Dear friends, an English summary of the key points I made in the LegCo adjournment debate is set out below:
1.Rebutting the pan democrats’ objections to the government’s fugitive offenders amendment legislation, I pointed out that arising from two criminal cases (the Telford Gardens murder case and the Cheung Tse-keung kidnap case) in which the suspects fled to mainland China after committing the offences, Martin Lee Chu-ming, then a Member of the Legislator, moved a motion in LegCo on 9 December 1998 urging the government to discuss and conclude an agreement with Beijing on rendition arrangements between mainland China and the SAR, so as to restore the public’s confidence in the SAR’s judicial jurisdiction”. The wording is as follows:
“That this Council deeply regrets that, while the cases involving the kidnapping of two business tycoons in the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region (SAR) and the murder of five persons in the
Telford Gardens, which are being handled in the Mainland in accordance with the Criminal Law of the People’s Republic of China, have caused widespread concern among Hong Kong people, the SAR Government has not tried its utmost to seek the return of those who are suspected of violating the law in the SAR by the Basic Law; this Council also urges the SAR Government to expeditiously discuss and conclude an agree-ment with the Central People’s Government, on the basis of internationally agreed principles, on rendition arrangements between the Mainland and the SAR, so as to restore the public’s confidence in the SAR’s judicial jurisdiction.”
2.All the legislators from the Democratic Parry supported this motion. Who made an about-turn in opposing the government’s amendment legislation
to facilitate the rendition of fugitive offenders and mutual legal assistance in criminal matters with mainland China? Who have been lying to the people of Hong Kong?
3.As Secretary for Security, I had, on 3 December 198, reported to LegCo’s Security Panel the government’s plan to conclude an agreement on the rendition of fugitive offenders with mainland China. Then Chief Secretary Anson Chan undertook to expedite action to reach an agreement with the mainland.
4. All decisions about rendition are ultimately made by the courts. Two recent examples: a high court in New Zealand rejected an extradition request from China to extradite an ethnic Korean New Zealand citizen suspected of murdering a sex worker in Shanghai on the ground that the court did not believe that he would have access to “fair trial” in China. A court in Scotland rejected an extradition request from Taiwan to extradite a British national accused of killing a newspaper agent by drink driving on the ground that the court did not believe that he would
have non-discriminatory treatment in prison.
5. The Financial Action Task Force established under the auspices of G20 had described the lack of rendition arrangement and agreement on mutual legal assistance in criminal matters with mainland China as a “significant deficit” in Hong Kong’s fight against money laundering and terrorist financing.
6. On the question of pressure on judges to kowtow to Beijing, why should judges fear pressure? They are appointed by the Chief Executive with approval by the Legislative Council. They are well trained; well paid and have security of tenure. They are only accountable for the judgments they made which would go down in the common law as part of the
jurisprudence on extradition. They are not accountable to Beijing.
7. On the need to formally “withdraw” the fugitive offenders bill, I pointet out that then Chief Executive Tung Chee-hua used wording similar to that of the current administration in announcing the postponement of the second reading debate of the national security bill on 7 July 2003. On 2 October 2003, then Secretary for Security Ambrose Lee wrote to House Committee Chairperson Selina Chow to explain that to give effect to Mr.Tung’s announcement of “withdrawal” of the bill on 5 September, he would not give notice under LegCo Rules of Procedure to resume second reading debate of the bill within the current term of the Legislative Council.
8. Thus it is clear that the current administration followed the same wording and procedure as in 2003. Clear indication that second reading debate
would not be resumed in the rest of the legislative term is effective “withdrawal”. Insistence on withdrawal is merely a ploy adopted by the opposition to dial up pressure on the administration to undermine its ability to govern.
