好有情調浪漫氣氛既Lost Stars🎶 @loststarslivehouse 又有新野啦😍佢地推出左自家製手工India Pale Ale既啤酒🍻香濃又易入口👍🏻仲有獨創 VIC Garden 無酒精雞尾酒都係我最愛呀🥰個樣除左靚😆仲好有內涵⭐同埋Brunch Set好抵食!!!聽講宜家15:00之後都會食到晚市既Menu啦☺️下次lunch要再去嘆啡☕每次去都舒服到唔捨得走haha🤤🤤🤤❤️
Barramundi Fillet Provencal🍲好特別既菜式呀🐟用左意大利油浸蕃茄乾🍅焗本地既活盲鰽魚柳堡雲酥😋好酥脆既外層✨裡面魚肉厚實🙆🏻♀️好有口感🌱仲配左紅菜頭同埋青蘋果沙律🥗
Smoked Salmon Egg Benedict 🍳塊包超級香脆🍞個流心蛋唔錯😬夠足料呀😆
French Earl Grey VIC Lemonade🍸呢杯有驚喜呀😛呢款飲品有三個口味😇White Rose🌹French Earl Grey 同埋Green Rose💕佢地特登係澳洲引進左呢隻用冷製釀造方法製成既白玫瑰花茶😊好有誠意!!!今次揀左Earl Grey都勁香濃呀!!!仲好靚添🌺
Full Pint Beer Lost Stars🍺好鍾意個樽lol因為有印左lost stars!!上面提及過既味道真係令人一試難忘💘
Chocolate Moelleux with Vanilla Ice Cream🍫好溫暖既軟心🤟🏻朱古力控必點
Strawberry Cheesecake🍰是日甜品!!!好精緻呀🍓口感唔錯✨唔知下次既是日精選係咩呢hehe
Address: Shop 506, G/F, Phase 1, Square Mile, 11 Li Tak Street, Tai Kok Tsui
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同時也有5部Youtube影片,追蹤數超過7萬的網紅24HERBS,也在其Youtube影片中提到,【EddieCooking】香煎嫩滑三文魚配青豆薄荷醬及風琴焗薯 Pan Fried Salmon & Hasselback Potato 材料 Ingredients 一人份量 One serving 香煎嫩滑三文魚配青豆薄荷醬 Pan Fried Salmon on Minted Peas...
india pale ale 在 Shadowc影子 Facebook 的最讚貼文
最近我同隊友學識咗嘆啤酒🍻,鍾意飲少少🤏有少少飄飄然感覺幾chill,而家晚餐都會叫支啤酒飲吓,不過我們酒量有限,通常一支兩份飲就夠😂今晚去咗尖沙咀嘅Playa de Papagayo,呢度係Restarant & Bar,除咗可以飲酒仲可以食埋晚餐,而且呢度啲嘢食質素好好👍每次來試新菜式都有驚喜。
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@papagayohk #papagayohk
📍 Playa de Papagayo
地址: 尖沙咀河內道5號普基商業中心地下N3號舖
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india pale ale 在 許含光 Lumi Facebook 的最佳貼文
許含光《從夜晚開始從夜晚結束》2020 LIVE TOUR-台中站與 23號啤酒 23 Brewing Company 合作推出專場限定款啤酒調酒『我們都著迷』
👨🏿🦲:Is it good to drink?
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瓶身為可多次使用之環保玻璃瓶,搭配台中場限定圖案設計。酒體本身選用23號啤酒的《文青不要喝 》(India Pale Ale),調以接骨木花、檸檬汁。接骨木花與啤酒的結合,是喜愛啤酒調酒的同好,熟知的搭配。接骨木花完美調和IPA本身的苦味,讓入口層次更加豐富。文青最愛的選擇,你更不能錯過!
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入場憑票或手章以及*身分證(需符合年滿18歲之法定飲酒年齡 (๑˘ ₃˘๑) )至吧台領取,一人一票,限領一份,數量有限,贈完為止。如未滿18歲之觀眾,仍可依上述領取規則,領取專場限定環保玻璃瓶一只(不含內容物)。
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許含光 Lumi Xu《從夜晚開始從夜晚結束》2020 Live Tour
2020/11/14 Sat. 台中 洞穴The Cave
2020/12/11 Fri. 高雄 衛武營表演廳〔Sold out〕
2020/12/27 Sun. 台北 永豐 Legacy Taipei 音樂展演空間
india pale ale 在 24HERBS Youtube 的最讚貼文
【EddieCooking】香煎嫩滑三文魚配青豆薄荷醬及風琴焗薯 Pan Fried Salmon & Hasselback Potato
材料 Ingredients
一人份量 One serving
香煎嫩滑三文魚配青豆薄荷醬 Pan Fried Salmon on Minted Peas
三文魚排 300g Salmon fillet
青豆 200g Green peas
新鮮薄荷葉 Fresh mint leaves
無鹽牛油 45g Unsalted butter
芥花籽油 Canola Oil
鹽 Salt
檸檬酸豆牛油 Lemon Caper butter
酸豆 3 茶匙 3 tablespoon Capers
無鹽牛油 25g Unsalted butter
檸檬 1/2 Lemon
鹽 Salt
風琴焗薯 Hasselback Potato
薯仔 1 Potato
百里香 Thyme
橄欖油 Olive Oil
鹽 Salt
風琴焗薯 Hasselback Potato
1. 焗爐預熱185度。
Preheat over to 185c.
