First time chemo?
You need to read this.
I understand that there are many "freshman" in April that will be going for their first chemotherapy.
So I thought these tips below will help...
Chemotherapy can leave you feeling wiped out. It isn’t a one-and-done treatment — it’s a journey and, as with any journey, planning ahead can make the road less bumpy.
5 things you need to take note before you go for your first chemotherapy
1. Start eating healthy
Plan a balance diets. More greens. Drink 2litre of water a day. Fruits before meal (30-60 mins before). Take moderate portion of meat.
*** I had fresh coconut juice on daily basis. I ate fruits before meals which means minimum of 3 fruits a day. I took banana n papaya too to help with possible constipation caused by chemo. I ate lots of fish, sometimes chicken and pork. I don't take beef or lamb due to personal preference. I ate lots of high iron veges like spinach and black fungus - it helps to increase my red blood cell (haemoglobin). If haemoglobin is low, body will not be able to proceed with chemo. You either delay the process or require blood transfusion. So plan wisely and eat well.
2. Practice proper hygiene, avoid germs
- Wash and sanitize your hand after going toilet (esp hospital n public toilet)
- Stay away from crowded places. But if you need to do some marketing / shopping, put a mask on.
- Reduce the visits from friends, you might get infected with virus like flu or even get fever after come in contact with them (they might not realized as their body immune system is fighting the viruses / germs).
- Avoid sick ppl. If anyone is down w fever /flu (example) in the family, don't share your food or getting too near. Family members needs to be equally cautious on their own health too if they have cancer patient in the family.
- If possible, reduce the contact with pets
3. Be emotionally prepared
- Get yourself ready to expect and accept the weaker (physically) and different side of you. Dealing with all the side effects. Dealing with people who are not familiar with cancer. Dealing with all the NO - NO s from different people (check with doctor to clarify further). Just be prepared.
4. Find your motivation
- It's going to be bored during the chemo intervals. It's going to be 3 weeks once. Find something to do. Like growing a plant (I grow a tomato but it died in e end! Too much of water! Hahaha). Or picking up new hobby like cooking and baking. Watch movies / dramas!
Don't stay in the bed all day long. It's not going to help you. Do light exercise.
Prepare a to do list! When you recover, what you want to do? I went to the beach after I recover! And I brought my parents along too!
5. Be positive and have patience
- understand that people closed to you are affected by your diagnosis too. You might be physically challenged going through this ordeal but trust me, you're not alone. Your husband, your wife, childrens, parents, boyfriend, girlfriend... They're as heartbroken and confused as you too. Have patience dealing with them. Affected family need to have patience dealing with chemo patient too.
Read more bout positive quotes and stories of cancer survivor. It'll help. Talk to your love ones bout how u feel. Don't keep everything to yourself.
Its all about love and understanding.
Looking forward to your "graduation" day!
iron side effects 在 9bulan10hari Facebook 的最佳解答
"Salah saya... memang saya xambil serious pasal kepentingan asid folik ni... sebab sy igt org2 dulu tak makan pun dpt lahirkan kita ni elok... tapi tak sangka jadi pada saya... kpd yg nk pregnant & dh pregnant tolonglah makan.... tolonglah ambil tahu perkara yg boleh & tak boleh utk pregnant =( "
...Continue Reading#terkini
" it's my fault... I'm really serious about the importance of this acid acid... because I remember that people who didn't eat before we were able to give birth to us... but didn't expect it to happen to me... to those who want to get pregnant & pregnant Please eat.... please know the things that can & cannot be pregnant =("
Questions & answers about #asidfolik.
Failure to eat #asidfolik before & when pregnant can cause the possibility of a baby in the content to face the risk of #kurangupaya on the nerve of the creek and his brain of 75 %.
💊 actually what is this acid acid?
A very important supplement taken before and during pregnancy.
Have you ever heard of a baby born without a shell? Baby Bonjol on the neck? Bonjolan on the back of a baby like a tail?
Most of the cases recorded are caused by the lack of baby acid that works to help formation of new cells (babies). Say that if you don't consume this acid acid, and the neural tube is not well formed, then the flaws on the nerves of the creek & Brain (neural tube defects - ntd).
💊 What's in the acid acid until it's so important?
Check out our diet patterns. How much are the vegetables, fruits, Bijiran & milk that we drink a day?
Do you know, a pills acid pill that is yellow & Small 5 mg isn't it.. together with a bowl of spinach, 1 OKRA, 1 Cups of asparagus, 1 Cups of black beans beans & Papaya. (budget).
