名称代码- 阮一峰的网络日志
以往,人们常用zh-CN表示在中国大陆地区使用的中文,也就是简体中文,用zh-TW表示在 ... 1. language:这部分就是ISO 639规定的代码,比如中文是zh。
#30. Languages Codes | Directory API | Google Developers
Languages Codes. The language codes in the table below are supported for the field Customer.language . ... Chinese (Taiwan), zh-TW.
#31. ISO-3166 Country Codes and ISO-639 Language Codes
#32. ISO 639-5 - Wikiwand
ISO 639 -5: 2008,即ISO 639 的第5部分,是國際標準化組織的一個3字母語系和語群代碼(Codes for the representation of names of languages -- Part 5: Alpha-3 code ...
#33. Language Codes ISO 639-1 - MathGuide
This document gives the ISO 639-1 Language Codes in two tables, ordered by language and by code respectively.
#34. Language Codes - Israel Science and Technology Directory
Locale Language; code LCID; string LCID; Decimal LCID; Hexadecimal Codepage Afrikaans af af 1078 436 1252 Albanian sq sq 1052 1250 Amharic am am 1118
#35. Template:List of language names ordered by code - Meta ...
code English; language name directionality local or English; Wikipedia article aa Afar ltr en:Afar language ab Abkhazian ltr en:Abkhazian language af Afrikaans ltr en:Afrikaans language
#36. ISO 639 and ISO 639-2: The Code Lists - Evertype
639‑1 T B aa aar aar ab abk abk ace ace
#37. ISO 639-1語言代碼(舊標準的介紹)
首先介紹ISO 639-1 這是舊版兩個英文字代碼的語言代號. 但是,這是現在使用中, ... 如果你檢視Google 中文版(繁體字) 會看到language_tools?hl=zh-TW.
#38. iOS Supported Language Codes (ISO-639) | Babble-on
iOS language code table ; Chinese (Traditional), zh-Hant ; Chinese (Hong Kong), zh-HK ; Croatian, hr ; Czech, cs.
#39. ISO Language Codes (639-1 and 693-2) and IETF ... - DataHub
Comprehensive language code information, consisting of ISO 639-1, ISO 639-2 and IETF language types. Two letter language codes. IETF language tags.
#40. Language support | Cloud Translation
Most language code parameters conform to ISO-639-1 identifiers, ... Chinese (Simplified), zh-CN or zh (BCP-47). Chinese (Traditional), zh-TW (BCP-47).
#41. HTML ISO Language Code Reference - W3Schools
ISO 639 -1 defines abbreviations for languages: See also: Reference for Country Codes. Language, ISO Code. Abkhazian, ab. Afar, aa. Afrikaans ...
#42. [Talk-TW] [RFC] 提案中文名稱標籤方式, Multilingual names
前一則訊息[Talk-TW] 台灣開放街圖社群組織第一屆理監事會名單 ... 社群偏好使用alpha-2 code of ISO 639-1,因此全世界中文用戶使用name:zh。
#43. Language Culture Names, Codes, and ISO Values - RAD Studio
Language Culture Name Display Name Culture Code ISO 639x Value af‑ZA Afrikaans ‑ South Africa 0x0436 AFK sq‑AL Albanian ‑ Albania 0x041C SQI ar‑DZ Arabic ‑ Algeria 0x1401 ARG
#44. Locale | Android Developers
language : ISO 639 alpha-2 or alpha-3 language code, or registered ... two language ranges, "zh-Hant-TW" and "en-US" , in prioritized order, ...
#45. 語系檔案的變數(locale)
Locale 設定由三個部分所組成:語言代碼(Language Code)、國碼(Country Code)、 ... Linux distributions 可支援的語系,可以指令locale 查詢: ... ISO-8859-1 en_GB.
#46. 模板:ISO 639-1/doc - 維基教科書,自由的教學讀本 - Wikibooks
Template:ISO 639-1 displays an external link to a page for an ISO 639-1 language code at the U.S. Library of Congress ISO 639-2 Registration Authority ...