9.The orderly demonstrations carried out recently by large numbers of of Hong Kong people fully testify to the abundance of rights and freedoms in Hong Kong. But I strongly condemn the outbreak of violence after the mass protest on 9 June, the violent attack on the Police on 12 June, the repeated actions taken by unruly protesters to lay siege to the Police Headquarters, the Immigration Tower, the Revenue Tower and the Justice Place. These protesters have become urban “bandits”, disrupting social order and damaging Hong Kong’s overseas reputation as a safe city. The attacks on Police Headquarters, with a view to undermining Police morale, are particularly vicious. These protesters have committed multiple offences and should be brought to justice.
多謝代理主席女士,我發言是支持張華峰議員的議案,我完全同意張議員議案指出,政府現時當務之急是盡快恢復社會秩序,穩定營商環境,採取及時的應對措施 ,令市民可以恢復正常的生活。我亦很高興藉這個休會辯論的機會,向市民講真話,講清講楚,告訴市民那些人一直講大話,瞞騙市民!可惜尹兆堅議員不在席,我想告訴所有的泛民議員,究竟誰是第一人敦促特區政府與內地商討移交逃犯協議,以及刑事司法互助安排呢?正是李柱銘議員!
1998年香港出現了兩宗轟動社會的刑事案件,第一宗是德福花園的「五屍命案」,風水師李育輝殺了五名女士後逃到內地,被逮捕及處決;第二宗是「張子強案」,張子強涉嫌綁架和囤積軍火,同樣逃到內地,然後被逮捕及處決。當時立法會非常震驚,要求特區政府盡快與內地商討刑事司法互助安排,例如1998年12月3 日,我擔任保安局局長,向立法會保安事務委員會交代,要與內地訂明有關安排,並與今日的特區政府一樣,承諾所有安排必須符合「雙重犯罪」原則、指定罪行、不得再移交第三國家的保障、死刑及政治罪行或受政治迫害一律豁免移交的保障,就此,根據保安事務委員會會議文件編號CB(2)748/98-99(02) 第十段有清楚說明:「鑑於公眾對近日張子強和李育輝等案件的關注,亦正如政務司司長所承諾,政府會盡力加快工作,以期早日與內地就此重要事項達成協議。」當時政務司司長就是陳方安生女士。
接下來,李柱銘先生亦在1998年12月9 日動議議案。李議員動議的議案內容如下:「由於兩名富商在香港特別行政區(“特 區”)被綁架案及德福花園五屍命案均在內地法院以《中華人民共和國刑法》審理,引起港人極大關注,但特區政府卻未盡全力爭取將在特區境內涉嫌違法的人士,交還特區法院審理,以捍衛《基本法 》賦予特區的司法管轄權,對此,本會深表遺憾;同時,本會促請特區政府以國際社會公認的原則為基礎,盡快就中港兩地移交疑犯的安排與中央人民政 府進行商討及達成協議,恢復港人對特區司法管轄權的信心。」
亦看看國際社會怎麼說,Financial Action Task Force, 即G20集團轄下的「財務行動特別組織」,素來批評香港與內地沒有移交逃犯協議和刑事司法互助安排。過往,他們直指這是一個significant deficit ,即一個「重大缺憾」。近來,可能因為要和應香港反對修例的聲音,則改為 legal shortcoming,即一個「法律上的缺憾」。不過,我們仍然需要完善這些法律,所以政府不撤回是正確的。那些要求行政會議成員辭職的人,全部皆作出不公平的指責。這條例本身完全沒有錯,但大家都同意,政府在宣傳和解釋這條條例方面,乃至為市民反駁種種謊言的工作,做得嚴重不足。