So, do we eat all these types of vegetables every day?
Because we can't eat all of these every day maybe because we're busy working, so this acid acid is made a replacement.
💊 why do you have to eat 3 months before pregnant?
O & g expert experts encourage this baby acid to be eaten 3 months before pregnancy aims to help formation of new cells in the body (fetus).
According to study, pregnant mothers can avoid the risk of the baby being affected by 75 %. Besides, the content of this baby acid is actually ' Mencntikkan Rahim ', that's why she took 3 months before pregnant.
💊 how to know 3 more months to get pregnant?
Many husbands and wives make mistakes when they don't plan to get pregnant. There are people who follow their provisions... "if pregnant is a conceived".
Actually & it should be a couple of husband and wife to plan. Make a 'meeting' with a partner & discuss when you are targeted to have a child, so that the future mother will know when the date is before pregnant.
💊 if you've planned but what's the most ' babas '?
My advice, whether we are planning to get pregnant or not, our diet needs to be taken care of. Junk Food & fast food among you need to avoid & practice healthy diet all the time & not just to plan for pregnancy.
In this condition mommy don't panic. After knowing pregnant, quickly start intake of baby acid 4 mg once a day and practice healthy diet.
Don't take acid acid before pregnancy doesn't mean our body has no acid acid at all. Allah has created this human body like a complete machine =)
Baby acid is only eaten before 3 MONTHS BEFORE PREGNANT UNTIL 3 months old content. Entering 4 months of age mommy's content can already eat obimin (Multivitamin) that contains calcium.. Iodine.. B12 etc...
✔ it is necessary for the absorption and use of calcium and phosphorus as well as setting the mineral rate in the body.
✔ Important for growth especially baby bones and teeth.
✔ it prevents muscle from being weak other than being involved in arranging heart beats.
🍇 Iron (Iron)
✔ an important role in oxygen transportation from lungs to tissue cells.
✔ Not only in mother's body, even it also plays the same role as the baby in the content.
✔ It joins oxygen in the lungs and releases oxygen to the tissues in need.
✔ it is also used in the production of anaemia (Red blood cells).
✔ If the lack of iron, it will cause pregnant mothers to get tired quickly and the possibilities of anemia (Red blood cells lack) will increase.
🍇 Vitamin C
✔ due to the human body system cannot produce vitamin C, it must be obtained through food or in the form of supplement medications.
✔ this type of vitamin is an antioxidant and helps to increase resilience to infection and healing wounds. It can also increase the absorption of iron in food to prevent anemia.
🍇 Vitamin B12
✔ helps the development of brain, nerves, and blood vessels. It can also improve the energy level, mood and stress level during the is of these two.
🍇 Iodine
It is very important to keep the function of thyroid gland during pregnancy. The lack of iodine can cause cancelled physical growth, severe mental disability and deafness other than can cause miscarriage and birth.
💊 don't you have any side effects to eat this supplement?
✔ This is one of the most 'famous' mistakes among women. Many people remember that taking supplement supplement is excessive, it doesn't harm health and they think it's good.
✔ the truth is, anything that is taken over and does not hold on will harm the health.
✔ Take care! Intake of extra supplements can not be replaced with balanced food. It is just an additional source that is not supposed to be taken as the only source of food that the body needs or is made a replacement.
This is not even 1 % preparation of getting children.... there are many more pregnancy & birth knowledge that mommy needs to know before being called Mom & Dad is great for children. Refer to the book #9 bulan10hari... lots of pregnancy knowledge.. Birth... Confinement & nursing in dlmnya.
Where can I get this folic acid?
- can buy at pharmacy for as low as 1.30 cents depending on the brand.
- if you get it at the health clinic / government hospitals free...
💊 like, share & tag this info so that many parents will be alert about acid acid.
💊 COPYRIGHT@NAZIRA NAZIR ONLY MADE 9 bulan10hari not allowed to copy paste!Translated
iron side effects 在 陳詠燊 Sunnyhahaha Facebook 的最佳解答
電影《Iron Man 2》裡,壞人Justin Hammer的工廠生產了一款威力無窮的子彈,這顆最強力的殺人武器最後被命名為甚麼?Ex-Wife。
若然你也正與一個離過婚的男人談戀愛,請你要接受一個現實──他的前妻, 將會繼續是他人生的一部分,直到永遠。
陳詠燊@Sunnyhahaha (
fan page:
(圖片來源:電影《Side Effects》 圖片文字: 陳詠燊 )
陳詠燊最新作品《不要成為 男人最想離開的那種女人》,各大書店熱賣中。