#47. Quick Reference - language codes for Google Analytics reports
Here's a quick list of the language codes that Google Analytics uses in the Visitors ... zh-hk, Chinese (Hong Kong SAR), zh-sg, Chinese (Singapore).
#48. zho | ISO 639-3
When two 639-2 codes are provided for the same language, they are to be ... zho, Chinese, Active, 639-2, 639-2/T, 639-3, 639-1: zh
#49. ISO Language Code zh tw - 台灣旅遊攻略 - 汽車貼文懶人包
ISO Language Code zh tw - 台灣旅遊攻略-20210610-ISOLanguageCodeTable-LingoesISOLanguageCodeTable.Code,Name.af,Afrikaans...gl,Galician.gl-ES,Galic.
#50. GET help/languages | Docs | Twitter Developer Platform
The language code may be formatted as ISO 639-1 alpha-2 ( en ), ISO 639-3 ... ISO 639-1 alpha-2 combined with an ISO 3166-1 alpha-2 localization ( zh-tw ).
#51. ICU Locale “Traditional Chinese (Taiwan)” (zh_Hant_TW)
Language, zh. Country, TW. Display name, Chinese (Traditional ... Display name with dialect, Traditional Chinese (Taiwan) ... ISO 639-2/T language code, zho.
#52. Interaction Designer Help - ISO 639 Language Codes - Genesys
This following is an alphabetical list of all languages along with their corresponding two-letter language codes as per ISO 639. (Afan) Oromo. om. Abkhazian. ab.
#53. Language code ISO完整相關資訊 - 說愛你
gu, Gujarati. gu-IN, Gujarati (India) ... zh-TW, Chinese (T).TW - Taiwan (Province of China) - ISOISO/TC 46. ICS: 01.140.30. Alpha-2 code. TW.
#54. Country Code Language List - Mitch Fincher's Home Page
Country Language Two Letter Three Letter Number (LCID) Afghanistan Pashto ps‑AF ps‑AFG 1123 Afghanistan Persian fa‑AF fa‑AFG 4096 Afghanistan Uzbek uz‑AF uz‑AFG 4096
#55. 模板:ISO 639 name vi - 大天使虫洞百科
Usage. Template:ISO 639 name vi is part of a series that resolves the ISO 639-1, ISO 639-2 and ISO 639-3 codes to language names.
#56. How can I use "language code" instead of "ISO ... - PrestaShop
I am using v1.6.1.0 the ISO code for traditional chinese is "tw". ... (P.S. language code for raditional chinese is zh-hk , any problem if I ...
#57. zh-cn and zh-tw incorrectly used [#923304] | Drupal.org
zh -hans language code is not universal,Please change into zh-cn,tks! ... provided by Drupal Code, which follows an established ISO standard.
#58. Dyspatch Language Code Standards
Language Code Language (Country) Direction en‑US English (United States) LTR en‑CA English (Canada) LTR ar‑BH Arabic (Bahrain) RTL
#59. Language designators with regions - LingoHub
af‑ZA Afrikaans (South Africa) en‑NR English (Nauru) fr‑RE French (R... ar‑AE Arabic (United Arab Emirates) en‑NU English (Niue) fr‑RW French (R... ar‑AR Arabic (Arabic) en‑NZ English (New Zealand) fr‑SC French (S... ar‑BH Arabic (Bahrain) en‑PG English (Papua New Guinea) fr‑SN French (S...
#60. OS Language Values-Codes - AutoIt
Hex Dec Country code Meaning 0004 4 zh‑CHS Chinese ‑ Simplified 0401 1025 ar‑SA Arabic ‑ Saudi Arabia 0402 1026 bg‑BG Bulgarian ‑ Bulgaria
#61. RecAPI: Language identifiers - Kofax Product Documentation
Name enum name Script Continent ISO 639‑3 ISO 639‑2/B ISO 6... English LANG_ENG Latin Europe, Oceania, North America eng eng en German LANG_GER Latin Europe deu ger de French LANG_FRE Latin Europe, North America fra fre fr
#62. locale-code - npm
locale code based on iso-639-1 and iso-3166-1. Latest version: 2.0.2, ... getLanguageNativeName('zh-CN')); // '中文' console.log(LocaleCode.