說到撤回,我們看看當年政府處理23條的時候所用的語言。2003年7月7日,時任行政長官董建華先生發表聲明:「我即時召開行政會議特別會議。經過詳細商討後,基於自由黨的立場,我們決定將條例草案押後恢復二讀,並在未來一段時間加強向市民解釋修訂案內容。」其實這個方針與現時政府無異,一樣是將其押後並且加強解釋,並沒有表示撤回。再看看我的接任人李少光局長向內務委員會主席周梁淑怡女士致函的內容,信函的日期是2003年10月2日,李局長寫道:「為在程序上落實前文所提及,行政長官會同行政會議的決定,我現確認我不擬根據《議事規則》第 54(5)條發出預告,以在本屆立法會任期內恢復該草案的二讀辯論。草案因此會根據《議事規則》第 11(4)條及《立法會條例》(第 542 章)第 9(4)條,在本屆立法會任期完結時失效。」即是和現在特區政府的說法一樣,繼續開放式的諮詢去解釋這條條例,沒有時間表,不發出預告恢復二讀,任由這條例「自然死亡」,實質上等同不會再推動修例,等同撤回。
當然,我要強烈譴責近日這些示威人士衝擊警察總部。過去兩星期有大部分市民和平遊行,充分彰顯香港擁有高度自由,以及人權得到高度保障,這是我們香港人皆引以為榮的核心價值。不過,在這些和平的示威遊行之後,有些不法之徒聚眾衝擊政府部門,特別是衝擊警隊,他們的用心非常惡毒!他們知道警隊是維護香港治安和秩序最重要的支柱,他們就故意不斷打擊警隊的士氣,甚至侵犯他們的私隱,包括網上「起底」和 網上欺凌。昨晚市民在愛丁堡廣場和平集會後,有眾多穿黑衣的人士走入地鐵站,他們最後走到軍器廠街再次包圍警察總部。我見到一名正在上班的警員,他沒有戴口罩,光明正大地上班,但竟然被人追打!不過,他無畏無懼,直視這些示威者。其實這些人已經觸犯多項刑事罪行,包括襲警、非法集會、刑事毀壞,警方應該將他們繩之於法,不可以因為你「聲大」你「人多」就可以獲得特赦。
代理主席,就此我感到特別震驚,為何一位前政務司司長能夠說出特赦及釋放違法人士,此等嚴重衝擊法治的言論呢?我們一位前同事余黎青萍女士,她以英語寫了一篇非常感人的聲明,在我們前政務官的圈子裏流傳。她表示 disappointed by 這位前同事陳方安生的所作所為!我亦 disappointed by 民主黨的變臉與謊言!李柱銘到美國告狀,有否告知美國人,他是第一人支持與內地簽訂移交逃犯協議,和達至司法互助?這些真相應該告知市民。
judges summary 在 K.S. Khunkhao Facebook 的最佳貼文
สรุปได้ดีมากๆเลยครับ ประทับใจ
## สรุป จิตวิทยาการขาย ##
Speaker : MasterPop Feat. K.S. Khunkhao
ทุ่นเวลาคุณได้ : 1 ชั่วโมง 30 นาที 30 วินาที
1. อาชีพนักขาย คือ อาชีพของทุกคน -- ขายสินค้า , ขายความรู้ , ขายความสุข , ขายบริการ
2. ถ้าเราเหมือนคนอื่น เราจะยืนอยู่ในจุด ที่ไม่มีใครมองเห็น แต่ถ้าเราทำอะไรที่โดดเด่น จะมีคนมองเห็น ในจุดที่เรายืน
3. Sell มาจากภาษาเยอรมัน Sellan แปลว่า "ให้" ดังนั้น "การขาย = การให้"
4. ตัวอย่างการขาย คลิป Bangkok 1st Time ทำคลิปตลกให้ดูก่อน แล้วขายหนังสือทีหลัง , เจ๊น้ำ ให้ความสุขก่อน แล้วขายของทีหลัง , แดน ล็อก ยูทูปเบอร์ ให้ความรู้ก่อน แล้วขายโปรดักซ์ทีหลัง
5. ทุกการขาย คือ การให้ 3 อย่าง -- 1.ให้ความรู้ 2.ให้ความสุข 3.ให้แรงบันดาลใจ
6. ความสามารถและศิลปะในการให้ จะกำหนดเงินที่หลั่งไหลมาหาคุณ
7. การให้ คือ ศิลปะ -- 1.ไม่ให้เขารำคาญ 2.ไม่ให้เสียเวลา 3.ไม่ให้เสียความรู้สึก
8. เจ เอฟ เค กล่าวว่า "อย่าถามว่าประเทศชาติให้อะไรแก่ท่าน แต่จงถามว่า ท่านให้อะไรแก่ประเทศชาติบ้าง"
9. การขายก็เช่นกัน "อย่าถามว่าลูกค้าจะซื้ออะไรกับเราได้บ้าง ให้ถามว่า เราจะให้อะไรกับลูกค้าได้บ้าง"
10. Deserve แปลว่า การได้รับ , สมควรได้รับ , คู่ควร -- มีรากศัพท์มาจาก Serve แปลว่า รับใช้ , อรหันต์ แปลว่า คนที่คู่ควร , Samurai แปลว่า ผู้รับใช้
