這晚Paul George能大聲說他終於有Playoff P的樣子,在這無路可退的戰役跳了出來,打出這系列戰目前最佳表現,全場繳出31分3籃板5助攻6顆三分的成績單。
此戰PG13在突破與三分攻勢都很刁鑽,雖然他前兩戰打得不盡理想,但 #得說他的打法是正確的,就是積極衝擊爵士禁區,維持快艇進攻端的侵略性,這方面的施壓真的不可少,唯獨就是外線投不進,還有犯些 #低級的失誤。
🔥而這一場PG13彷彿變了一個人似,外線拔射屢屢命中,也繼續積極衝擊籃框,在進攻端變成爵士很大的麻煩,再搭配Kawhi Leonard適時跳出穩定攻堅的主宰力(34分12籃板5助攻2抄截1阻攻),第三節眼看爵士要掀起反攻時,Kawhi就是單節12分去擋在那,第四節甚至繳出100%命中率,持續單節雙位數得分輸出的貢獻,更別說他整場在防守端的威嚇力,直接讓快艇穩穩駛向勝利。
確實這晚快艇雙鋒有打出雙劍合璧的威力,這一直都是他們自家球迷所期待的,就是PG13打出亂刀流的威力與成效,而Kawhi則做為球隊穩如泰山的支柱!兩人都以50%以上的命中率合轟65分,讓Donovan Mitchell雙拳難敵四手。
💪而Reggie Jackson這系列戰實在猛,延續前面兩戰他這晚依舊是高效輸出,#三分持續火燙到不行,他能打成這樣對快艇來說是很重要的,如果PG13不失常,就等於有三槍的威力。
💪至於Nicolas Batum一直是我覺得快艇本季很好的補強,他也是延續前兩戰把握住三分空檔機會屢屢命中,且Batum是打球很聰明的球員,Lue應該多信任他,這晚與Jackson都有17分進帳,讓快艇打出多點開花的局面。
替補端方面Luke Kennard也有做好他該做的本分,就是把三分投進籃框內,從與獨行俠最後一戰他似乎已經漸漸找回信心,小將Terance Mann則持續努力做好防守與把握大哥們替他創造的機會。
🏀倒是Marcus Morris又似乎陷入低潮,這場雖然中投有把握住,但他這系列戰三場下來三分是16投僅1中,外線手感冰冷到不行,他這點如果能正常一點快艇也會好受很多。
但這場在其他隊友很給力的情況下,快艇終於發揮他們 #例行賽聯盟最準的團隊三分能力,以52.8%命中率投進19顆三分,讓此戰也投出高水準43.2%、19顆三分的爵士還是只能相形失色。
爵士方面Bojan Bogdanovic整個失常消失,Jordan Clarkson下半場也不見,真的只能靠Donovan Mitchell一個人硬撐,搭配Royce O'Neale在外圍的支援與Rudy Gobert和Joe Ingles的零星火力。
🏀Mike Conley不能打對於爵士打擊很大,他上一輪打灰熊有多穩就不需多講,不僅控場控得好,關鍵時刻也可以回擊對手,繳出平均17分8.6助攻、46.7%命中率、54.8%三分命中率與100%罰球命中率高效成績,而爵士少了上述的能量,這落差當然不小。
而Quin Snyder今天大膽讓Georges Niang上來扛更久的時間,結果證明成效真的不是太好.....
爵士下一戰一定要盡力拿下快艇,不然他們有可能越打越有韌性,畢竟前兩戰對手Paul George與Marcus Morris #兩個先發都手感奇糟無比,不能祈禱他們持續糟下去(今天PG13就反彈)。
而Mike Conley能不能回歸也將顯得很重要,除了自身的影響力與經驗外,他可以大幅減低Mitchell的壓力與體力消耗,爵士真的 #得提防像獨行俠一樣被逆襲。
✏️ HBK
同時也有37部Youtube影片,追蹤數超過15萬的網紅pennyccw,也在其Youtube影片中提到,LeBron James has been carrying the Cleveland Cavaliers throughout these playoffs. That was a natural effect of the Kyrie Irving trade. The Cavaliers d...
jordan 12 playoff 在 小人物上籃 Facebook 的最讚貼文
金塊 119 - 107 爵士, 系列賽 3-3
看爵士比賽真的很煩。有全世界最麻煩的進攻模式,必須要在外圍傳來傳去加上 dribble hand off, 目的是要讓對手的防守混亂,然後或許搭配一個切入,collapse the defense. 接下來持球者必須做一個決定: 直接挑戰籃框? 或是傳給側翼。
可是如果一開始是空檔,傳出去後,反而是讓防守端有更多的時間反應,補位去協防。所以接到球的側翼的空檔又變小了。只好再傳。不然就時間差不多了,投高難度 contested 3 pointer.
