歡迎蒞臨 5/26 (五) 12:30 AppWorks Demo Day #14
半年一次,AppWorks Demo Day 帶你看見數位經濟最前緣。
當特斯拉市值超過了美國百年車廠福特;當中國騰訊市值超過富國銀行;當 Apple、Google、Microsoft、Amazon、Facebook 不再只是新興科技公司,而是全球不分領域的市值前五大企業,數位經濟帶起的不僅是 AI、VR 等新技術的突破,而是當今的主流行業、所有人都必須關切的領域。而關注新創公司,是你理解數位經濟未來走向的關鍵方法。
本次 Demo Day #14 預定上台的 34 支 AppWorks #14 團隊,由來自台、港、新、馬等地的優秀創業者組成,其中半數來自海外,開發的服務內容涵蓋 FinTech、電商、物聯網等垂直領域。無論您在找投資機會、合作夥伴,或是想追上數位世界的脈動,這都是一場您不能錯過的盛宴。
AppWorks’ highly anticipated bi-annual Demo Day brings you the cutting edge of the region’s rapidly growing Internet industry.
When Tesla’s market cap surpassed Ford and became the most valuable car company in America; when Tencent passed Wells Fargo and became the world's tenth most valuable public company; when Apple, Google, Microsoft, Amazon and Facebook are no longer internet startups, but the top 5 largest market cap companies in the world, digital economy is not just about technical innovation anymore. It is THE most important industrial revolution that is happening now. In this new world, paying close attention to what startups are up to is key in understanding the digital future.
At the upcoming AppWorks Demo Day #14, 34 startups from Taiwan, Hong Kong, Malaysia, Singapore will be showcasing their groundbreaking new products and services in verticals such as FinTech, e-commerce, and Internet of Things. Whether you’re looking for opportunities to invest, to collaborate, or hoping to witness firsthand the inescapable worldwide effects of the Internet revolution, this is an event you definitely don’t want to miss.
We extend a warm welcome to all of our friends in venture capital, angel investment, tech, and the Internet industries.
AppWorks Demo Day #14
【主辦單位】AppWorks 之初創投
【活動時間】2017 年 5 月 26 日 (五) 12:30- 18:00
【活動地點】台大醫院國際會議中心 201 室,台北市中正區徐州路2號(Google Map)
【報名方式】請將「公司名稱、職稱、姓名、Email 信箱」資訊 email 至 jessica@appworks.tw
Date: Friday, May 26th, 2017
Venue: No.2, Xuzhou Rd., Zhongzheng Dist., Taipei
NTU Hospital International Convention Center Room #201 (Google Map)
12:30 - 13:00 Opening Remarks
13:00 - 14:30 Demo Batch I
14:30 - 15:00 *Break*
15:00 - 16:30 Demo Batch II
16:30 - 18:00 Open Floor
Please RSVP simply by replying “yes” to jessica@appworks.tw, and let us know your “names, companies, titles and emails”.
Event Page: https://goo.gl/thmXTQ
We look forward to seeing you at the event.
Yours Truly,
Jamie Lin, Partner, AppWorks & Team AppWorks
之初創投合夥人林之晨與 AppWorks 全體
Event Coordinator: Jessica Liu | +886-932-155-701