11. วิธีหาความสุขในชีวิตง่าย ๆ ให้ดูว่า สิ่งที่อยู่รอบตัวเรา เกิดมาเพื่อให้บริการอะไรกับเราอยู่ เช่น เก้าอี้ เกิดมาเพื่อให้เรามีที่นั่งนุ่ม ๆ เมื่อเรามีความสุข สิ่งนั้นก็สมควรได้รับการขอบคุณ -- ดังนั้น การบริการลูกค้าก็เช่นกัน เราก็คู่ควรกับคำว่า "ขอบคุณ"
12. ตอนเช็คบิล ถ้าพนักงานเสิร์ฟให้ลูกอมมิ้นต์ 2 อันพร้อมกัน ลูกค้าจะรู้สึกเฉย ๆ แต่ถ้าให้ลูกอมมิ้นต์ 1 อันก่อน แล้วค่อยเอามาให้อีกอัน เพราะคุณเป็นลูกค้าคนพิเศษ (อย่างหลังจะได้ใจมากกว่า เพราะรู้สึกเป็นคนสำคัญ) -- นี่คือ "ศิลปะการให้"
13. จากงานวิจัยพบว่า โรงแรมสามดาว ทำยังไงถึงจะเพิ่มยอดขาย ให้เหมือนโรงแรมห้าดาวได้ -- 1.หมอนนุ่ม 2. เตียงสบาย 3. น้ำแรง 4. Wifi ไฮสปีด 5. เช็คอินหนึ่งนาที 6. มีแอมบาสเดอร์แนะนำแหล่งท่องเที่ยว -- กลยุทธ์นี้ทำให้ลูกค้ากลับมาพักซ้ำมากกว่า 90% และได้รับการขนานนามใหม่ว่า นี่ไม่ใช่โรงแรม แต่นี่คือ "ศาสนาแห่งการท่องเที่ยว"
14. คนซื้อของด้วยอารมณ์ แล้วหาเหตุผลมา สนับสนุนทีหลัง
15. เทคนิค 4P's ของการขาย
1. Promise สัญญาจะให้อะไรกับเขา
2. Picture ทำให้เขาเห็นภาพตามเรา
3. Proof มีเครดิตอ้างอิงเชื่อถือได้
4. Product สินค้าคุ้มค่าเกินราคา
16. จากงานวิจัยพบว่า ก่อนพักเที่ยง ผู้พิพากษา ที่หิวข้าว จะตัดสินให้คนเข้าคุก มากกว่า หลังพักเที่ยง เนื่องจากทานข้าวอิ่ม และอารมณ์ดีขึ้นแล้ว
17. คำถาม ลูกค้ามีบัตรเครดิต 11 ใบ คุณจะขายใบที่ 12 ให้ลูกค้าได้ยังไง -- เราต้องให้คุณภาพที่คนอื่น ให้แทนเราไม่ได้ ลูกค้าถึงซื้อกับเรา
18. ถ้าทุกคนในห้องนั่งและตะโกน ให้คุณยืนขึ้นและโบกมือ คุณจะโดดเด่นกว่าคนอื่นทันที >> นี่คือ "ความแตกต่าง"
19. ภาพทรงพลังที่สุด คือ ภาพในจินตนาการ -- สตีฟ จ๊อบส์ ใช้เทคนิคภาพจินตนาการ ตอนชวน จอห์น สกัลลีย์ ซีอีโอเป๊ปซี่ มานั่งแท่นบริหารแอปเปิ้ล ด้วยประโยคที่ว่า "คุณอยากจะขายน้ำหวานไปตลอดชีวิต หรืออยากจะมาเปลี่ยนโลกไปกับผม"
20. โปรดักซ์ที่ดี = Quality มากกว่า Quantity -- ของดีจริง ไม่ต้องขายบ่อย
21. สูตรการขาย "ให้ 80 : ขาย 20" คือ ให้หมดเนื้อหมดตัว แล้วขอแค่ ช่วยซื้อผ้าห่ม คลุมตัวหน่อยก็ยังดี
22. จิม โรห์น กล่าวว่า "ไม่ใช่ลมกำหนดทิศทางชีวิตเรา แต่เป็นเรา ที่กำหนดทิศทางของใบเรือ"
23. ขุนเขาทำนาย 6,000 ปี ต่อจากนี้ "ทุกวิกฤติ มีโอกาส" เพราะ 6,000 ปีที่ผ่านมา ก็เป็นแบบนั้น