從數學線性函數去算,爵士或許前三次傳球,獲取的投籃命中率會隨之提升。但是第四次以後則是下降。more or less.
更大的後遺症? 只要 Mitchell 下場就誰都不敢出手。輪流把 shot clock 燒完再看誰拿到球誰投。
當然還有另外一種方式,就是Jordan Clarkson 瘋狂的果斷的拿到球就投。如果他狀況好,就可以幫球隊得很多分。像今天? 5/14 也是正常範圍波動而已。
Conley 有21分但是誰去告訴他這不是季賽? Where's playoff Conley? Joe Ingles 打29分鐘,連一個籃板都沒抓到。爵士今晚籃板30個相對於金塊的43.
可惜了Mitchell 44分。
相對的,面對系列賽1-3落後壓力越戰越勇的Jamal Murray, 打出了史詩級的表現: 今天再度暴衝,50-5-6. 繼G3 12 分以後,接著三場 50, 42, 50 分的表現。就說之前表現那麼差只是因為壓力不夠大。
金塊團隊的防守越來越成熟。Grant 的移動速度和到處都可以守的優勢收到效果;另外今天三分4/7算是低調的功臣。之前覺得 Mike Malone 沒有做出正確的調整使得球隊落後 1-3, 過去兩場反倒是 Coach Q 無限無聊預測度87% 的進攻模式讓爵士直接送掉兩場 series clinching games.
再看下去吧。看看Murray/Mitchell 這新世代球員對決,也看Q和Malone兩個年輕教頭的鬥智。
第三節結束 88:79。金塊領先。
就像 Mr.JAZZ的鹽湖城日常報告 在 comment裏說的,爵士之前一直有用的中路 pick'n'roll在金塊封鎖 Gobert的 roll-in 路線之後,變得效率不佳。第三節是靠著 Donovan Mitchell的個人能力,把分數咬著,目前 9-17 27分。而 G.Harris的幫忙防守,輪轉,的確在防守上有讓金塊更有效的限制爵士其他的人的發揮。
上半場 61:56金塊反超!
第二節前段終於看到了 Mike Malone做出一個有意義的調整,就是讓 Mason Plumblee打了七分鐘。Plumblee在場上的時候明顯的金塊的防守變得機動性更高,爵士球員挑戰禁區不在那麼容易,另一方面金塊進攻速度也可以加快,因為 Plumblee就是會一路衝到籃下要位子,而不是做拖車最後一個到前場。而 Murray今天第二節就開工了目前 9-13 三顆三分球 25分!
另外這一場應該是到目前為止看過最多 broken play 跟 scrambled play的一場球了,一方面代表球員都拚勁十足,但是另一方面也是球員對細節的執行可能專注力有點下降。
第一節 36:30爵士領先。
兩隊命中率都超過六成,就像場邊評論員 Chris Webber說的,他從來沒有期待季後賽的比賽命中率會比季賽還高!一方面兩隊的手感都很好,但是另一方面也是兩隊的防守都如不設防一樣。爵士進攻維持之前一貫的策略,用擋拆孤立 Jokic,利用他腳步較慢這點,在切入禁區逼金塊內縮,再找到外線空擋,要是沒有協防,就在禁區吃掉 Jokic。
爵士要是這場不能關門的話,球隊的氣勢感覺就要倒向金塊這邊了。金塊這場 Gary Harris傷後復出,雖然帳面上能夠有另一個 tough defender跟 play maker應該是對金塊有利,但是復出的第一場就是已經拳拳到肉刀刀見血的季後賽第六場,很難保證在場上能不能跟得上節奏跟強度,然後幫助球隊跟融入攻守的計畫。
但是最令人期待的還是已經漸漸有史詩級對決感覺的 Mitchell v.s. Murray,兩個人都是能切能投能傳的雙能衛。不管誰贏,他們的對決都會是精彩的看點。
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jordan 12 playoff 在 pennyccw Youtube 的最佳解答
LeBron James has been carrying the Cleveland Cavaliers throughout these playoffs. That was a natural effect of the Kyrie Irving trade. The Cavaliers don't have another scorer who can carry the burden, forcing James to dominate just to give his team a chance in the playoffs against superior overall teams. That has led to some mind-boggling statistics, including this one: James has scored 40 or more points in six games this postseason. Those would be Games 2, 5 and 7 of Cleveland's first round series against the Indiana Pacers, Game 2 of their season against the Toronto Raptors, and Games 2 and 4 against the Boston Celtics in the Eastern Conference Finals. Those numbers put him in rarified air in NBA playoff history.