2. 將薯仔切成風琴狀,每層約2mm厚。底部預留1.5cm,不要切斷。
Slice the potato the same way as the video, about 2mm between each cut. Do not cut to the bottom, about 1.5cm from the bottom usually works well.
3. 薯仔放置焗盆上,淋上適量橄欖油。加份鹽調味後,放入焗爐。
Place the potato on a baking tray, drizzle a good amount of olive oil on the potato. Sprinkle some salt and place in oven.
4. 185度焗60分鐘至金黃色。
Bake 60mins until the potato is crispy on the edges.
5. 焗好後放上新鮮百里香。
Add some fresh thyme to the potato before eating.
青豆薄荷醬 Minted Peas Sauce
1. 青豆加入講量鹽煮熟後,瀝乾及放入攪拌機。
Boil some frozen peas in salted water. Remove from water and put into a blender.
2. 加入薄荷葉、牛油及適量鹽。攪拌至蓉狀。
Add mint leaves, butter and salt, blend.
檸檬酸豆牛油 Lemon Caper butter
1. 加熱平底鑊。檸檬切半後,放至熱鑊上,煎至表面呈焦糖色。
Cut half a lemon and place it on a hot pan until it is slightly caramelized.
2. 牛油放入另一平底鍋內。
Add butter into a saucepan.
3. 酸豆搾乾水份,加入平底鍋內。煮一分鐘後放置。
Squeeze the water from the capers and add into butter, set aside after about 1min of cooking.
香煎嫩滑三文魚 Pan Fried Salmon
1. 三文魚排清洗乾淨及抹乾,放置室溫。
Clean and dry the piece of salmon fillet and make sure it is at room temperature before you start cooking it.
2. 熱平底鑊加入芥花籽油。
Heat pan and add Canola oil.
3. 芥花籽油加熱後,放入三文魚排,魚皮一面朝下。
When the oil is very hot, place salmon skin side down.
4. 灑上鹽調味。
You can salt the salmon now.
5. 煎約2分鐘後反面。
Flip over after about 2mins.
6. 魚皮面灑上適量鹽調味。將熱油淋上魚皮面,繼續煎香。
Salt the skin side and spoon hot oil over the fish and keep cooking.
7. 煎約3分鐘後,盛起三文魚排,放置。
Total cooking time is usually around 5mins. Set fish aside once done.
8. 將三文魚放於青豆醬上。淋上酸豆牛油及擠檸檬汁。
Add minted peas to plate, place salmon fillet on top, spoon on the capers and butter mixture. Add a squeeze of the lemon.
Notes from Eddie:
1. Make sure the salmon fillet is in room temperature before you start cooking. I would bring out the fish about an hour before I start cooking.
2. Make sure the fillet is quite dry before you cook. Use a knife to scrape off any excess moisture from the skin.
3. You can use fresh peas if you can find, but frozen one is also fine.
4. Use Canola oil for panfrying salmon fillet. It is better for the recipe as the oil has a higher burning point.
5. While frying the fish, I usually lift the fish to check the skin, you want it to turn golden brown.
關於此食譜 About:
This is one of my favourite ways to eat Salmon. I also like it because it’s quite simple to make. Try your best to buy some good quality salmon, my favourite is King Salmon from New Zealand. My favourite part of the salmon is the belly so make sure you get a piece that includes some belly parts. The most important part of this salmon is making sure that its quite dry before you cook. There is a lot of moisture in the skin and I find the best way is to scrape it off with a knife. Keep scraping till no more moisture comes off the skin of the fish. Dry the other side with some kitchen towel. I prefer not to salt the fish until I cook it as more moisture will come off the fish if you salt it too early.
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india pale ale 在 品味壹番 A Matter of Taste Youtube 的最佳貼文
威士忌放進啤酒桶熟成 會發生什麼事?【林一峰Whisky School威士忌第64課】
格蘭菲迪精釀啤酒IPA(India Pale Ale,印度淡啤酒)風味桶,正是充滿實驗精神的創新產物,也是第一支以精釀啤酒IPA過桶的單一麥芽蘇格蘭威士忌。威士忌達人學院首席顧問林一峰指出:「像這種跨界彼此的融合,肯定是未來創意的最重要的一個未來的方向跟發展。」
格蘭菲迪首席調酒師Brian Kinsman,與斯貝塞精釀啤酒廠創業家Seb Jones攜手合作,將3種不同釀造比例的精釀啤酒IPA,注入橡木桶中,再用這些酒桶來「過桶」,熟成不同的實驗室系列產品。