24. เคล็ดลับความรวย โรเบิร์ต คิโยซากิ -- "คุณต้องเห็นว่า อะไรมันกำลังขึ้น ทั้งที่ทุกอย่างมันกำลังลง"
25. จากกรณี อีลอน มัสก์ ไลฟ์สดสูบกัญชา แล้วหุ้นตก คนทั่วไปฟังแล้วยี้ ดูช่องอื่นดีกว่า -- แต่นักลงทุนฟังแล้ว ตบเข่าฉาด! รีบซื้อหุ้นเทสล่าดีกว่า เพราะไม่บ่อยครั้ง ที่หุ้นเทสล่าจะตก
26. อนาคต Skill ที่ Ai แทนที่ไม่ได้คือ Speaking , Communication , Coaching เพราะมันคือ Soft Skill ด้านอารมณ์และจิตใจ
27. การขาย = คลายทุกข์ (เพราะทุกอย่างที่คนซื้อ ซื้อเพื่อคลายทุกข์)
28. ความสำเร็จนอกบ้านใด ๆ ก็ไม่อาจทดแทนความล้มเหลวในบ้านได้
29. FB ลดการมองเห็นเพจ เพิ่มการมองเห็น Profile (ลดเฉพาะประเทศไทย เพราะพวกเราขายมากเกินไป) ดังนั้น แทนที่จะขายในเพจอย่างเดียว ให้เราเพิ่มการให้คุณค่าใน Profile ส่วนตัวกับเพื่อนด้วย
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## summary of Sales Psychology ##
Speaker : MasterPop Feat. K.S. Khunkhao
Buoy Time: 1 Hours 30 minutes 30 seconds
1. Sales career is everyone's career -- selling products, selling knowledge, selling happiness, selling service.
2. If we are like others, we will stand where no one can see. But if we do something outstanding, someone will see where we stand.
3. Sell is from German. Sellan means " give " so " Sales = giving "
4. Examples of selling clip Bangkok 1st time. Make funny clips to watch first and sell books later, sister nam gives happiness first, then sell stuff later, danlock youtube number to educate first and sell my favorite cuddle July Later.
5. EVERY SALE IS GIVING 3 things -- 1. Educate 2. to give happiness 3. to inspire.
6. The ability and art of giving will determine the money that flows to you.
7. Giving is art -- 1. Not to bother him. Haha. Not to waste time. Haha. Not to lose your feelings.
8. JFK says, " do not ask what the nation has given you, but ask what you have given to the nation
9. Sales are the same. "don't ask what customers can buy with us. Ask what we can give to customers"
10. Desert means receiving, worthy, worthy -- there is a root from serve. It means serving, orn means worthy, Samurai means servant.