The last person to score 40 points in a game six times in an individual postseason was Allen Iverson, who did so during his legendary 2001 run. The NBA record is eight, which belongs to Jerry West during his playoff run in 1965. Standing between James and West is Michael Jordan, who did it seven times in 1989. Here is the difference between James and those legends, though. He could still play 10 more playoff games. The Cavaliers are tied with the Celtics 2-2, and if that series goes seven games, it would be three more chances for him to add to his total. If he plays a seven-game series in the NBA Finals afterwards, that would be 10 games in total. Since James is scoring 40 points in 40 percent of his games this postseason (six out of 15), that would get to him a ridiculous 10 40-point games in the playoffs if he maintained his averages through Game 7 of the NBA Finals. There is no guarantee that he will play that many games, but it shows that James could very easily set the record this postseason.
The best part of this run, though, comes in a stat that doesn't even seem possible. Despite all of these 40-point games, James has never once in his career topped 50 points in a single playoff game. His career-high is 49 points, which he scored against both the Orlando Magic and Brooklyn Nets earlier in his career. James can score as much as anyone if he has to, but that is not his game. Even though he is potentially the NBA's best scorer, he is also one of its best passers. Just as Phil Jackson once challenged Jordan not to win the scoring title, James knows that in order for his team to win, he is better served not scoring 50 or 60 points. There is a limit at which his scoring stops helping. He knows that he needs to get his teammates involved.
That is what makes James' statistics so impressive most of the time. He can score 40 points in a game while also dishing 10 assists. He does whatever his team needs to win. And now, they are only two wins away from the NBA Finals thanks to him.
jordan 12 playoff 在 pennyccw Youtube 的最佳貼文
Of all the prolific offensive performances
in the opening games of this year's NBA playoffs, Allen Iverson's
was the best.
Not only that, it was one of the greatest in NBA playoff history.
Iverson scored 55 points Sunday night in a brilliant display of
shooting, making 21 of 32 shots while eclipsing his previous
playoff-high of 54 as the Philadelphia 76ers defeated the New Orleans Hornets 98-90.
"That was his best ever, by far,'' Philadelphia coach Larry
Brown said.
Iverson scored 20 in the fourth quarter to help his team hang
onto the lead throughout the final 12 minutes of a closely
contested, physical game.
Iverson joined Michael Jordan, Rick Barry, Charles Barkley, Wilt
Chamberlain and Elgin Baylor as the only players to score 55 or
more in a playoff game. Jordan holds the NBA record of 63.
"When I'm out there on the basketball court in front of 20,000
people, and I'm making shots and they're into it and jumping up and
cheering, that's what I get the goose bumps from,'' Iverson said.
"Because I know when these people leave this arena, that might be
something they'll cherish for the rest of their life.''
The fans weren't the only ones cherishing it.
Iverson's coach and teammates were in awe, as were the Hornets.
"The only player I've ever seen play like that was Michael
Jordan,'' Derrick Coleman said.
"It's right up there with Mike's 63,'' Hornets coach Paul Silas
"It was the single-best performance I've ever been a part of,''
Philadelphia's Keith Van Horn said.
During the first seven games of the postseason Saturday and
earlier Sunday, there was a 46-point performance by Dirk Nowitzki
of Dallas and a 43-point outing by Orlando's Tracy McGrady.
Iverson outdid them by a bunch, hitting nearly everything he
tossed up with the exception of a stretch of five consecutive
misses during the third quarter.
"He must've been watching TV all day, watching all those young
gunners putting up those numbers -- and he had the last game in
prime time,'' the Sixers' Aaron McKie said.
jordan 12 playoff 在 GKJUMPMAN Youtube 的最讚貼文
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・2月25日:Air Jordan 12 Retro Low "Playoff"
・2月:Air Jordan 12 Retro "OVO"
・2月:Air Jordan 3 Retro "Hornets"
・3月10日:Air Jordan XXXI "Black Cat"
・3月11日:Air Jordan 6 Retro "Alternate"
・3月18日:Air Jordan 12 Retro Low "Georgetown"
・3月26日:Air Jordan 4 Retro "Sport Blue"
・3月:Air Jordan 15 "Obsidian"
・4月17日:Air Jordan 11 Retro Low "Barons"
・4月:Air Jordan 13 Retro Low "Navy"
・5月:Air Jordan 1 Retro High OG "Royal"
・5月:Air Jordan 13 Retro Low "Pure"
・5月:Air Jordan 1 High Retro OG "Red Metallic"
・6月:Air Jordan 13 Retro Low "Chutney"
・9月17日:Air Jordan 13 Retro "Flint"
・Air Jordan 6 Retro "Hornets"
・Air Jordan 1 Retro Low Pinnacle "Gold"
・Air Jordan 4 Retro "Pure Money"
・Air Jordan 12 Retro "Cherry"
・Air Jordan 12 Retro "Red Suede"
・Air Jordan 13 Retro "Bred"
・Air Jordan 4 Retro "Black Cement"
Hey what's up everybody? I'm GKJUMPMAN.
This video is about some of the Air Jordan releases in 2017.
Some of the dates are only estimated release dates,
so I hope you watch this video as a reference to the upcoming releases.
Hope you like this video, please enjoy!!!
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