#63. Language and Locale IDs - Apple Developer
... the default language in Hong Kong, use zh_HK , where zh is the code for Traditional Chinese and HK is the code for the Hong Kong region.
#64. TMX language codes - Wordfast.net
ISO lists of languages and countries are regularly updated. ... Three-character language ISO codes can also be used, ... •zh-TW : Chinese Taiwan, trad.
#65. iso 639_百度百科
iso 639 ,提出日期是2004年12月,项目编号是国家质量技术监督局99-9. ... 第4分委员会—信息和文献工作中计算机的应用”联合制定了国际标准ISO 639-1:2002 Codes for the ...
#66. 各國語言(語系)代碼表(zh-tw, zh-cn,en-us...) json 格式[繁中/簡...
各國語言(語系)代碼表json格式內容製作多國語系時,... | 輕鬆健身去.
#67. ISO 639. Code for the representation of the names of languages.
The two-character language codes of ISO 639 are relevant to SGML ... CATALAN CA ROMANCE CHINESE ZH ASIAN CORSICAN CO ROMANCE CROATIAN HR ...
#68. Google main language codes - WP Info
code English name Local name ach Acoli Acoli af Afrikaans Afrikaans ak Akan Akan
#69. RWS Documentation
#70. Complete List of WordPress Locale Codes
Language Name Language Code WordPress Locale Code Afrikaans af af Akan ak ak Albanian sq sq
#71. Chrome 線上應用程式商店 - Bar Translate
(optional) Prefix your query with any ISO language code You can also use ... "Chinese simplified (zh)", and "Chinese traditionnal (zh-TW)" ...
#72. Supported languages - memoQ Documentation
English name 3‑letter code 2‑letter code Afrikaans afr af Akan aka ak Albanian alb sq
#73. Going International - Helpshift for Android
Values Language Locale values English en values‑de German de values‑es Spanish es
#74. Configure Cognos UI and Error String Customization Toolkit
The ISO language code is a lowercase, two-letter code defined by ISO-639. ... ru (Russian), zh-cn (Simplified Chinese - China), and zh-tw (Traditional ...
#75. Scripts Language Codes - Softaculous
Language, Language Code. English, en-GB. Chinese, zh-CN. French, fr-FR. Russian, ru-RU. Dutch, nl-NL. German, de-DE. Persian, fa-IR.
#76. RFC 5646 - Tags for Identifying Languages - IETF Tools
RFC 5646 Language Tags September 2009 B. "ISO 639-3:2007 - Codes for the ... extended language subtag form such as "zh-nan-Hant" or "zh- nan-TW" can also be ...
#77. Usual Language Codes - GNU gettext utilities
For the commonly used languages, the ISO 639-1 standard defines two-letter codes. ' aa '. Afar. ' ab '. Abkhazian. ' ae '.
#78. ISO 639-3 - NiNa.Az
ISO 639 3 语言监视编辑重定向自ISO639 3 此條目使用外部链接的方式可能不符合维基百科的方针或指引或致使內文成為链接農場2020年8月30日請協助清理 ...
#79. ISO 639 2-letter language codes - QuickSilver Translate
中文 – Zhong wen, i.e. Mandarin Chinese. You sometimes see ZH-S and ZH-T for simplified and traditional forms respectively, though this is not ...
#80. Letter codes of cultures (languages, countries / regions) - list
Culture.NET English Two letter Three letter Three letter lan... Invariant Language (Invariant Country) iv IVL IVL af Afrikaans af afr AFK af‑ZA Afrikaans (South Africa) af afr AFK
#81. Languages Supported on Amara
The list is ordered alphabetically by the language codes in accordance with ISO 639. This order does not match sorting alphabetically by ...
Generally, a language tag is a 2-letter ISO 639-1 code, ... zh-TW. Chinese, Taiwanese. Special format as per RFC 5646 §4.1.2. zh-wuu.