11. Simple ways to find happiness in life. See what is around us are born to serve us. Such as chairs are born to give us soft seats. When we are happy, it deserves to be thankful -- so Customer service too. We deserve the word " thank you
12. When I check the bill, if the waitress gives 2 Mint Candy at the same time, the customer will feel indifferent. BUT IF YOU GIVE 1 Mint Candy First, then bring it to another one because you are a customer. Special person (like the back will have more heart because I feel important) -- this is "Art of giving"
13. According to research, how to three star hotels can increase sales like a five Star Hotel -- 1. Soft Pillows, 2. Comfortable bed, 3. Strong water, 4. High Speed 5. One minute check-in 6. Ambassadors recommended attractions -- this strategy brings more than 90 % of customers recurring and is re-called. This is not a hotel, but this is " religion of tourism --
14. People buy stuff with emotions and find a reason to support later.
15. 4 P's technique of sales
1. Promise. What will I give him?
2. Picture makes him see the picture according to us.
3. Proof. Reliable reference credit.
4. Product. The product is worth the price.
16. According to research, it has found that before lunch break, hungry judges will sentenced more people to jail than after lunch break due to having a full and better mood.
17. Questions. Customers Have 11 credit cards. How can you sell the 12nd one to customers -- we need to provide the quality that others can't replace us. That's why customers buy with us.
18. If everyone in the sitting room shouts for you to stand up and wave, you will stand out more than others. >> this is "the difference"
The 19. Most powerful photos are imaginary photos -- Steve jobs uses imaginary technique when inviting John Skulley CEO Pepsi to take the apple management with the sentence " you want to sell water. Sweet for the rest of your life or do you want to change the world with me "
20. Fav cuddle good x = quality more than quality -- good stuff. No need to sell often.
21. Formulas to sell "give 80: sell for 20" well, I will be sold out of meat. Just buy a blanket and cover myself.
22. Jim Rhone said, " not the wind determines our life's direction, but we who set the direction of the sails
23. The mountain predicts 6,000 years from now, "every crisis has a chance" because the last 6,000 years ago.
24. Tips for richness Robert Kiyozaki -- "you have to see what's going up even when everything is going down"
25. from the case of elon cuddle skunk. Smoke weed and stocks fall. People listen to it and watch other channels -- but investors will slap their knees! Hurry up to buy Tesla stocks because it's not often tesla stocks fall.
26. Future skill that ai can't replace is speaking, communication, coaching because it's soft skill emotionally and mental.
27. Sales = relieve suffering (because of everything people buy to relieve suffering)
28. Success outside of any home cannot replace failure in the house.
29. FB REDUCES PAGE VISIBILITY, increase profile visibility (reduce only Thailand because we sell too much). So instead of selling on one page, let us add value in personal profile with friends.
30. The more friends with customers, the customer will buy cuddle port you -- because you are not God.
31. Study is endless. If you want to go to the end, study with the most teachers in the industry.
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[What Does Religions Say About Alcohol]
Alcohol is a type of drink with alcoholic substance that is able to make an individual drunk. Even if it can only affect the individual in a large quantity, drinking it in a lesser quantity is still considered as alcohol as it has the criteria of an alcoholic beverage.
The history of alcohol invention is lengthy, referring to an article by National Geographic: The Birth of Booze, proofs that earliest trace of alcohol was found at Jiahu, China. Among the ingredients used to make an alcoholic beverage are corn, barley, rice, wheat flour, grapes, sugarcane and many more.
Religion and Alcohol
Religion came to guide human being with the laws by the Creator (Allah) in order that human being will not cause destruction to this world. Alcohol is the mother of immoral behavior, the mind of a drunken individual will not function rationally and his action will be beyond his control. In fact, the majority of religions forbid the consumption of alcohol. Previously, Islam in the only religion that famously known for its prohibition of alcohol, however it is to note that other religion also prohibits it:
In Islam, the number of verses concerning the prohibition of alcohol are lesser than other religions such as in the Bible and Hindu scriptures. Even so, as Muslim means someone whom submits to the command of Allah hence the amount of verses is not the main focus instead it is the command in the scripture that takes into account. That is the reason why Muslims are more sensitive when it comes to alcohol. Below are verses in the Holy Quran that mentions the prohibition of alcohol.
a) Al-Ma’idah 5:90,
b) Al-Baqarah 2:219,
c) An-Nahl 16:97
Verses that prohibits the consumption of alcohol:
a) Rigveda book 8 hymn 2 verse 12,
b) Rigveda book 8 hymn 21 verse 14,
c) Athravaveda 6: 70: 1,
d) Manusmriti Scripture 7: 47-50,
e) Manusmriti: 11: 55,
f) Manusmriti 11: 91.
g) In the Manusmriti Scripture 9:225, the selling of alcohol is also forbidden.
In Hinduism, Soma and Sura drink are differentiated. Soma is a fermented juice drink used in religion ritual (Vedic Times) and it is said to be an alcoholic beverage that is mentioned numerous times in Veda (Rig Veda 1:116:7, 8:2:12, 10:131:4-5) however, the ingredient for this beverage is already extinct and cannot be made today. There are opinions that it is made from milk or a climbing plant which thrives in mountain areas. (Mark Cartwright: Ancient History Encyclopedia: Soma: 2016).
While Sura is a form of liquor, same as other kinds of alcoholic beverage available in this era. According to Madhavi Bhaskar Kokhatkar in his journal “Review: Surā, The Liquor and The Vedic Sacrifice”, it stated that Sura or this liquor is forbidden in Hinduism.
Even though Veda allows the consumption of Soma, at the same time it forbids the consumption of alcoholic beverage (Sura):
“Weak minds are attracted towards meat, alcohol, sensuality and womanizing. But O non-violent mind, you focus your mind towards the world in same manner as a mother cares for her child.” (Athravaveda: 6: 70: 1)
One becomes sinful if he or she crosses even one of the 7 restraints. Yaskacharya defines these 7 sins in his Nirukta as: Theft, Adultery, Murder of a noble person, Abortion, Dishonesty, Repeating misdeeds and consumption of alcohol. (Rigveda 10:5:6)
This shows that drinking alcoholic beverage is forbidden and there are many verses in the Manusmriti scripture that prohibit the consumption of Sura.
“Killing a Brahmana, drinking (the spirituous liquor called) Sura, stealing (the gold of a Brahmana), adultery with a Guru's wife, and associating with such (fenders), they declare (to be) mortal sins (mahapataka).” (Manusmriti: 11: 55)
“A twice-born man who has (intentionally) drunk, through delusion of mind, (the spirituous liquor called) Sura shall drink that liquor boiling hot; when his body has been completely scalded by that, he is freed from his guilt.” (Manusmriti 11: 91)
In fact, on early April 2016 it did not become an issue when the Chief Minister of Bihar state, Nitish Kumar prohibits alcohol in the state with the majority is Hindu.
According to Buddha teachings of Pencasila (Five Precepts), the last precepts states that one must avoid intoxicating beverage. In the Pali language “Suramerayamajja pamadatthana veramani sikkhapadam samadiyami” translated as abstaining oneself from drinking intoxicating beverage.