#83. Language codes for Zendesk-supported languages (OLD)
This table shows the Zendesk-supported languages and the corresponding ISO 639 language codes. ... zh-tw, Traditional Chinese ...
#84. Language Tags in HTML - Penn State | Accessibility
Codes are ISO-639 Language codes, some of which are listed further down on this page ... Simplified Chinese – Code: zh-CN; Traditional Chinese – Code: zh-TW ...
#85. Is there a two letter language code for Traditional Chinese and ...
That's why there's also a ISO 639 code yue for Cantonese and hak for Hakka. Even zh-TW and zh-CN technically don't refer to traditional and simplified, just zh ...
#86. zh-tw:術語 - WordPress Codex
Interested in functions, hooks, classes, or methods? Check out the new WordPress Code Reference! zh-tw:術語. Languages: English • فارسی • Italiano ...
#87. Full Office 365 language ID list - CodeTwo
Language and region Language in English Language ID (string) Bahasa Melayu (Brunei) Malay (Brunei) ms Bahasa Melayu (Malaysia) Malay (Malaysia) ms català (català) Catalan ca
#88. Country Codes and Language Codes_zzhongcy的专栏
ISO -3166 Country Codes and ISO-639 Language Codes1. ... Codes),就是用来表示某种语言的代码约定,比如简体中文是zh-cn,美国英语是en-us。
#89. Help:Wikimedia language codes/lists/all - Wikidata
WMF IETF qid labels monol lexemes WD label (en) WP (en) MW (en) aa aa Q27811 318078 7 2 Afar Afar language Afar ab ab Q5111 54113 153 27 Abkhaz Abkhaz language Abkhazian abe Q197936 26 Abenaki Abenaki language Western A...
#90. HTML Lang ISO Code - Webmasters Stack Exchange
Shortly, I began to notice browser with other Chinese language sub-codes like zh-tw and zh-cn were seeing my English site in search engines instead of ...
#91. Language Code Table | The Portal Connector
Name Display Name LCID Invariant Language (Invariant Country) 127 af Afrikaans 54 af‑ZA Afrikaans (South Africa) 1078
#92. 一起幫忙解決難題,拯救IT 人的一天
國際化最重要的一點就是locale 地區資訊,Locale可由一個語言編碥(Language code)與可選的區域編碼(Country code)來指定,其中語言編碼是ISO-639 定義,由兩個小寫 ...
#93. ISO Language Codes - Kwintessential
Below is a useful guide to ISO Language Codes. ... TW “Twi” UK “Ukrainian” UR “Urdu” UZ “Uzbek” VI “Vietnamese” VO “Volapuk” WO “Wolof” ... ZH “Chinese”
#94. Language Tags - OBSOLETE
Language Tags - OBSOLETE Language Tags 2010-06-17 Language Tags No further ... zh-Hans-SG Singapore Chinese in simplified script zh-Hans-TW Taiwan Chinese ...
#95. Language codes | Optimizely Developer Community
This topic lists commerce language codes used when implementing ... zh-hant. Chinese (Traditional). zh-hk. Chinese (Traditional Hong Kong SAR). zh-mo.
#96. TEI Character Encoding WG: Language Identification [CEW09]
ISO 639 -2 reserves for private use codes the range 'qaa' through 'qtz'. ... zh-s-min (Min sub-language of Chinese); zh-s-min-s-nan-Hant-CN (Southern variant ...
#97. Spring MVC: A Tutorial - 第 209 頁 - Google 圖書結果
The country argument is a valid ISO country code, which is a two-letter, ... Russian zh Chinese Table 10.1: Examples of ISO 639 Language Codes Country Code ...
iso language code zh tw 在 ISO language code zh TW在PTT/Dcard完整相關資訊 - 小文青 ... 的推薦與評價
關於「ISO language code zh TW」標籤,搜尋引擎有相關的訊息討論:. List of ISO 639-1 codes - WikipediaISO 639 is a standardized nomenclature used to classify ... ... <看更多>