Even a Buddhist Monk by the name of Master Hsing Yun in his book, The Five Precepts states it is still forbidden to consume even a little of alcohol. Same goes to other Buddhist monk and scholars:
“The Vibhanga states that even as little as a drop the size of a dewdrop on the tip of a balde of grass is enough to constitute a violation. So, having even small glass of wine, even if it does not make one drunk, is a transgression.” (Veberable Fa Xun: One Life Five Precepts: 2011: page 73)
“It it known that intoxicants even in small amounts can make one less sensitive, heedless and easily swayed by the defilements. As one starts to enjoy getting high on intoxicants, the effect becomes addictive and usage increases.” (Chan Khoon San, Introductory Course in Buddhism: 2002 page 89)
In the Old Testament, there are many verses on the prohibition of alcohol:
a) Leviticus 10:9,
b) Numbers 6:3,
c) Deuteronomy 29:6,
d) Judges 13: 4,
e) Judges 14: 1,
f) Samuel 1: 15,
h) Proverbs 20: 1, 31: 4-6,
g) Isaiah 5: 11, 22: 24: 9, 28: 9,
h) Micah 2: 11
Prohibition of alcohol is as stated in the Old Testament while in the New Testament Luke 1:15 and Ephesians 5: 18.
In Sikhism scripture, Guru Granth Sahib Ji compilation of Guru Gobing Singh, there is prohibition of alcohol consumption:
“Drinking the wine, his intelligence departs, and madness enters his mind.” (Sri Guru Granth Sahib: Page 554)
In Sikhism, there are 5 basic prohibitions;
1) Cutting ones hair
2) Bad behavior
3) Smoking
4) Eating meat killed in a ritualistic manner
5) Alcohol consumption
Alcohol in Religious Practices
Alcohol is used in religious practices of some Animism religion and spirit worshipers. This is also the same for some of the biggest cult in Africa and the African American community such as Candomble, Kumina, Voodoo, Umbanda, Quimbanda, Santeria and many others.
Besides that, alcohol is also used as part of religious ritual in some Christian’s teachings. For example Black Christ uses alcohol due to the syncretism people practice (animism) adding on with the teachings of Christianity by Christian missionaries so that there is alcohol in religion.
Apart from that, the consumption of alcohol in Christianity is due to misinterpretation of the texts from the Bible. Even though there are prohibitions in the Bible, the justification given is that alcohol can be consumed as long as one refrains from getting drunk. There is also commentary that the verses were revealed in the ancient times and the situation is not the same as today.
Besides that, another interpretation is the prohibition is specifically for the Jews hence the Gentiles is allowed to consume alcohol. There are even more misinterpretations made towards the verses.
That is one of the main factors resulting in the corruption of religion. Syncretism from other beliefs mixed with religious practices between one religion and another, also the misinterpretation of liberals that deviate from the original text.
The majority of religion prohibits alcohol. Even logically, human beings will refuse the harming effects of alcohol consumption. If the benefits and detrimental effects of alcohol were to be compared, indefinitely the detrimental effects are greater. In fact, due to alcohol consumption an individual can easily engaged in crime as the mind is in an unstable condition. Due to the same reason also, there are laws made worldwide on driving under the influence of alcohol. A human being with a sane mind will surely refrain from alcohol consumption, specifically because it is the command of Allah and also because of the harmful effects. A story taken from the Buddhist Monk, Master Hsing Yun in his book The Five Precepts:
“There once was a man who wanted to “just have a little drink,” but he did not have a dish of food to go with it. Seeing that his next-door neighbour was raising an old hen that was cackling away, he stole the hen and killed it to make a dish to eat while he drank his liquor. Thus he had broken the precepts against killing and stealing in one fell swoop. When the lady of the house next door came home and asked about her hen, the man told her that he had not seen it, thereby breaking the precept against lying. By now the man was a bit drunk, and seeing how beautiful the woman was, he started flirting with her and touching her in an indecent manner. Consequently, he also broke the precept against sexual misconduct. It was because of consuming intoxicants that all five precepts were broken in one stroke.”
Just a little drink drove a human being into violating the laws and tenets, hence alcohol can be describe as mother of all evil. As stated in a Hadith الخمر أم الخبائث “Alcohol is the mother of all evil” (Silasat al-Hadith as-Sahiha no:1854).
Allah knows best.
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